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MWDC Threshold Control

Use this procedure to modify the thresholds on the MWDC discriminators.

  • Log into an adaq machine with the adaq account, e.g.
[adaq@adaql1 adaq]$ ssh adaq@adaql1
  • Run the script:
[adaq@adaql1 adaq]$ threshold_mwdc 
USAGE: /adaqfs/home/adaq/brad/camac_control/threshold <options>
  -g|--get|get <name>            Get threshold for <name>
  -s|--set|set <name> <value>    Set threshold for <name> to <value>
  -v                             Verbose.
  -h                             This help text.
  <value> is a voltage in units of mV or V
  <name>  is from table below
 name         Channel       Range       Description
 -----        -------      -------      -----------
 mwdc_back       1        0V - +15V     Back   MWDC Threshold
 mwdc_front      0        0V - +15V     Front  MWDC Threshold
 tmp3            3      -10V - +10V     Unused
 Using controller IP:  I/O reg in slot 12
 Using cnaf command:  './cnafb'
 /adaqfs/home/adaq/brad/camac_control/threshold -g mwdc_back        
               ---> Return thresh for mwdc_back
 /adaqfs/home/adaq/brad/camac_control/threshold -s mwdc_back -200   
               ---> Set thresh for mwdc_back to -200 mV
 /adaqfs/home/adaq/brad/camac_control/threshold -s mwdc_back -100mV 
               ---> Set thresh for mwdc_back to -100 mV
 /adaqfs/home/adaq/brad/camac_control/threshold -s mwdc_back -1.0V  
               ---> Set thresh for mwdc_back to -1.0 V