TJNAF Experiment 93-050
Nucleon Structure Study By Virtual Compton Scattering
- Abstract for E93-050
- Proposal for E93-050
- Preliminaries to the experiment:
- Author list for E93050
- Bibliography
on the present experiment topic and other related developments.
- Thesis:
- Natalie Degrande ,
Experimental Study of the Virtual Compton Scattering Process at Q2=1.0 (GeV/c)2
( gzipped file )
- Stephanie Jaminion,
Diffusion Compton Virtuelle a Jefferson Lab (Experience E93050):
Resultat Preliminaire des Sections Efficaces
(ep->ep gamma) en vue d'Extraire les Polarisabilites Generalisees du
Proton a Q2 = 1.9 GeV2.
( 0 ,
Remerciements ,
1 ,
2 ,
3 ,
4 ,
5 ,
6 ,
7 )
- Christophe Jutier,
Measurement of Virtual Compton Scattering below Pion Threshold at Invariant Four-momentum transfer Squared
- Geraud Laveissiere ,
Diffusion Compton Virtuelle et Electro-Production de Meson pi0 a Jefferson Lab
(A4 gzipped:
Full ,
Introduction ,
1 ,
2 ,
3 ,
4 ,
5 ,
6 ,
Conclusion ;
Letter gzipped)
- Luminita Todor,
Virtual Compton Scattering in the Nucleon Resonance Region.
- Proceeding publications
- Nstar2000, L.Todor
- Gordon Conference July 2000, H. Fonvieille
- Nstar2001, Mainz, S. Jaminion
- Nstar2001, Mainz, G. Laveissiere
- Baryons 2002, L. Van Hoorebeke
- Baryons 2002, H.Fonvieille, hep-ex/0206035 (
Pdf ,
Postscript )
NAPP proceedings, Dubrovnic 2003, H. Fonvieille
Chiral Dynamics Workshop mini proceedings, Bonn 2003, H. Fonvieille
EEP03 contribution, Grenoble 2003, H. Fonvieille
- Conferences transparencies
- Publications
- Pi0 Electroproduction
(A4, Letter)
- Pi0 Electroproduction cross sections tables:
- Gamma Electroproduction excitation curve
- Gamma Electroproduction cross section tables
- Related Experiments:
- E97-108 Exclusive Compton Scattering on the Proton
- E00-110 Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering
- Future extensions to high energy VCS
- Run lists for each kinematic setting
- VCS Analysis Notes
- Hall A operating procedures,
summaries and other resources
This page is subject to continuous improvement.
Please, send any comments on this page to
Geraud Laveissiere
Last update September 11, 2003