Next: Beamline
Up: Hall A Access
Previous: Access Requirements
In order to improve user awareness of the systems in the hall,
users are required to complete a self-guided safety walk-through
the experimental area. Information about the walk-through can be
found on the web at:
John Lerose is the JLab staff member responsible for the
administration of the Hall A safety walk-through.
Figure 1.1 shows the location of
many of the safety related items in Hall A while
figure 1.2 shows the location of all the circuit
breaker boxes in the hall.
Figure 1.1:
of the Hall A showing the location of various safety system
components. The abbreviations are: Radiation Monitor, RM, Run
Safe Box, RS, Fire Alarm Pull Box, PB.
Figure 1.2:
Schematic of
the Hall A showing the location of the circuit breaker panels.
Next: Beamline
Up: Hall A Access
Previous: Access Requirements
Joe Mitchell