Hall C Collaboration Meeting

Hall C Winter Collaboration Meeting
January 22-23, 2018
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Newport News, VA

Meeting in CEBAF Center Room F113


~Preliminary Schedule~

Monday, January 22, 2018

  Morning Session Chair: Edward Brash
8:55-9:00 Welcome Edward Brash
9:00-9:10 Hall Status 1 Steve Wood 
9:10-9:20 Hall Status 2/Outlook Thia Keppel
9:20-9:50 Update on December Running Dipangkar Dutta

Coffee Break

10:10-10:35  E12-06-107 (The Search for Color Transparency at 12 GeV) Latif Kabir
10:35-11:00  E12-10-002 (F2 Structure Function at Large x) TBD
11:00-11:25  E12-10-008 (Nuclear Dependence of F2 in Light Nuclei) TBD
11:25-11:50 E12-10-003 (Deuteron Electrodisintegration) C. Yero

Lunch on your own

  Afternoon Session 1 Chair: Jeorg Reinhold
1:00-1:30 CEBAF Beam Parameter Envelope Jay Benesch
1:30-2:00  SHMS Quartz Detector Testing Simona Malace
2:25-2:40 PMT Testing for Hodoscope Carl Zorn

Coffee Break

  Afternoon Session 2 Chair: Brad Sawatzky
3:05-3:45  Hall C Analyzer - Developments/Demo Eric Pooser
3:45-4:15  ESR Updates and ESR-II Plans Cryo Group
4:15-5:00  Hall C UG Business Meeting Edward Brash

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

  Morning Session 1 Chair: ???
10:00-10:30 Exclusive Backward-Angle Omega Production Bill Li/Garth Huber
10:30-11:00  SANE Update Whit Armstrong

Coffee Break

  Morning Session 2 Chair: ???
11:15-11:45 Qweak Final Results Jie Pan
11:45-12:15  Qweak Upcoming Results Kurtis Bartlett
12:15-12:30  Gep-III/Gep2Gamma Analysis - HMS Optics and Polarimetry Andrew Puckett

Lunch on your own

  Afternoon Session 1 - Compact Photon Source Talks Chair: ???
2:00-2:30 NPS – Science and Project Status Tanja Horn
2:30-3:00 Compact Photon Source: Science Opportunities and Concept Donal Day

Coffee Break

  NPS & CPS Collaboration Meeting 2018  
3:20 -3:50 Transverse Polarized Target TCS from PARTONS view Cedric Mezrag
3:50 -4:10 TCS Experiment with CPS & NPS TBD
4:10 -4:30 NPS Magnet – Status and Field Mapping Plan Charles Hyde
4:30 -4:50 NPS Design – Frame and Support Structure Carlos Munoz Camacho/Ho San/Rong Wang
4:50 -5:20 Crystals - Status and Testing Vladimir Berdnikov and/or Arshak Asaturyan
5:20 -5:40 HV Dividers Julie Roche
5:40 -6:00 Electronics/readout Fernando Barbosa
6:00 -6:20 NPS 2018 Action Items and Discussion Tanja Horn
6:20 -6:40


6:40 -7:10 Progress on Rotatable Target Design Dustin Keller
7:10 -7:40 Status of Kaon-Pion Interactions Knowledge Raul Briceno
7:40 -8:10 KLong Beam Experiment Igor Strakovsky
8:10 -8:30 CPS 2018 Action Items and Discussion Thia Keppel