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Comparison between code and data for $\pi$ and $e^+$ cross sections

Different kinematic regions where different fit/parameterization (based on experimental data) are listed as follows:

$\blacklozenge$ epc: photoproduction of pion/nucleons in elastic scattering and resonance regions;
$\blacklozenge$ Wiser: photoproduction of pion/nucleons in DIS (Deep Inelastic Scattering) region;
$\blacklozenge$ qfs: electron scattering in elastic and resonance regions;
$\blacklozenge$ Whitlow: electron scattering in DIS region;
$\blacklozenge$ rosetail: radiation tail from electron elastic scattering;

Kinematics: Beam energy = 5.650 GeV, $\theta_e=45^O$
Target: 4 cm LH2 for electron runs, 15 cm LH2 for positron runs

$p_e$(GeV/c) 1.5 0.9 0.55
$\pi^-$ (epc)(nb/GeV-sr) 0.000 0.000 0.000
$\pi^-$(wiser)(nb/GeV-sr) 2.981 204.446 1607.051
$\pi^-$(data)(nb/GeV-sr) 4.793 250.74 1579.9
$e^-$(qfs) (nb/GeV-sr) 0.4993 1.684 3.8437
$e^-$(Whitlow) (nb/GeV-sr) 0.305 1.324 2.219
$e^-$(rosetail)(nb/GeV-sr) 0.0110 0.2514 1.5205
$e^-$(data) (nb/GeV-sr) 0.2016 1.3317 5.2569
$e^+$(epc) (nb/GeV-sr) 0.00465 0.00568 0.00859
$e^+$(wiser) (nb/GeV-sr) 0.01092 1.00106 11.19969
$e^+$(data) (nb/GeV-sr) 0.00072 0.20570 2.49902
$\pi^-/e^-$(epc/[qfs+rosetail]) 0.000 0.000 0.00000
$\pi^-/e^-$(wiser/[qfs+rosetail]) 5.843 105.640 299.588
$\pi^-/e^-$(epc/[whitlow+rosetail]) 0.000 0.000 0.000
$\pi^-/e^-$(wiser/[whitlow+rosetail]) 9.445 129.764 429.775
$\pi^-/e^-$(data) 23.775 188.286 300.538
$e^+/e^-$(epc/[qfs+rosetail]) 0.00424 0.00194 0.00138
$e^+/e^-$(wiser/[qfs+rosetail]) 0.02140 0.51726 2.08786
$e^+/e^-$(epc/[whitlow+rosetail]) 0.00686 0.00239 0.00198
$e^+/e^-$(wiser/[whitlow+rosetail]) 0.03459 0.63539 2.99515
$e^+/e^-$(data) 0.036 0.155 0.4754

$\bigstar$ The internal radiation length used in Wiser's fit is: 2.7%
$\bigstar$ The radiation length used in rosetail is:
for 4cm liquid H$_2$ target
before interaction: 2.8 mil Al + 4 cm/2 LH2 = 0.08% + 0.23%= 0.31%
after interaction: 4 cm/2 LH2 + 7 mil Al/$\sin\theta$ + 16mil Al + 20 cm Air + 7 mil Kapton
= 0.23% + 1.01% = 1.24%

From the table above we compare data with wiser OR epc code for pion, and compare data with (whitlow+rosetail) OR (qfs+rosetail) for $e^-$. From the comparison we can see that wiser gives good result for $\pi$ cross section, and whitlow's fit is good for $e^-$ cross section. However, there is an overestimation in wiser's code for $e^+$ cross section. We expect this is because we didn't include the angular distribution of $\pi^0 \rightarrow e^+ + e^-$. We will include this in the future. At present we just take this overestimation into account when estimating positron background for e99117 runplan.

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Xiaochao Zheng 2001-05-01