Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for July 00 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
48210 07/31/00 16:02 milbrath shift summary
48189 07/31/00 12:49 Adaq Compton valve
48169 07/31/00 08:02 Z. Chai Owl Shift Summary
48129 07/31/00 00:11 R Roche 7/30/00 Swig shift summary
48105 07/30/00 16:01 milbrath shift summary
48100 07/30/00 14:40 Adaq accelerator down
48075 07/30/00 08:05 Z. Chai Owl Shift Summary
48069 07/29/00 23:52 G. M. Urciuo 7/29/00 Swing shift summary.
48059 07/29/00 18:51 M Jones harp scans
48033 07/29/00 16:07 glashausser day shift summary
47973 07/29/00 08:02 Z. Chai Owl Shift Summary
47910 07/29/00 00:01 G. M. Urciuo 7/29/00 swing shift report
47865 07/28/00 17:52 M Jones arc energy measurement
47864 07/28/00 15:59 gilman day shift summary July 28, 2000
47836 07/28/00 10:03 M JOnes recesiation
47826 07/28/00 08:01 E. Brash Shift Summary
47812 07/28/00 06:31 Z. Chai E-Arm shower HV card10 turned on
47762 07/28/00 00:03 R Roche shift summary
47717 07/27/00 17:52 mitchell Deadtime went nuts
47703 07/27/00 16:07 glashausser day shift summary
47655 07/27/00 08:03 E. Brash Shift Summary
47591 07/27/00 00:04 fissum shift summary
47579 07/26/00 22:43 R. Michaels re: high deadtimes (what to do)
47525 07/26/00 16:02 LeRose Shift summary
47521 07/26/00 15:33 LeRose Beam is Back
47519 07/26/00 14:07 LeRose Beam Problems (Hall Access)
47517 07/26/00 12:16 LeRose Beam Problems
47509 07/26/00 10:14 LeRose Beam Back?
47508 07/26/00 09:47 LeRose Rocky beam
47506 07/26/00 09:32 LeRose Beam Back
47504 07/26/00 09:24 LeRose Beam OFF
47502 07/26/00 08:59 LeRose Beam Back correction
47501 07/26/00 08:57 LeRose Beam is back
47499 07/26/00 08:42 LeRose Beam Off
47494 07/26/00 08:00 E. Brash Shift Summary
47444 07/26/00 00:03 Milbrath shift summary
47430 07/25/00 22:54 milbrath dipole regulator
47410 07/25/00 21:12 milbrath kinematic change
47376 07/25/00 16:03 gilman day shift summary July 25, 2000
47333 07/25/00 10:13 R. Michaels kcoda mod'd to restart ET
47317 07/25/00 08:08 E. Brash Restarting CODA
47315 07/25/00 08:04 E. Brash Shift Summary
47249 07/24/00 23:58 R Roche shift summary
47242 07/24/00 23:20 R Roche fpp rear efficiencies
47241 07/24/00 23:19 Adaq fpp front efficiencies
47226 07/24/00 21:09 Z. Chai Different T0
47194 07/24/00 16:01 gilman day shift summary July 24, 2000
47180 07/24/00 11:04 R. Michaels TDC swap (again)
47163 07/24/00 08:02 R. Michaels owl shift summary
47150 07/24/00 06:15 R. Michaels stability of trigger
47147 07/24/00 05:44 R. Michaels origin of tc_cor shift
47140 07/24/00 04:21 R. Michaels ESPACE on filtered data
47137 07/24/00 03:55 R. Michaels filtering to check TDC problem
47123 07/24/00 01:34 R. Michaels large event sizes
47122 07/24/00 01:32 R. Michaels data quality with suspicous TDC
47119 07/24/00 01:02 R. Michaels swapped TDC, beam back
47115 07/24/00 00:31 Z. Chai Swing Shift Summary
47099 07/23/00 21:52 R. Michaels bad TDC 1875 on H-arm
47098 07/23/00 21:43 Z. Chai H-Arm S1 TDC problem
47097 07/23/00 21:40 Z. Chai Bad tc_cor
47086 07/23/00 20:36 R. Michaels DAQ problems, solution
47054 07/23/00 17:16 Z. Chai E-Arm VDC diagnostics
