Transversity Collaboration Meeting

(Dec.11, 2007 at JLab L224/225)

 9:00-9:15    Accelerator and Hall A schedule. -- Kees de Jager

 9:15-9:30    Left HRS detector performance and aerogel detector test. -- Youcai Wang (.pdf)

 9:30-9:40    RICH update.-- Evaristo Cisbani (.pdf)

 9:40-10:00    Shower and preshower detectors , trigger and DAQ. -- Kalyan Allada (.pdf)

 10:00-10:20    chamber1+chamber3 repaired.-- Brad Sawatzky (.pdf)

 10:20-10:30    BigBite chamber1+chamber2 test.-- Xin Qian (.pdf)

 10:30-10:40     --Coffee break--

 10:40-11:00    BigBite electron package final frame design.-- Macon Hodges
             schedule for frame modification. -- Doug Higinbotham

 11:00-11:20    Gas Cherenkov hardware, and preparations for moving BigBite e-package into hall

 11:20-11:40    Major detector/DAQ hardware issues. FASTBUS power supply, wire chamber electronics, etc.-- Doug Higinbotham

 11:40-12:00    Progress on software -- Ole Hansen (.pdf)

 12:00-12:30    A plan of BigBite detector beam test in early May. -- Xiaodong Jiang

 12:30-14:00    -- Lunch break --

 14:00-14:30    Polarized target design progress and target design discussions. -- Alan Gavalya/Jian-ping Chen

 14:30-14:45    BigBite hardware design and discussions/Major items left and specifications-- Al Gavalya/Doug Higinbotham

 14:45-15:05    Target lab progress -- Chiranjib Dutta (.ppt)

 15:05-15:25    Systematic control, target spin-flip. -- Yi Qiang (.pdf)

 15:25-15:35    --Coffee break--

 15:35-16:30    Discussion on work-schedule/manpower/responsibilities

 16:30-17:00   Other issues of interests.

 17:00    Adjourn