Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for May 02 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
4300 05/31/02 16:15 Saha shift Summary
4299 05/31/02 14:08 Wendy FPP
4298 05/31/02 10:30 Wendy Target alarm limits
4295 05/31/02 08:02 milbrath owl shift summary
4292 05/31/02 08:00 A. Camsonne Cryotarget status
4291 05/31/02 07:12 M Jones harp scan to determine beam size
4288 05/31/02 05:56 M Jones Good beam starting at 5:20
4284 05/31/02 05:21 Adaq harp scan
4283 05/31/02 05:20 A. Camsonne Cryotarget IOC reboot
4282 05/31/02 04:16 M Jones Run DAQ in UNBUFF configuration not COINC config
4278 05/31/02 02:44 A. Camsonne Cryotarget IOC reboot
4277 05/31/02 02:06 M Jones modified A2 HV channel 10
4269 05/31/02 00:13 Eric Shift summary
4264 05/30/02 17:52 Eric Spectrometer setting
4263 05/30/02 17:38 Punjabi Tartget IOC reboot
4260 05/30/02 17:17 M Jones Lower right arm S1 and S2 HV by 50V
4258 05/30/02 17:07 M Jones change A2 ch1 HV
4257 05/30/02 16:28 Eric Shift Summary
4255 05/30/02 11:22 Moussiegt scintillators High Voltage
4244 05/30/02 05:55 M Jones Modified current calibration constants
4243 05/30/02 05:35 M JOnes Button next to target positions does not turn green
4242 05/30/02 05:29 M Jones problem with NIM crate in left arm found and fixed
4241 05/30/02 00:14 Pierre Mouss target reboot
4236 05/29/02 08:22 Adaq roc 14 crash reset
4233 05/28/02 20:11 M Jones for test lower right arm scint hv by 50V
4229 05/28/02 18:21 R. Michaels DAQ mods, investigations
4223 05/27/02 21:33 johna Post-experiment check of floor plates/angle marks.
4215 05/24/02 15:47 H. Ibrahim Pion Rejector Cable # PIRL 034 Fixed
4207 05/24/02 10:49 Saha Hall A Arc Energy Measurement
4206 05/24/02 09:54 gaskell arc energy measurement under way
4201 05/24/02 08:35 gaskell angles for "kinR", Q2=4.1, 4pass
4200 05/24/02 08:20 Adaq test entry
4196 05/24/02 08:00 R. Michaels owl shift summary
4190 05/24/02 07:00 R. Michaels floor markings
4183 05/24/02 05:21 R. Michaels tools, bcm screens
4170 05/24/02 01:40 R. Michaels event type 2 was missing in data
4165 05/24/02 01:19 Issam Qattan Correcting comments
4159 05/23/02 23:58 M Jones Shift summary
4151 05/23/02 21:57 M Jones Angles for Q2 = 4.1
4149 05/23/02 21:44 M Jones trouble setting left dipole
4144 05/23/02 20:37 Adaq roc 14 crash
4123 05/23/02 17:02 gaskell angle correction
4121 05/23/02 16:46 gaskell don't move left arm camera!
4119 05/23/02 16:42 gaskell angles for KINQ, 4 pass Q2=2.64
4118 05/23/02 16:05 Ole Hansen Day Shift Summary
4116 05/23/02 15:48 reitz ep energy results
4115 05/23/02 14:50 Ole Hansen KINP angles once more
4113 05/23/02 14:26 Reitz Beamline HV for EP
4111 05/23/02 14:18 Ole Hansen Tools Screen
4104 05/23/02 11:50 Keppel ROC14
4089 05/23/02 08:52 Ole Hansen Tools Screen
4083 05/23/02 07:59 R. Michaels owl shift summary
4080 05/23/02 07:42 R. Michaels tools screen
4076 05/23/02 07:08 R. Michaels spot adjustments
4067 05/23/02 06:41 R. Michaels Rastered size wrong !
4063 05/23/02 06:11 R. Michaels FFB on, beam offset in 4AX
4060 05/23/02 05:53 R. Michaels HARP scans to obtain smaller spot
4048 05/23/02 04:55 R. Michaels New guide to ABU
4046 05/23/02 04:44 johna harp scan problems: Expert please check!