47053 07/23/00 17:12 Z. Chai H-Arm VDC diagnostics
47045 07/23/00 16:08 G. M. Urciuo 7/23/00: day shift summary
46989 07/23/00 08:01 R. Michaels owl shift summary
46976 07/23/00 06:34 R Roche fpp rear efficiencies
46975 07/23/00 06:33 R Roche fpp front efficiencies
46968 07/23/00 06:03 R. Michaels self-timing peaks
46967 07/23/00 05:50 R. Michaels raster/bpm checks
46955 07/23/00 04:49 R. Michaels runs 3418, 3419- dont care Aero
46949 07/23/00 04:24 R. Michaels EPICS screen snapshot
46947 07/23/00 04:22 R. Michaels trigger stability
46925 07/23/00 00:00 GARIBALDI Run Summary T-cm =135
46885 07/22/00 18:56 Z. Chai FPP straw efficiency ( rear chamber)
46884 07/22/00 18:54 Z. Chai FPP straw efficiency ( front chamber)
46860 07/22/00 16:16 Z. Chai E-Arm shower HV turned on
46857 07/22/00 15:58 Chang Run Summary
46815 07/22/00 08:00 G. Urciuoli owl shift summary
46803 07/22/00 06:36 R. Michaels ADC/TDC on S1-1
46785 07/22/00 04:05 R. Michaels pileup in trigger
46777 07/22/00 02:43 R. Michaels run 3336 junk, restart ER
46775 07/22/00 02:29 R. Michaels no beam, also high deadtime
46771 07/22/00 02:10 R. Michaels stop file splitting
46766 07/22/00 01:06 R. Michaels high deadtime episode
46765 07/22/00 00:29 R. Michaels allow file splitting now
46759 07/22/00 00:02 Z. Chai Swing shift summary
46752 07/21/00 23:21 Z. Chai Open vs 6msr coll. rate for thcm=135
46745 07/21/00 22:20 Z. Chai FPP straw efficiency ( rear chamber)
46744 07/21/00 22:17 Z. Chai FPP Straw efficiency ( front chamber)
46709 07/21/00 17:58 Z. Chai thcm=90 magnetic settings
46700 07/21/00 15:59 Chang Run Summary
46685 07/21/00 11:33 R. Michaels anomolous deadtimes, fixed
46618 07/21/00 07:59 E. Brash Shift Summary
46585 07/21/00 00:24 R Roche fpp rear efficiencies
46584 07/21/00 00:23 R Roche fpp front efficiencies
46581 07/21/00 00:02 Z. Chai Swing Shift Summary
46537 07/20/00 16:10 Chang HALOG
46535 07/20/00 16:07 krishniw total charge
46492 07/20/00 08:08 E. Brash Shift Summary
46448 07/20/00 00:02 Punjabi Shift Summary
46438 07/19/00 22:46 Z. Chai VDC multiplicity
46437 07/19/00 22:44 Z. Chai VDC wire efficiency
46436 07/19/00 22:37 Z. Chai FPP straw efficiency (rear Chamber)
46435 07/19/00 22:36 Z. Chai FPP straw efficiency (front chamber)
46397 07/19/00 16:01 bogdanw shift summary
46390 07/19/00 14:09 bogdanw adjustment of EA HV
46374 07/19/00 10:23 LeRose Beam Off
46362 07/19/00 08:01 E. Brash Shift Summary
46318 07/18/00 23:58 Punjabi Shift Summary
46291 07/18/00 19:08 R Roche FPP rear efficiencies
46289 07/18/00 19:07 R Roche FPP front efficiencies
46284 07/18/00 18:24 Z. Chai T6 VDC's tdc narrow width with new trigger understood
46283 07/18/00 18:13 Z. Chai old trigger vs new trigger good event rates
46271 07/18/00 16:03 bogdanw shift summary
46225 07/18/00 07:55 E. Brash Shift Summary - Owl
46210 07/18/00 05:27 Aniol reboot target ioc
46173 07/18/00 00:08 R Roche shift summary
46138 07/17/00 18:36 Eugene Moller results
46135 07/17/00 15:55 Z. Chai Day shift summary
46134 07/17/00 11:47 Z. Chai FPP Straw efficiency(rear chamber)
46133 07/17/00 11:46 Z. Chai FPP Straw Efficiency( front chamber)
46132 07/17/00 11:43 Z. Chai VDC wire efficiency
