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Pressure Relief

The gas handling and controls systems have been designed to prevent excessive pressure build up in the system in order to protect the target cells from rupture.

In the event that the pressure in the system begins to rise there are multiple vent paths to release it. The first line of defense is the recovery tank. The second line of defense is a small orifice solenoid valve which is slaved to a pressure transducer. This valve, CSV28 for H$_2$ and CSV57 for D$_2$, is normally controlled by the limit output of the computer (via a VME based relay) readout of the pressure transducer that views the target relief line, PT131 for H$_2$ and PT140 for D$_2$. The valve itself is mounted in the fill line relief assembly. The separation of the valve from its controlling pressure gauge should provide some dampening of the response and the small orifice of the valve also ensures that it will be able to make pressure adjustments gently if need be. There is a separate relief valve on the fill side of the target, CRV30 for H$_2$ and CRV59 for D$_2$. This relief is mounted in parallel with the small orifice solenoid valve. Right on top of the cryocan, on the return side of the target, there is a large size (one $in$) relief valve. All target pressure reliefs are connected to the nitrogen vent line of the Hall A superconducting magnets. This is a 3.5 $in$ diameter copper pipe which is filled with nitrogen gas at atmospheric pressure. Thus any vented target gas is placed in an inert environment until it is released outside of Hall A. Each gas tank has one relief valve and one rupture disk (CRV43 and CRD44 for hydrogen, and CRV72 and CRD143 for deuterium).

In addition to the reliefs on the gas handling system described above, the scattering chamber itself has a four-$in$ one PSIG relief, VRV01. This is the path that the hydrogen will take in the event of a cell failure.

The target pressure reliefs are summarized in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2: A summary of the pressure relieving devices on the hydrogen/deuterium targets and the scattering chamber. FRA is an abbreviation for Fill Line Relief Assembly. and RL is an abbreviation for Relief Line. SC stands for Scattering Chamber.
Name Target Location Diameter ($in$) Pressure (PSIG)
CSV28 H$_2$ FRA 0.125 40
CRV30 H$_2$ FRA 0.5 40
CRV82 H$_2$ RL 1 40
CRV43 H$_2$ TANK 1 55
CRD44 H$_2$ TANK 1 55
CSV57 D$_2$ FRA 0.125 40
CRV59 D$_2$ FRA 0.5 40
CRV64 D$_2$ RL 1 40
CRV72 D$_2$ TANK 1 55
CRD143 D$_2$ TANK 1 55
CRV35 He RL 1 40
CRV01   SC 4 2

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Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29