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Electron(positron) pion separation for test run - pion background

Kinematics: Beam energy = 5.650 GeV, $\theta_e=45^O$
Target: 4 cm LH2 for electron runs, 15 cm LH2 for positron runs

$p_e$ run# cuts $e^-$ total $\pi^-$/$e^-$ $\pi^-$/$e^-$
(GeV/c)     ($e^+$)   (detected) (real)
1.50 2773 $E_{preshower}>250-0.14\times E_{shower}$ 29185 318337 9.91 17.00
  2774 0.65$<$ep-ratio$<$4.0 12780 139499 9.92 -
  2786   77 1572702 - -
  2788   9 305428 - -
  2789   46 818330 - -
  2790   67 1579627 - -
0.90 2775 $E_{preshower}>150-0.08\times E_{shower}$ 9789 692503 69.74 206.54
  2776 0.65$<$ep-ratio$<$4.0 3980 274530 67.98 -
  2791   611 1288158 - -
  2793   640 1290782 - -
  2794   668 1291353 - -
0.55 2777 $E_{preshower}>160-0.12\times E_{shower}$ 14570 1159028 74.95 286.33
  2778 0.60$<$ep-ratio$<$4.0 10372 813698 73.67 -
  2814   1612 1118462 - -
  2815   1679 1122901 - -
  2816   1655 1130667 - -
  2817   1627 1143697 - -

$\bigstar$ positron runs are shown in color;
$\bigstar$ Cherenkov ADCs (48 channels) have been calibrated manually so the distribution of output of each channel is aligned to the same position;
$\bigstar$ global cuts applied: $0<E_{shower}<2000$ and $50<E_{preshower}<4000$;
$\bigstar$ $\pi^-$ ratio after decay (drift distance 23.4m from target to spectrometer):
25.95% for 0.55 GeV/c; 33.33% for 0.90 GeV/c; 41.70% for 1.50 GeV/c

Data analysis for run # 2773 (electron run, $p_e=1.50$ GeV/c) and run # 2786 (positron run, $p_e=1.50$ GeV/c) are shown in Figure [*]

Figure: data analysis for run #2773 and #2786
\includegraphics[bb=20 70 580 770, width=200pt]{} \includegraphics[bb=20 70 580 770, width=200pt]{}

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Xiaochao Zheng 2001-05-01