46122 07/17/00 08:09 S. Sirca straw efficiencies 3030 rear
46121 07/17/00 08:07 S. Sirca straw efficiencies 3030 front
46120 07/17/00 08:03 S. Sirca shift summary
46084 07/17/00 00:48 S. Sirca beam energy fluctuation
46078 07/17/00 00:04 Chang Log
46077 07/17/00 00:03 Chang Shift Summary
46045 07/16/00 16:23 R. Michaels ET/bpmraw problem understood
46041 07/16/00 16:06 Calarco Shift summary
46026 07/16/00 12:51 Margaziotis Disregard entry 46021
46025 07/16/00 12:41 Margaziotis Straw efficiencies-2986-rear
46021 07/16/00 12:34 Margaziotis Straw efficiencies-2986-rear
46002 07/16/00 08:33 R. Michaels re: ET and bpmraw data
45998 07/16/00 08:00 S. Sirca shift summary
45984 07/16/00 05:32 S. Sirca high deadtime
45975 07/16/00 03:57 S. Sirca high deadtime
45953 07/15/00 23:59 Z. Chai Swing Shift Summary
45948 07/15/00 23:30 Z. Chai espace et replay test
45947 07/15/00 22:56 R. Michaels RE: espace et problems
45942 07/15/00 21:49 Z. Chai espace replay et problem
45939 07/15/00 20:14 Z. Chai FPP Straw efficiency (rear chamber)
45938 07/15/00 20:11 Z. Chai FPP Straw efficiency(front chamber)
45931 07/15/00 19:04 Z. Chai Beam energy strip plots
45904 07/15/00 16:04 Calarco Shift Summary
45901 07/15/00 15:57 Z. Chai H-Arm VDC diagnostics
45900 07/15/00 15:55 Z. Chai E-Arm VDC diagnostics
45895 07/15/00 15:24 Calarco Trigger configuration
45882 07/15/00 13:05 Calarco Beam Polarization
45879 07/15/00 12:37 Calarco Beam Polarization
45870 07/15/00 11:03 Kelly comparison of triggers
45867 07/15/00 10:23 Calarco Trigger configuration
45852 07/15/00 07:57 Ole Hansen Shift summary
45848 07/15/00 06:37 Ole Hansen Can't set CODA event limit
45820 07/15/00 00:46 Ole Hansen Accelerator troubles
45819 07/15/00 00:44 Ole Hansen Mistake in July 13 owl shift beam time accounting
45818 07/15/00 00:05 Z. Chai Swing shift summary
45807 07/14/00 18:33 kuss MCC status report
45806 07/14/00 18:02 R. Michaels timing of T6
45805 07/14/00 16:07 Calarco Shift summary
45803 07/14/00 15:52 R. Michaels trigger issues
45788 07/14/00 11:16 R. Michaels VDCs for T6 are ok
45780 07/14/00 09:12 Eugene Moller results
45778 07/14/00 07:55 Ole Hansen Shift Summary
45757 07/14/00 00:03 Z. Chai Swing shift summary
45750 07/13/00 22:01 Z. Chai H-Arm VDC's TDC
45745 07/13/00 20:06 Z. Chai H-Arm VDC TDC
45738 07/13/00 18:10 M Jones aerogel in trigger
45737 07/13/00 17:48 Z. Chai H-Arm VDC TDC
45733 07/13/00 16:50 R Roche estimated time for thcm=50
45726 07/13/00 16:17 Calarco day shift summary
45722 07/13/00 14:44 Z. Chai thcm=50 open vs coll. rate analysis
45718 07/13/00 13:55 Calarco Beam current
45716 07/13/00 13:38 Calarco TDC spectra
45717 07/13/00 13:36 LeRose Beam X position
45715 07/13/00 13:08 Calarco TDC spectra
45711 07/13/00 12:22 Z. Chai H-Arm VDC diagnostics
45709 07/13/00 12:20 Z. Chai E-Arm VDC diagnostics
45708 07/13/00 11:55 Calarco TDC spectra
45706 07/13/00 11:30 Calarco Helium level
45704 07/13/00 11:16 Calarco Trigger
45693 07/13/00 07:55 Ole Hansen Shift Summary
45687 07/13/00 06:26 Ole Hansen Stable beam
45684 07/13/00 05:15 Ole Hansen No beam again :(
45683 07/13/00 05:14 Ole Hansen Culprit for beam troubles found?
