Update 11/2/11: Forward and reverse transfer function for the right arm in the x>2 configuration with Q3 at 87.72289% of nominal. For the reverse functions CLICK HERE. For the forward functions CLICK HERE.

Update 6/30/11: Forward and reverse transfer function for the right arm in the g2p configuration with the target field off (i.e. Btarget=0). For the reverse functions CLICK HERE. For the forward functions CLICK HERE.

Update 3/22/11: Forward and reverse transfer function for the mistuned Right arm in PVDIS (Q1 1.1613% high) are now available. For the reverse functions CLICK HERE. For the forward functions CLICK HERE.

Update 11/1/10: Forward and reverse transfer function for the mistuned left arm configuration (Q2 and Q3 both 8.5% low) are now available. For reverse functions CLICK HERE. For the forward functions CLICK HERE.

Update 4/22/09: Forward Transfer functions for the right hrs at 5 degrees using the PREX room temperature septum are now available, but with optics optimized for the PREX detector, (x|θ)=(y|φ)=0 60 cm downstream of the 1st VDC, i.e. point to point in both planes. CLICK HERE to get them.

Update 3/11/09: Forward and Reverse Transfer functions for the right hrs with Q1 and Q2 moved forward pair-wise 80 cm are now available. CLICK HERE to get the forward functions. CLICK HERE to get the reverse functions.

Update 11/17/2008: Forward Transfer functions for the right HRS at 5 degrees using the PREX room temperature septum are now available. CLICK HERE to get them.

Update 10/19/2006: Reverse transfer functions the right Hrs with septum at 9 degrees are now available. Reverse function usage is described below.

CLICK HERE: for reverse functions for the right spectrometer at 9 degrees

Update 5/2/05: Forward transfer functions for the right Hrs with septum at 9 degrees are now available.

CLICK HERE: for forward functions for the right spectrometer at 9 degrees

Update 4/4/04: Transfer functions are now available (forward and reverse) for the left septum+hrs at 6 degrees. Reverse function usage is described below. R-functions are also available (see below).

CLICK HERE: for forward functions for the left spectrometer at 6 degrees

CLICK HERE: for reverse functions for the left spectrometer at 6 degrees



Update 10/29/03: Transfer functions are now available (forward and reverse) for the right septum+hrs at 6 degrees. Reverse function usage is described below. R-functions are also available (see below).

CLICK HERE: for forward functions for the right spectrometer at 6 degrees

CLICK HERE: for reverse functions for the right spectrometer at 6 degrees



Update 4/26/02: I have corrected the SNAKE description of the dipole entrance and exit fringe fields to give a more correct 1st order transverse matrix. The dispersive matrix, which was good already, is essentially unchanged. Transverse trajectory distributions at the VDC's should look much more like the real thing and acceptance effects from the dipole exit aperture should be improved. New functions reflecting the change can be found at:

CLICK HERE: for forward functions both left and right (the same _e_ and _h_ naming convention is used as before)

CLICK HERE: for Right (formerly Hadron) reverse functions

CLICK HERE: for Left (formerly Electron) reverse functions

Instructions for usage are the same as before (see below)

For r-functions reflecting the new optics model (including Left and Right Septa at 6 degrees) CLICK HERE:



Update 10/12/01: error found in the dipole entrance functions in new_monte_trans.f

The error was such that x at the dipole entrance (returned from x_e_dent or x_h_dent) had the wrong sign. Because of the trapezoidal nature of the aperture at the dipole this makes a small error in the acceptance as determined by the dipole entrance aperture. new_monte_trans.f has been updated.

HRS Transfer Functions: (based on the John LeRose's SNAKE models of the spectrometers as of 7/20/99, updated 10/13/99, updated again 4/11/00)

n.b. Electron Arm reverse functions before 10/13/99 were slightly incorrect. The new ones will agree better with the forward going functions.

4/11/00: Forward functions have been updated to give improved x0 dependence. The old functions can still be found in the file monte_trans.f the new ones are in new_monte_trans.f (see below)

4/11/00: Preliminary forward functions for HRS with septum attached are now also available.

Units: all functions use meters, tangents of angles, and delta expressed as a dimensionless fraction.

Language: fortran

The Forward Going Transfer functions (target toward detectors) can be found in:

See notice above for location of newest and best functions.

~lerose/magnets/SNAKE/MUDIFI/monte-carlo/new_monte_trans.f (formerly monte_trans.f)

For spectrometer with septum attached see:


Their use is explained in the comments with the code. (domega.f in the same subdirectory is an example of how they are used.)

The Apertures:

Q1 exit is a circle of radius 0.1492 m (as measured by Makis)

Q3 entrance and exit are circles of radius 0.300 m

The dipole entrance and exit are trapezoids:

-0.40 m<x<0.40 m (+x is down) (this is a "soft" aperture in that it indicates the approximate end of the good field region but not necessarily any real physical object)

y=+-(0.125*(1-(1.25*x/8.40)) (smallest gap at positive x, x in m)

Remember the functions give you meters.

The Reverse Functions (detector to target) are in the following:

See notice above for location of newest and best functions.

For the electron arm the file is:


For the hadron arm:


Now a few words about reverse function usage.

In each file there are 5 fortran functions:






Calling convention is as follows. x is an array in which x(1->5) are xf, thetaf, yf, phif, and x0 (the detector coordinates in the transport coordinate system and the vertical position of the beam at the target). For TXFIT m=1 for all others m=5.

n.b. For the reverse functions for the right and left hrs (4/26/02 above) there is no x0 dependence. For those reverse functions m=4.


Convert theta to a new orthogonalized theta' as follows:


Put the new theta' into your x array (or x(2)=x(2)-TXFIT(x,1) should work)

Then I think it's self-explanitory:

delta0 = delta(x,5)

theta0= theta(x,5)



Please send comments or questions to John LeRose: lerose@jlab.org

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