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First download source code rate.tar from the website, then use

tar -xvf rate.tar
to decompress the .tar file. Then under current dir, create ./inp and ./dat directory which will be used later.

In rate.tar please find:

(1) Fortran codes for parametrization of the $(e,e')$, $(e,N)$, $(e,\pi)$, $(e,e^+)$, cross section:
these fortran codes need an input file under ./inp/ directory. They will generate .dat files under ./dat/ directory.
input: example of the input file needed by the fortran codes above;

(2) C codes for parametrization of the $(e,e')$ cross section:
whitlow.c: c code for whitlow's fit for electron cross section in DIS, it needs an input file "rates.dat" under ./inp/ directory and will generate .dat files under ./dat/ directory.
rates.dat: example for the input file needed by whitlow.c;

(3) csh file for running all codes:
Code or are used to simplify the procedure of running all codes listed above. It could copy different input file to ./inp directory, run all codes, then move all output data files to a user-specified directory like '/home/xiaochao/test/code/e99117-newreq/'. It might not be so convenient for people who don't usually use csh files so it is for reference only.

(4) C codes for reporting kinematics, generating summary and Latex file:
readkine.c: This code will extract kinematics from file 'rate.dat', e.g. input file for C code. It will calculate some kinematic variables like Bjorken scaling variable $x$, invariant mass $W$, four-momentum transfer $q^2$, virtual photon polarisation $\epsilon$ etc.. The result will be in 'kine.dat' which is also under ./dat directory.

writesum.c: First it asks for how many kinematics you have, then will read cross sections for these kinematics from data files under a specific directory(you can change the data file directory by modifying source code), and generate a summary file <summary> under the current directory. It will also generate a Latex file which is basically a table which list all the cross sections and $\pi^-/e^-$, $e^+/e^-$ ratio from different codes. It should be used after running the csh file above, otherwise it will mess up sth. because it cannot find the correct data files.

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Xiaochao Zheng 2001-05-01