45681 07/13/00 03:10 Ole Hansen Beam gone
45677 07/13/00 02:38 Ole Hansen Fast Feedback ok at 18uA
45675 07/13/00 01:45 Ole Hansen Fast Feedback troubles need attention
45674 07/13/00 01:41 Ole Hansen Fast Feedback problems
45672 07/13/00 01:35 Ole Hansen Collimators out
45666 07/13/00 00:00 Z. Chai Swing shift summary
45664 07/12/00 23:41 Z. Chai FPP TDC spectra
45663 07/12/00 23:26 Z. Chai FPP straw efficiency rear chamber
45662 07/12/00 23:24 Z. Chai FPP straw efficiency front chamber
45641 07/12/00 17:50 Margaziotis Cryotarget Temp rise
45640 07/12/00 16:21 Z. Chai Magnetic setting for thcm=50
45639 07/12/00 16:19 jpchen shift summary
45638 07/12/00 16:17 kuss shift summary
45635 07/12/00 14:10 aniol spectrometers' settings
45634 07/12/00 12:30 M JOnes electron q2 and q3 cycled
45631 07/12/00 11:16 Higinbotham Spin Dance ARC Energy (5pass)
45618 07/12/00 00:38 D. Margaziot shift report
45598 07/11/00 16:11 K. Aniol shift summary
45568 07/11/00 12:02 aniol reboot target ioc
45565 07/11/00 11:32 aniol target note/esr faulty pressure
45556 07/11/00 07:58 R Roche shift summary
45532 07/10/00 23:59 M. Rvachev Shift summary 19:00-24:00
45521 07/10/00 21:43 M. Rvachev Start pion test with e-arm in positive polarity
45503 07/10/00 16:07 jpchen shift summary
45478 07/10/00 07:46 Z. Chai Owl Shift Summary
45476 07/09/00 23:53 R Roche shift summary
45471 07/09/00 21:08 x. jiang spectrometer screen
45470 07/09/00 16:07 Zheng Shift log
45467 07/09/00 08:09 Nilanga Shift Log
45464 07/09/00 07:35 M. Rvachev Lost ESR signals on cryotarg
45419 07/09/00 00:28 R Roche shift summary
45413 07/08/00 23:50 R Roche electron bogies
45399 07/08/00 21:02 Strauch Harp still not working
45375 07/08/00 16:47 strauch arcioc problem probably solved
45373 07/08/00 16:05 Z. Chai Day shift summary
45357 07/08/00 13:00 Crovelli Hall A magnets at 13:00
45355 07/08/00 09:09 stevens Hadron dipole failure
45353 07/08/00 08:24 M JOnes summary of owl shift
45352 07/08/00 07:14 Nilanga Settings for the offset study
45350 07/08/00 01:12 M Jones Strange problem when rebooting TS0
45348 07/07/00 19:48 Z. Chai New amplification factors for aerogel cerenkov
45347 07/07/00 19:19 Z. Chai H-Arm aerogel cerenkov HV adjustment
45341 07/07/00 13:32 mitchell target full
45338 07/06/00 09:35 R. Michaels mods to trigsetup script
45335 07/06/00 08:55 R. Michaels download "dont care Aero"
45330 07/05/00 22:29 R. Michaels Trigger Modifications