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Authorized Personnel

The principle contacts for the cryogenic targets are listed in table 3.3. Every shift must have a trained target operator whenever the cryogenic targets contain liquid. These operators are trained by one of the ``experts'' listed in the table and certified by J.P. Chen.

Additional documentation on the targets and the target controls is available from J.P. Chen. In particular,  reference [6] is highly recommended.

Table 3.6: Contact Personel for the Cryogenic Targets and Scattering Chamber
Component A Staff # Outside Group # Remark
Chamber Vacuum Ed Folts 7857     Or Technician
          On Call
Cryogenic Target J. P. Chen 7413      
  M. Kuss 5064      
  J. H. Mitchell 7851      
      M. Seely 5036 Target Group
      C. Keith 5878 Target Group
ESR     CHL 7405 Cryo Group
ESR     Cryo on Call MCC  

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Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29