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Test run $e^-$, $\pi^-$ and $e^+$ cross section

Electron(positron)/pion separation is done by using both Cerenkov counter and shower-preshower detector. For details please refer to previous report posted on xiaochao/testrun/
Cross section can be calculated by:
$\displaystyle N_{\mathrm{events}}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{d}^2\sigma}{\mathrm{d}\Omega\mathrm{d}E'} \times N_e\times
{L\times\Omega_e\times\Delta p}$  

$Q$ is the total beam charge during the run,
$\Delta p$ is the momentum accpectance of the spectrometer given by $\Delta p = p_{\mathrm{center}} \times 0.08$,
$\Omega_e$ is the effective solid angle of the spectrometer, for 4cm target, $\Omega_e = 5.0$ msr; for 15cm target, $\Omega_e = 3.9$ msr
$L$ is the target length given by:
$\displaystyle \mathrm{target}~\mathrm{ length[}\times 10^{21}\mathrm{cm^{-2}]}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \rho\times d$ (1)
  $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle 0.0708 \mathrm{g/cm}^3\times d\mathrm{[cm]} \times 6.02\times 10^{23}/\mathrm{g}$  
  $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle 0.0708 \times 602 \times d\mathrm{[cm]}\nonumber$  

and number of events $N_{events}$ is given by:
$\displaystyle N_{\mathrm{events}}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle N\times\frac{\mathrm{scaler}~\mathrm{per}~\mathrm{ charge}}
{\mathrm{total}~\mathrm{ accepted}~\mathrm{ triggers}}
\times Q$  

where for e$^-$ and e$^+$, $N$ is number of events detected by the spectrometer; for $\pi$, $N$ is number of events corrected by decay ratio.
$\displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{d}^2\sigma}{\mathrm{d}\Omega\mathrm{d}E'}\mathrm{[nb/GeV~sr]}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{counts}
\times\frac{\mathrm{scaler}~\mathrm{ per}~\...
\times 0.005 \times\Delta p\mathrm{[GeV/c]}}\times\frac{1.6}{10}$ (2)

Results of $e^-$, $\pi^-$ and $e^+$ cross sections are shown in table 1.

Kinematics: Beam energy = 5.650 GeV, $\theta_e=45^O$
Target: 4 cm LH2 for electron runs, 15 cm LH2 for positron runs

$p_e$ run# Scaler per total $e^-$ total $\pi^-$ $\big(\frac{\mathrm{d}^2\sigma}{\mathrm{d}\Omega\mathrm{d}E'}\big)_{e^-}$ $\big(\frac{\mathrm{d}^2\sigma}{\mathrm{d}\Omega\mathrm{d}E'}\big)_{\pi^-}$
(GeV/c)   Charge(3x) accepted ($e^+$) (global (detected) (( $\frac{\mathrm{d}^2\sigma}{\mathrm{d}\Omega\mathrm{d}E'}\big)_{e^+}$) (nb/GeV
    (mC$^{-1}$) triggers   cuts)   (nb/GeV-sr) -sr)
1.50 2773 3121.6 393070 29185 318337 289152 0.20141 4.7858
  2774 3151.4 173370 12780 139499 126719 0.20187 4.8006
  2786 62367.3 1803176 (77) 1572702 - (0.00079) -
  2788 63072.8 352291 ( 9) 305428 - (0.00048) -
  2789 63371.2 944823 (46) 818330 - (0.00092) -
  2790 62528.3 1804377 (67) 1579627 - (0.00069) -
0.90 2775 70717.9 765012 9789 692503 682714 1.3106 249.97
  2776 71144.2 303126 3980 274530 270550 1.3529 251.51
  2791 1171888.0 1805844 (611) 1288158 - (0.1963) -
  2793 1173312.6 1805590 (640) 1290782 - (0.2059) -
  2794 1173717.5 1808156 (668) 1291353 - (0.2147) -
0.55 2777 198758.1 1310365 14570 1159028 1144458 5.2375 1585.2
  2778 198813.6 926232 10372 813698 803326 5.2762 1574.6
  2814 3392409.5 1805373 (1612) 1118462 - (2.4542) -
  2815 3394497.9 1809950 (1679) 1122901 - (2.5513) -
  2816 3394932.6 1810738 (1655) 1130667 - (2.5141) -
  2817 3397113.2 1808348 (1627) 1143697 - (2.4764) -

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Xiaochao Zheng 2001-05-01