Minutes of the GDH/A1n/g2n/Small Angle GDH
November 16-17, 2001

    Minutes for GDH Analysis Meeting, click here.
    Minutes for Small Angle GDH Meeting, click here.
    Minutes for A1n Analysis Meeting, click here.
    Minutes for g2n Analysis Meeting, click here.

    Kees de Jager gave an update on the schedule for Hall A:

       - There will be no decision on next year's schedule until January 15, and the schedule will
           depend in part on G0's review
       - The tentative schedule is as follows:

    - If G0 is not ready, then there will only be a one month down in March 2002.    The septum magnets
        will then have two months for commissioning

    Paul Brindza reported on the septum status:

        - A platform was designed for the septum magnets and all present Hall A targets
        - A installation platform was also designed to add in the installation of the septum magnets
        - Gordon Cates had asked if a vibration reducing mechanism could be imployed to reduce
           vibrations for the water signal.  One idea was to use shock mounted legs to surpress
           vibrations.   Paul had suggested that we determine where the source of vibration is

    - A brief review of the status of the septum magnets is as follows:

    - The location of the sieve slits was discussed:
        * One option is to attach the sieve slits to the septum magents
        * Another possibility is to use a similar design that the Hypernuclear experiment will use

    Steven Lassiter reported on his simulations for the field clamps:

    - For a postscript file of his simulations, click here.
    - With 1" field clamps, the field due to the spetum magnets is reduced
        by a factor of 10 at the target location
    - Steven also said that by running both magnets, they cancel each other out at
        the target
    - He was asked to do a complete simulation including the field from the
        helmholtz coils to see how the field clamps affect the uniformity of
        the helmholtz coils

    Doug Higinbotham reported on the septum optics commissioning:

    - For the initial commissioning, the vacuum will be broken to put
        the sieve slit in and out
    - The new root analyzer will be used for the optics
    - The present optics database is wrong.  John LeRose is working on a
        data base that will incorporate the septum magnets
    - Doug, Nilanga, John LeRose, and Ken will formulate a plan and details for
        the comissinoning before January 15