Super Bigbite GMn and GEn Polarimetry Hall A Preparation Review

October 30, 2018 starting at 8:45 AM EDT   at JLab   (Room L102-104)

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Tuesday, October 30, 2018, Room L102-104

Morning Session I GMn Experiment (Part I)
08:45 Cynthia Keppel Purpose of the Review 15 min
09:00 Dave Meekins Target Status 15 min
09:15 Seamus Riordan HRS Restoration 15 min
09:30 Doug Higinbotham Beamline Status 15 min
09:45 Brian Quinn HCAL Status 15 min
10:00 Bogdan Wojtsekhowski HCAL Electronics and Local Trigger 15 min
10:15 Evaristo Cisbani BigBite GEMs 15 min
COFFEE 10:30 - 11:30 15 min
Morning Session II GMn Experiment (Part II)
11:30 Rachel Montgomery BigBite Hodoscope 15 min
11:45 Doug Higinbotham BigBite Calorimeter and Stand 15 min
12:00 Peter Monaghan CDET for GMn 15 min
12:15 Todd Averett BigBite GRINCH 15 min
LUNCH 12:30-13:30
Afternoon Session I GMn Experiment (Part III)
13:30 Eric Fuchey BigBite Electronics and Trigger 15 min
13:45 Alexandre Camsonne Computing and Networking 15 min
14:00 Robin Wines JLab Engineering and Design: Scope and Status 15 min
14:15 Jessie Butler Hall & Magnets Preparations: Scope and Status 15 min
14:30 Jack Segal Hall Power: Magnets, detectors, and DAQ 15 min
14:45 Everyone Open Discussion 15 min
COFFEE 15:00 - 15:30 15 min
Afternoon Session II GEn Polarimetry Experiment
15:30 Robin Wines JLab Engineering and Design 15 min
15:45 David Hamilton / John Annand GEn Charge Exchange Polarimeter 15 min
16:00 Kondo Gnanvo SBS GEMs 15 min
16:15 Jack Segal GEM Gas Supply 15 min
16:30 Michael Kohl / Brad Sawatzky GEn Proton Recoil Polarimeter 15 min
16:45 David Hamilton GEn Polarimeter Overview and run plan 15 min
17:00 Everyone Open Discussion 30 min