Kevin Kramer
gave an update on g2n analysis:
Kevin finished
the new replay of the data. The new replay includes
the correct Dead Time correction,
the new optimized optics Database,
beam trip code, and the corrections
from false asymmetry analysis.
After the replay
Kevin compared the old and new replays. The
parallel asymmetry has a significant
shift, and Kevin will look closer
into why there was a shift.
There was less of a change for the
perpendicular asymmetry. From
Beam Trips cuts, Kevin didn't see
any significant difference by comparing
three different cuts.
Kevin began
to work on radiative corrections for the g2n analysis
but has a good bit of work to do.
Kevin worked
on finishing the target polarization results. He is
confident in the calibration constant,
but needs to decide on a method
to determine the final error.
Main Minutes page.