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Kinematics scheme for E06-007 (RUN 1)

Kinematics q
Kin01 1.000 2.649 0.433 2.216 21.44 0.989 54.101 0.000
Kin02 1.000 2.649 0.433 2.216 21.44 0.989 59.830 0.100
Kin03 1.000 2.649 0.433 2.216 21.44 0.989 48.371 0.100
Kin04 1.000 2.649 0.433 2.216 21.44 0.989 65.625 0.200
Kin05 1.000 2.649 0.433 2.216 21.44 0.989 42.576 0.200
Kin06 1.000 2.649 0.433 2.216 21.44 0.989 71.440 0.300
Kin07 1.000 2.649 0.433 2.216 21.44 0.989 36.762 0.300
Kin08 1.000 2.649 0.433 2.216 21.44 0.989 77.299 0.400
Kin09 1.000 2.649 0.433 2.216 21.44 0.989 30.902 0.400
Kin10 1.000 2.649 0.433 2.216 21.44 0.988 83.222 0.500
Kin11 1.000 2.649 0.433 2.216 21.44 0.988 24.980 0.500
Kin12 1.400 2.649 0.745 1.904 30.60 1.388 43.816 0.000
Kin13 1.750 2.649 1.045 1.604 39.81 1.738 35.936 0.000

These kinematics were produced using the following files: To compile the c code using the GNU Compiler type the following into a terminal:

gcc -lm -o cqw_kin cqw_kin.c
This will produce an executable file cqw_kin, which can then be run like so:
./cqw_kin < kin01-13
if the < kin01-13 is not included, one will be asked for input by the program. For this, type something like to in a terminal:
