Online Analysis

Weekly Analysis Coordinators

The Weekly Analysis Coordinator (WAC) is responsible for compiling Daily and Slug root files, and for updating the run list.

Coordinator schedule for the first part of the 2005 run is:

Week WAC
18-25 Jul Bryan (actually starting as soon as there's data)
25 Jul - 1 Aug Pete
1-8 Aug Kirsten
8-15 Aug Rob
15-22 Aug Ryan
22-29 Aug Kent
29 Aug - 5 Sep Lisa
Sep 5 - Sep 12 Bryan (N.B. accelerator down Sep 3 - Sep 9)
Sep 12 - Sep 19 Ryan
Sep 19 - Sep 26 Lisa
Sep 26 - Oct 3 Hachemi
Oct 3 - Oct 10 Bob (N.B. accelerator down Oct 3 - Oct 12)
Oct 10 - Oct 17 Rich
Oct 17 - Oct 24 Bryan
Oct 24 - Oct 31 Ryan
Oct 31 - Nov 7 Hachemi
Nov 7 - Nov 14 Kent
Nov 14 - Nov 21 Tim
Nov 21 - Nov 28 Lisa (N.B. HAPPEX ends Nov 23)

Any changes can be made by mutual agreement.


Bryan Moffit
Last modified: Wed Oct 19 09:26:09 EDT 2005