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Invasive preparations

These preparations require the beam to be shut off.

Setting the magnetic elements
Learn the values of $GL$ for the 3 quads and $BdL$ for the dipole for the given beam energy (see 2.7.4 and 2.7.6 C.1).
Compare the settings required with the current ones, using the MEDM Møller page. If the settings are different ask the MCC to set the Møller settings and to cycle the magnetic elements. While the magnets are cycling one may do several other steps which do not need the beam.
Ask the MCC to mask the target movement and move the main target to the ``empty'' positions.
Beam tuning
Ask the MCC to send the CW beam of about 0.5$\mu$A. The fast raster should stay ON. The deviations from zero in the BPMs $IPM1H01$ should not exceed 0.5 mm while in $IPM1H03$ - 2 mm.
Ask the MCC to shut off the beam, put a Møller target called ``bottom'' in the beam and turn it by 2 units.
Ask the MCC to resume the same beam and check the Ion Chamber $SLD1H03$ reading. It should not exceed 1000. At beam energies above 1.6 GeV it should not exceed 300.

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Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29