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Dataspy and Dhist

Dataspy and Dhist are online diagnostic programs whose purposes are: ) To print out randomly sampled detector data; and ) To automatically plot to the screen histograms of online data. Dhist is actually a shell script which runs the executable ``dplot''. For some online help, simply type ``dataspy'' or ``dplot''. These codes analyze a random sample of of raw, uncut data in real time from the CODA computer. The data are distributed on the network by a server which obtains data from shared memory.

This paragraph assumes you are on shift and wish to run dhist. While ``dplot'' can run in several ways, let's be definite: Log in to adaqh2 (or s3) as ``adaq'' account. If dhist isn't running, type ``dhist''. Now you will see a reminder of what directory to go to and that you should type ``./dhist'' there.

There are optional interfaces ``dopte'' and ``dopth'' for turning on/off the histogram pages. The dopte(h) interfaces also show an alarm status for the histograms by statistical comparison to a set of reference histograms. To start these interfaces, type ``dopte'' or ``dopth'' for the E-arm and H-arm respectively.

dhist makes about 20 pages of plots which pop up on the workstation screen and remain for a few seconds in succession. Each page also results in a postscript file for printing, and there is a histogram file dplot.his which one can view in PAW.

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Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29