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Input file format

(1) input for Fortran codes

All Fortran codes share one input file under ./inp/ directory. Format of 'input' is:

1 2. 1 PI- 5700. 854. 926. 10.0 45. 890.0 130. 20.0 20.0 4774. 4846. 15.00 25.00
1: Z of target
2.: A of target
1: N of target
PI-: partile name to be calculated, like PI-, PI+, or PI0
5700.: beam energy in MeV;
854., 926.: electron arm momentum range, min $p^e_{min}$ and max $p^e_{max}$ in MeV/c
10.0: step in electron momentum;
45.0: scattering angle $\theta$ in degree;
890.0: electron arm central momentum $p^e_{central}$ in MeV/c
130.0: fermi momentum of target nuclei
20.0: nucleon separation energy
20.0: delta separation energy
4774., 4846: energy loss min $\nu_{min}$ and max $\nu_{max}$, e.g., beam energy minus electron momentum $\nu=E_{beam}-p_e$;
15.00: beam current in microA;
25.00: target length in cm;

(2) input for C codes

Input file for whitlow.c is rate.dat. The format is:

5.7 0.0 0.854 0.01 0.926 45.0 0.0 45.0 1E-22 25.0 50.0
5.7: beam energy in GeV
0.0: step in beam energy
0.854: electron momentum in GeV/c, min
0.01: step in electron momentum in GeV/c
0.926: electron momentum in GeV/c, max
45.0: scattering angle in degree, min
0.0: step in scattering angle
45.0: scattering angle in degree, max
1E-22: target density (funny unit, I don't remember, maybe in mol/cm3)
25.0: target length in cm
50.0: beam current in microA

(3) Other information

Other information you need to include: radiation length of the window and target, used by wiser.f, pos_wiser.f, pos_JPChen.f, rosetail.f. In some codes the target radiation length is calculated from the real target length in the input file, you'd better double check it. Then you probablly need to modify the source codes according to your own configurations. You can also modify the source code rosetail.f to incorporate new target form factors.

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Xiaochao Zheng 2001-05-01