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Transversity Collaboration Meeting

(July 21, 2008 at JLab L224/225)

 9:00-9:15    JLab/Hall-A beam schedule update. -- Kees de Jager

 9:15-9:45    Installation schedule, Discusions: coordination of user activies in the hall. -- Ed Folts

 9:45-10:05    Major BigBite hardware items. -- Doug Higinbotham

 10:05-10:35    BigBite design items and polarized target design -- Al Gavalya

 10:35-10:45    -- coffee break---

 10:45-11:05    Polarized target installation. -- Jian-ping Chen (.ppt)

 11:05-11:35    Experiment Readiness -- Xiaodong Jiang (.txt)
           i. Subsystem responsbilities.
           ii. Pre-beam checklist.
           iii. Commissioning run plan.
           iv. A list of run coordinators.

 11:35-12:05    Trigger, DAQ and scalers. -- Kalyan Allada (.pdf)

 12:05-12:30    Online software. -- Ole Hansen(.pdf)

 12:30-13:30    -- Lunch break --

 13:30-13:50   RICH installation. -- Evaristo Cisbani

 13:50-14:10    A1 installation. -- Bogdan Wojtsekhowski

 14:10-14:30    S2M status and coincidence time of flight. -- Vincent Sulkosky (.pdf)

 14:30-15:00    Discussions: HRS detector readiness and a work plan 15:00-15:20    BigBite wire chambers. -- Xin Qian (.pdf)

 15:20-15:30    --Coffee break--

 15:30-15:50    BigBite gas Cherenkov/Magnetic Field effect on 5'' PMT. -- Brad Sawatzky/David Flay(.pdf)

 15:50-16:10    Target spin-fip -- Jin Huang (.pdf)

 16:10-16:30    Target lab progress -- Yi Qiang (.pdf)

 16:30-16:50    Happex lumi-monitors, beam charge feedback and integration into transversity DAQ. -- Todd Averett/Dustin McNulty

 16:50-17:30    Discussions: Are we ready to take beam in 10 weeks ?
           i. Documentations, wiki web-page.
           ii. Shift sign-up, shift worker training and online instructions.
           iii. Manpower/responsibility and collaboration issues.

 17:30    -- adjourn --