Next: PMT replacement
Up: Trigger Scintillator Counters
Previous: PMT regime and time
There are two ways to monitor PMT/detector performance. The first
is based on a scaler display program which provides information
about PMT counting rates and coincidence counting rates.
A large variation of the rates between paddles
is an indication of a possible problem.
The second technique is to use the analysis code ESPACE and the
kumac files developed by K. Takahashi
(``kazu'' files). This analysis provides amplitude spectra for
events with good tracks in the VDC.
Histograms of amplitudes and average amplitudes for each PMT are
accumulated. For high efficiency
of the trigger it is important to keep the average amplitude
above 600 channels. Sample spectra are shown in Fig 5.8.
Figure 5.8:
Average Amplitudes of HA Trigger Counters.
Joe Mitchell