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Momentum aberrations


To give you some idea how a scanning session with optimization will look like, an example is discussed in which the transfer tensor for calculation of momentum aberations is being optimized. In figure 6.1 the dispersive projection of the focal plane is drawn. Imagine that the spectrometer momentum setting is such that we observe the elastic peak of Ta(e,e'). The ray with momentum p and is indicated by a dashed line. The position where it crosses the first wire plane is indicated by . Rays with the same momentum and an infinitesimal small cross this wire plane at the same spot and a relation can be established between momentum and x-position in that wire plane. However, rays entering the spectrometer collimator with the same momentum but a larger will typically cross the wire plane at a different spot. In other words, the particle momentum can not be deduced solely from the dispersive position x, unfortunately all the focal plane vertex parameters (, , ) are involved. It is now our task to describe this deviation as a function of the focal plane vertex, the so-called transfer tensor for the momentum aberrations. Most spectrometer designs are such that the dependence on is the most important one.

Figure: Explanation of spherical momentum aberations in the focal plane of a magnetic spectrometer. The dashed line is made by a ray with momentum p and .

Below an example of a kumac-file is given in which the transfer tensor for the momentum aberations is being optimized. Seven measurements of an elastic electron scattering peak have been made at different values of . After the assignment of the different input files and definitions of cut's, histograms and scatter plots are defined. Especially the / plots around the seven elastic peak positions are of interest since they will reveal the momentum aberration as a function of . This is followed by a command indicating that at the end of the event-by-event scan an optimization of the momentum transfer tensor has to be performed.

define/batch on
set/file/output c12_full_conv1.hbook
set/file/database db_hrs_7x7
set/file/opt_database db_hrs_7x7_opt
set/file/detmap tstand_detmap.config
set/file/fit fit_full_conv1.inp
********************** Define cuts ************************
define/cut/1d spec_e.y_tra-1 -0.144 0.144
define/cut/1d spece.x_tra-1  -0.749 0.749
define/cut/1d spece.th_tg-1 -0.07  0.07
define/cut/1d spece.ph_tg-1 -0.030 0.030
define/logical vdchole spece.y_tra-1&&spece.x_tra-1
define/logical accept_e spece.th_tg-1&&spece.ph_tg-1
********************** spectrometer HRS *******************
set/hitbits (+spece.s1)
set/auto_window off
set/spectrum/bins/x1 560
set/spectrum/window/x1 -0.07 0.07
spectra/save spec_e.th_tg
set/spectrum/bins/x1 320
set/spectrum/window/x1 -0.04 0.04
spectra/save spec_e.ph_tg
set/spectrum/bins/x1 500
set/spectrum/window/x1 -0.065 0.065
spectra/save spec_e.dp-1
spectra/save spec_e.dp_kin-1
set/spectrum/window/x1 -0.7 0.7
spectra/save spec_e.x_tra-1
set/ntuple 5000
***** dp-aberation plots
set/spectrum/window/x2 -0.5 0.5
set/spectrum/window/x1 -0.06 -0.04
spectra/save spec_e.th_tra/spec_e.dp_kin-1
set/spectrum/window/x1 -0.035 -0.0275
spectra/save spec_e.th_tra/spec_e.dp_kin-2 vdc_hole
set/spectrum/window/x1 -0.025 -0.0175
spectra/save spec_e.th_tra/spec_e.dp_kin-3 vdc_hole
set/spectrum/window/x1 -0.015  0.015
spectra/save spec_e.th_tra/spec_e.dp_kin-4 vdc_hole
set/spectrum/window/x1  0.015  0.0225
spectra/save spec_e.th_tra/spec_e.dp_kin-5 vdc_hole
set/spectrum/window/x1  0.0225  0.030
spectra/save spec_e.th_tra/spec_e.dp_kin-6 vdc_hole
set/spectrum/window/x1  0.040  0.060
spectra/save spec_e.th_tra/spec_e.dp_kin-7 vdc_hole
***** optimize momentum resolution in electron spectrometer
calibrate/optimize spec_e.dp_kin
********************* scanning and output *****************
set/file/header hdr_c12_dpm5.prm
file/scan ../monte_car/data_full_conv1_dpm5 MAX=1000 FIRST=1
set/file/header hdr_c12_dpm4.prm
file/scan ../monte_car/data_full_conv1_dpm4 MAX=1000 FIRST=1
set/file/header hdr_c12_dpm3.prm
file/scan ../monte_car/data_full_conv1_dpm3 MAX=1000 FIRST=1
set/file/header hdr_c12.prm
file/scan ../monte_car/data_full_conv1      MAX=1000 FIRST=1
set/file/header hdr_c12_dpp3.prm
file/scan ../monte_car/data_full_conv1_dpp3 MAX=1000 FIRST=1
set/file/header hdr_c12_dpp4.prm
file/scan ../monte_car/data_full_conv1_dpp4 MAX=1000 FIRST=1
set/file/header hdr_c12_dpp5.prm
file/scan ../monte_car/data_full_conv1_dpp5 MAX=1000 FIRST=1 CHOPT=-o

Which parts of the tensor should be optimized is indicated in the database, see appendix B. The first number in each line of the tensor elements indicates whether it is kept fixed or is being fitted. A summary of the fitting is listed in a file which name is deduced from the file name fit_input, f.i. momentum_aber.inp produces momentum_aber.res.

In figure 3 the result of such an optimization is shown. On the left side the scatter plot / is shown for elastic Ta(e,e') scattering without any aberration corrections. On the right is shown the same data but now after correction for momentum aberations.

Figure: Two scatter plots showing versus dp/p for elastic Ta(e,e') scattering. In the one on the left side, no aberration corrections have been performed on the calculated momentum. The plot on the right is the result of an optimization as the example shown in this section.

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Eddy Offerman
Fri Mar 29 10:56:36 EST 1996