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The most important aspect of hydrogen safety is to minimize the possibility of explosive mixtures of hydrogen and oxygen occurring. Therefore the gas handling system has been made of stainless steel components (wherever possible) and as many junctions as possible have been welded.

The pressure in the gas handling system is monitored in numerous places. Most importantly, the absolute pressure of the target is viewed by two pressure transducers, one on the fill line, PT127 for H$_2$ and PT136 for D$_2$, and one on the return line, PT131 for H$_2$ and PT140 for D$_2$. These pressures are also measured by manual gauges. The fill line gauges are PI126 for H$_2$ and PI135 for D$_2$. The return line gauges are designated PI130, H$_2$ and PI139, D$_2$. The gas tanks are viewed with both pressure transducers (PT133 for hydrogen and PT142 for deuterium) and pressure gauges (PI123 for hydrogen and PI112 for deuterium).


Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29