The spectrometer vacuum system is shown in Figure 4.5. Vacuum for the HRS is supplied by an Alcatel 880 /s Turbo pump backed by a Balzers 360 Roots type Blower. This Blower, via a special manifold, also supplies the roughing vacuum to the HRS at the Dipole Inlet Transition. The first Turbo is mounted on the lower side of the Dipole entrance transition. The roughing port is also located on this transition, on the top side. The upper turbo is located on the lower side of the window transition.
Vacuum readouts and interlock outputs are supplied by five (5) HPS series 421 Cold Cathode gauges and seven (7) series 275 Mini-Convectron gauges. In addition to these there will also be a FIsons Micromass 386 RGA head installed in the system for diagnostic purposes. Most of this instrumentation will be located on the Turbo pump manifold (for detailed information see Figure 4.5).
Powered valves, instrumentation and pumps will be controlled and powered at the Vacuum System equipment rack located on each respective spectrometer on the gantry platform. Selective equipment will also be controllable from the Hall A counting house.
The HRS vacuum chamber consists of an associated vacuum window, a sieve slit and Q1 transition, Q1 to Q2 transition, Spool section, Dipole transition, Dipole to Q3 transition, and the Q3 to exit window assembly. The spectrometer vacuum is contained by a .007 kapton window at the entrance and a .004 titanium window at the exit.