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Sample Events

The sample events from short gas cherenkov are defined by cuts:

"GC sample" electron events:
1000 $<$ spec_l.gas.adc_sum_t $<$ 4000

"GC sample" pion events:
spec_l.gas.adc_sum_t $>$ 10000

Figure [*] shows the PR layer 1 energy vs. PR layer2 energy for "gc sample" electrons (top, left) and "gc sample" pions (top, right). Similiar to the right arm, strict two-dimensional cuts in PRL1/PRL2 are used to define "PR sample" electrons and "PR sample" pions, which are:

"PR sample" electron events:
spec_l.prl1.cl_e$\times$0.4+spec_l.prl2.cl_e $>$2000

"PR sample" pion events:
100 $<$ spec_l.prl1.cl_e $<$ 300
50 $<$ spec_l.prl2.cl_e $<$ 200

The two plots in the middle show these two cuts for all events, without any cut in gas cherenkov. The pion events are very low so they are plotted with a different scale in the two plots in the bottom.

The "GC sample" electron events are different from the definition on the right arm. Cannot do a cut in pion rejector energy to remove possible pions from this sample and preserving all good electrons at the same time.

Figure: Sample events for the left arm
\includegraphics[bb=20 70 580 770, width=300pt]{}

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Xiaochao Zheng 2001-08-29