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Terminal Servers

There are four DEC server 200/MC terminal servers in Hall A; one in each of the two spectrometer detector huts and two near the beamline. These servers allow you check and to modify the detector HV, as well as the NVRAM of the frontend DAQ computers. The servers may be accessed through dumb terminals connected to any CEBAF terminal server, e.g. the VT100 style terminal in the middle room of the counting house. The table entitled ``Terminal Service for DAQ'' shows the ports connected for spectrometer and beamline DAQ.

Table 7.1: Terminal Service for DAQ
Port Service Device Function
1 HAC1 halladaq1 E-arm Trig Super TS0
2 HAC2 hallasfi1 E-arm Fastbus ROC1
3 HAC9 halladaq4 H-arm Trig Super TS1
4 HAC11 hallasfi2 H-arm Fastbus ROC2
5 HAC12 hallasfi3 H-arm Fastbus ROC3
6 HAC5 LeCroy 1450 E-arm HV control
7 HAC6 LeCroy 1450 E-arm HV control
8 HAC13 LeCroy 1450 H-arm HV control

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Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29