HALL A Trigger and Data Acquisition
This file: hallaweb.jlab.org/equipment/daq/daq_trig.html
The following resources are available.
An overview guide for running
DAQ, trigger, and online software in Hall A, which includes the
CODA 2.2 guide for running
CODA 2.2 for Spectrometer DAQ.
- Charge Asymmetry is
controlled with
feedback and can be monitored
with two codes :
qasy (spectrometer scalers)
pan (parity analyzer).
- G0 Helicity Mode. Here is
an overview
and here are
details about raw data related to the scheme.
- Instructions to
download and check the trigger.
- Postscript Diagrams about our Trigger, the
Right-Spectrometer Spectrometer,
Left-Spectrometer Spectrometer,
Coincidence Circuit.
notes about trigger.
- How to use the
Hall Accounting Software
(shift summary).
- How to use the
portservers to
connect to VME boards or HV crates.
- Here are some
FAQs about computer deadtime, plus
to calculate deadtime M. Liang provides a
Monte Carlo
for Deadtime. A Year-2001 update on
deadtime in the trigger.
- Description of online codes
dhist and dataspy.
- The code to monitor the rastered spot size:
SPOT (aka raster++).
- The main link for
- An overview of the
Raw Data Structure
including CODA data, EPICS data, scalers, etc.
- If you are developing a CODA system here are
some Hints on Installing
CODA with emphasis on Linux.
- Our management policy for the
work and cache disks.
- Towards a Hall A C++ Analyzer :
The C++ based analysis package
Root is being used
to develop a
Hall A physics analyzer. Some contributions
from me (which run independently or with the root analyzer):
event decoder (untar, see README), and a
Scaler class package.
- Elementary C++ Examples :
Try my CODA classes
which access CODA data via common interfaces
to a CODA file or ET system.
A very simple example of
looking at CODA files or ET online data and filling
root plots was made for the
DVCS test stand (untar, see README).
A more complicated example that was used by RCS experiment,
is an online code :
- Information about JLab computers
and how to store or retrieve data from
MSS can be learned from the
computer center.
- Here is a link for learning how to do offline analysis using
the JLab computer farm.
- CERN Library and other CERN Documentation from
the CERN
Documentation Server.
- Information about
CODA, the DAQ toolkit developed by the Jefferson Lab DAQ group.
Last updated 2-Jan-2003
R. Michaels --