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The VDCs are very delicate devices which are absolutely essential to
the instrumentation of the Hall A spectrometers. Thus, extreme care
must be exercised whenever they are moved or used.
- Before moving a VDC detector package, ensure that the protective
plates are in position. Plates include tapped aluminum sheets to
be bolted over the entrance and exit aperatures, as well as aluminum
sheets which slide in between the two chambers.
- Disconnect and reconnect all TDC cables with extreme care. The
conductor pins are relatively fragile, and should one be broken off,
repair will be extremely difficult.
- When initiating gas flow, pay strict attention to the feedback
parameters. Overpressure may damage the chambers.
- Never attempt to apply HV to the chambers until gas flow
conditions have reached steady-state.
- As the amount of heat generated by the pre-amp/discriminator
cards it substantial, always make sure adequate cooling is provided
before attempting to run. Currently this cooling takes the form of
four temporary fans which clamp to the aluminum Faraday cage. Eventually,
permanent fans will be installed.
- When ramping the HV, never allow the chambers to draw more than
1 A instantaneously. If they do, something is wrong!
Next: Other Documentation
Up: Detectors
Previous: Power Supplies and Electronics
Joe Mitchell