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Comparison between code and data for $\pi$ and $e^+$ background

Different kinematic regions where different fit/parameterization (based on experimental data) are listed as follows:

$\blacklozenge$ epc: photoproduction of pion/nucleons in elastic scattering and resonance regions;
$\blacklozenge$ Wiser: photoproduction of pion/nucleons in DIS (Deep Inelastic Scattering) region;
$\blacklozenge$ qfs: electron scattering in elastic and resonance regions;
$\blacklozenge$ Whitlow: electron scattering in DIS region;

Kinematic region for test run and E99-117 are shown in Figure [*]

Figure: illustration of different kinematic regions
\includegraphics[bb=40 140 560 700, width=200pt]{}

Kinematics: Beam energy = 5.650 GeV, $\theta_e=45^O$
Target: 4 cm LH2 for electron runs, 15 cm LH2 for positron runs

Kin: $p_e$(GeV/c) 1.5 0.9 0.55
$\pi^-$ (epc) 0.000 0.000 0.000
$\pi^-$(Wiser) 5.403 360.431 2807.432
$e^-$(qfs) 0.496 1.709 3.876
$e^-$(Whitlow) 0.452 2.182 3.961
$e^+$(epc) 0.00217 0.00376 0.00741
$e^+$(Wiser) 0.01769 1.62190 18.1455
$\pi^-/e^-$(Wiser/qfs) 10.896 210.849 724.387
$\pi^-/e^-$(Wiser/Whitlow) 11.958 165.156 708.803
$\pi^-/e^-$(epc/qfs) 0.000 0.000 0.000
$\pi^-/e^-$(data,detected) 9.91 68.86 74.31
$\pi^-$ decay ratio 41.70% 33.33% 25.95%
$\pi^-/e^-$(data, corrected) 17.00 206.54 286.33
$e^+/e^-$(epc/qfs) 0.434% 0.224% 0.193%
$e^+/e^-$(epc/Whitlow) 0.485% 0.174% 0.188%
$e^+/e^-$(Wiser/qfs) 3.543% 96.318% 472.09 %
$e^+/e^-$(Wiser/Whitlow) 3.962% 74.887% 460.47 %
$e^+/e^-$(Wiser/Born) 0.0472% 0.830% 7.52%
$e^+/e^-$(data) 0.28% 11.32% 37.72%

$\bigstar$ The radiation length for 4cm liquid H$_2$ target is:
2.8 mil Al + 20 cm Air + 4 cm/2 LH2 = 0.31%
for 15cm liquid H$_2$ target is:
2.8 mil Al + 20 cm Air + 15 cm/2 LH2 = 0.95%
$\bigstar$ Radiation tail of elastic scattering not included yet;
$\bigstar$ Available data show wiser might has an overestimation by a factor of 3;

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Xiaochao Zheng 2001-05-01