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The resolution and position of several variables can be optimized. To start an optimization give either the command

optimize/calibrate variable condition

The condition can be any valid logical statement. The variable combinations that can be optimized are:

Except for the optimization of , an additional input file has to be supplied. Since the selection of events used in the optimization procedure is usually too complicated to be accomplished through a series of cuts defined in ESPACE, this file contains information for the event selection. The file can be assigned through the comand set/file/fit_input, see reference section.

For the different optimization options this file has a different format. First we discuss the case that the vertex reconstruction of a spectrometer is optimized, so dp_kin, theta_tg/phi_tg and y_tg. Then this file should contain in the first line the number of positions along the focal plane where one wants to optimize, followed by a line for each position containing the center of this region, its new position (only useful when dp_kin is being optimized) and the half width of this region.

If one wants to optimize theta_tg/phi_tg or y_tg additional data has to be supplied. In case of theta_tg/phi_tg this should be the number of holes in the sieve collimator. It has to be followed by a line for each hole giving the center of the hole in before optimization, hole position after optimization and half the width of the ellips in the direction which will be put around the initial coordinates of the hole center. The same should be given for phi_tg. Only those events are used which have their initial values inside one of the ellipses. The beginning of a FIT-FILE for optimizing theta_tg/phi_tg with a 77-hole sieve-collimator would look like

77 (theta_ini, theta_final, dtheta, phi_ini, phi_final, dphi)
-0.04500  -0.07024  0.0075 -0.08600 -0.09757  0.0050

The input for optimizing y_tg would consist out of first a line with the number of beam-spot positions which is being used in the optimization. It is followed by a line for each beam-spot position with the initial position, final position and half the width of the region around the initial position containing the events that are accepted for the optimization.

An important parameter in the optimization procedure is the variable that controls the number of events per peak per file that is being used (command set/fit/npts). With this variable one can prevent that the data used in the fit is coming from just the first few files being scanned.

If e_miss is optimized the file should contain in the first line the number of peaks in the missing energy spectrum that one wants to optimize. This is followed by a line for each peak containing the center of this region, its new position and the half width of this region. All in units of MeV.

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Eddy Offerman
Fri Mar 29 10:56:36 EST 1996