Polarized He3 and Transversity Collaboration Meeting

(Oct. 21-22, 2005 at JLab)

Referring to   Polarized He3 meeting minutes  (passwd required).

Oct. 21 Morning (ARC room 333)

  9:00    Welcome -- Jian-Ping Chen

  9:10    Transversity physics update  -- Jen-Chieh Peng (.ppt)

  9:30    Transversity requirements  -- Xiaodong Jiang (.ps)

  9:50    (e,e'd) update and requirements  -- Doug Higinbotham

10:10    A_y update and requirements -- Todd Averett (.ps)

10:30    Break

10:50    Background/GEANT simulation -- Xin Qian (.pdf)

11:10    Transversity target progress -- Huan Yao (.ppt)

11:30   HRS/PID -- Lingyan Zhu (.ps)

11:50    Discussion on proposal resubmission

12:10    Lunch

Oct.  21 Afternoon (ARC room 333)

 1:30    GDH He3 paper -- Karl Slifer

 1:50    GDH long paper  -- Ron Gilman

 2:10    BigBite consideration -- Doug Higinbotham

 2:25    BigBite PID (Cherenkov?) -- Xiaodong Jiang (.ps)

 2:40    HRS heavy gas Cherenkov -- Robert Feuerbach  (.ppt)

 2:55    Design discusssion -- Alan Gavalya and all

 3:30    Break

 3:50    W&M target progress  -- Todd Averett (.ps)
 4:10    JLab target and Gen status -- Aiden Kelleher (.pdf) /Ameya Kolarkar (.pdf)
 4:40    UVa target progress -- Jaideep Singh (.ps)
 5:00    Kentucky target progress -- Wolfgang Korsch (.pdf)
 5:20    Discussion on target
 5:40    Conference, next meeting, other issues?
 6:00    Meeting Adjourn
Oct. 22 (ARC room 333)
  9:30    Progress on spin-duality analysis -- P. Solvignon
10:10    Discussion
10:20    SAGDH analysis progress  -- J. Singh
10:40    SAGDH analysis progress -- V. Sulkosky
11:10    break
11:30    SAGDH analysis progress -- T. Holmstrom
11:45    GEANT simulation  -- A. Beck
12:00    VDC analysis progress  -- Wolfgang for Seema

12:10    Briefing on PID analysis progress
12:20    1st period optics -- N. Liyanage
12:40    Discussion

13:00    End of the collaboration meeting