In controlling the Oven Temperature from the GUI, you must enter a new
temperature setpoint by hand at fixed time intervals. Enter the desired
setpoint in the ``SP1'' enter box in the lower right of the GUI.
You should increase the value by 10C every 10 minutes.
For example, if the current oven temperature is 35
C, start with
a setpoint of 45
C and increase this
value by 10
C in approximately 10 minute intervals.
The heater is controlled in PID (proportional, integral, derivative) mode.
It approaches the setpoint according to the PID parameters defined in
the ``Prop. Band'', ``Reset'' and ``Rate'' boxes in the lower-right
of the GUI. These values can be changed, but the defaults should be
fine except for special circumstances.
The laser contributes significantly to the heating of the oven. Therefore, you will notice sudden temperature instabilities when the laser is turned off or on. It will take several minutes for the controller to compensate for such changes.