The power supplies and readout electronics associated with the HRS VDCs are all commercially designed. The reader is directed towards the manuals made available by the manufacturer for the detailed information not provided here.
A Bertan 377N HV power supply provides -4.00 kV nominal to
each of three HV planes in a given VDC detector package via a
10 M Hammond splitter box (see Figure 5.4).
The power supply is located in
the detector hut in a NIM bin on the upper level of the space frame.
This unit may be controlled either manually or remotely via the
EPICS control software, and also provides a monitor of the
current drawn (nominally 70 nA) by the VDCs to which it is attached.
Connections from the power supply to the Hammond splitter box, as
well as from the Hammond splitter box to the VDCs are made using
standard SHV connectors mounted on red RG-59/U HV cable good to 5 kV.
A Kepco ATE 15-3m discriminator power supply provides +3.0 V (92 cards
draw 2 A) and the Kepco ATE 6-100m pre-amp power supply provides
5 V nominal to the LeCroy 2735DC pre-amp/discriminator cards used
to instrument the chambers via a heavy-duty fuse panel. The precise
voltages provided are +5.0 V (92 cards draw 22 A) and -5.2 V (92 cards
draw 58 A). These LV supplies are located in the detector hut on the
main level of the space frame for the HRS
and on the upper
level of the space frame for the HRS
Complete connection schematics and instructions
for making or breaking the connections are located on the aluminum
Faraday cage protective plates covering the respective interface
nodes between the power supplies and the VDCs.
Each VDC wire plane consists of 400 20 m
, Au-plated
tungsten wires. The first 16 wires on each end of the wire plane
are connected to ground for field-shaping purposes. There are
368 wires per wire plane which act as signal wires. Thus, each
spectrometer is instrumented with 1472 channels of LeCroy 1877
multihit Fastbus TDCs. These TDCs are located in a Kinetic Systems
F050 Fastbus crate with a BiRa FB8189-4 power supply located on the
main level of the spectrometer space frame in
the detector hut. The connections between the pre-amp/discriminator
cards mounted on the VDCs and the TDCs are made with 16-conductor
twisted-pair cables. Clip-on ferrites are used to filter noise.
A connection schematic is posted on the side of the rack holding
the Fastbus crate on the space frame in the detector hut.
If at all possible, the HV and LV power supplies should be left on continuously if and only if gas is available to the chamber. This avoids time loss to reconditioning and maintains the desirable steady-state operating condition.