Two tools are available for logging information by the shift workers: ) The Electronic Logbook ``halog'', and ) The Hall Beam-Time Accounting Table.
The electronic logbook is a web-based
repository of logbook data. There are
two ways to make entries: One can use
the halog GUI (type ``halog'' and make your
entry), or one may use a script
to insert a file.
Some data from EPICS
and scalers, among other things, are inserted
automatically into halog on each start-of-run
and each end-of-run. These data also get
written into files with the run number in
their name in /home/adev/epics/runfiles.
Data appear on the web at
It is recommended that one software expert from the experiment be assigned to modify the logging scripts as he or she sees fit.
The Hall Beam-Time Accounting Table is the mechanism to summarize and record how the beam time in a shift was spent. These data are logged automatically in a database and are e-mailed to various people like the run coordinators and the hall leader. When you come on shift, the GUI is probably already running. If not, you may start it by logging onto adaqs2 as the adaq account, cd to /home/adaq/ACCOUNT, and type ``atable''. It is a fairly obvious GUI, but there is also a help button which explains everything.