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Shower/Preshower detector

The normal calibration code for shower detector was fixed according to the detector changes and the electron/hadron $\rightarrow$ left/right name change. Last calibration of Shower/Preshower detectors was done on March 05.

Figure [*] shows the energy deposit (espace var: cl_e) vs. x for shower and preshower detectors. It shows that the pedestals are subtracted properly and the peak of each block is aligned well. From the raw ADC spectra, can see that blocks on the edge don't have enough events to observe the main peak. Calibration for these blocks are done roughly by experience, which will not affect the overall efficiency much if the production runs also do not have many events in these blocks.

Figure: Shower and Preshower detector performance
\includegraphics[bb=10 10 580 780, angle = 0, width=300pt]{}

Xiaochao Zheng 2001-08-29