4045 05/23/02 04:30 R. Michaels FFB problems, run 1807
4043 05/23/02 04:02 R. Michaels run 1570 ... comparison
4041 05/23/02 03:45 R. Michaels spot for recent run 1806
4038 05/23/02 03:36 R. Michaels run 1761 BPM spot for ref
4037 05/23/02 03:32 R. Michaels tuning and harp scans - not making sense
4030 05/23/02 01:22 R. Michaels raster and intrinsic spot size
4013 05/23/02 00:13 M Jones Swing shift summary
4012 05/22/02 23:53 Hassan Ibrah Tool Page Screen
4010 05/22/02 23:43 gaskell "kinp" angles
4001 05/22/02 23:16 Hassan Ibrah Angles for KIN P
3999 05/22/02 20:58 M Jones at 19:30 access for angle change and beam energy pass change
3989 05/22/02 18:00 M Jones run 1779 is dummy run
3986 05/22/02 17:45 M JOnes downstream bcm v-to-f fixed
3977 05/22/02 16:27 johna Losing BCM readouts one-by-one...
3973 05/22/02 16:03 Ole Hansen Day Shift Summary
3941 05/22/02 11:23 gaskell spot size too small
3922 05/22/02 09:55 gaskell Gunning fixes raster
3921 05/22/02 09:51 gaskell angles for 2 pass Q2=2.64 "KINO"
3920 05/22/02 07:31 sarty Owl Shift Summary
3919 05/22/02 07:28 sarty Q3 (right) tripping: funny cryolevel readout problems?
3917 05/22/02 07:16 sarty BCM Calibration done
3907 05/22/02 04:28 sarty Problems with Raster Gain and getting Raster to turn on
3903 05/22/02 01:49 sarty General Tools screen for Kin "O" (after fixing angles)
3902 05/22/02 01:48 sarty NEW Angle Settings/Readings for Kin "O"
3890 05/22/02 00:05 vasulk Shift Summary
3887 05/21/02 23:51 vasulk Harp Scan
3886 05/21/02 20:11 vasulk angles for Q2=2.64, 2 pass kinematics
3885 05/21/02 20:01 vasulk Tools screen
3880 05/21/02 18:11 Vasulk General Tools screen
3878 05/21/02 17:31 vasulk Run 1736
3873 05/21/02 17:25 vasulk angles and for Q2=4.1, 5 pass kinematics
3870 05/21/02 16:35 Ole Hansen Target H2 inlet valve
3866 05/21/02 15:58 Saha Shift Summary
3856 05/21/02 11:01 Ole Hansen Tools Screen
3853 05/21/02 09:36 gaskell angles for Q2=4.1, 5 pass kinematics
3851 05/21/02 07:29 sarty Owl shift summary
3850 05/21/02 07:27 sarty Deadtime in Run 1725
3848 05/21/02 06:46 slifer rebooted crates
3846 05/21/02 06:36 sarty High Deadtime in Run1725...ROC14 crash
3842 05/21/02 05:24 sarty LVDT readings for Kin "N"
3839 05/21/02 05:04 sarty New angle readings for Kin "N"
3838 05/21/02 04:55 frullani run 1722
3833 05/21/02 03:40 sarty End of Kin M: Angle info & General Tools Screen
3820 05/21/02 00:14 Olivier Swing shift summary
3816 05/20/02 23:37 Olivier Wrong arm angle entry
3812 05/20/02 22:48 Olivier RF cavity problem
3808 05/20/02 22:28 Olivier Cryogen level in left HRS
3795 05/20/02 18:02 Olivier Beam stopped
3792 05/20/02 16:57 Olivier New magnet screen after kin change
3791 05/20/02 16:55 Olivier LDVT readings
3790 05/20/02 16:51 Olivier ACC magnet problem
3789 05/20/02 16:47 Olivier Angle setting for KINM
3788 05/20/02 16:23 Olivier General tools screen
3786 05/20/02 16:04 Ole Hansen Day Shift Summary
3777 05/20/02 13:47 gaskell Q2=2.64 angles right arm!
3774 05/20/02 13:28 johna Q3 polarity wrong for runs 1681-1691
3765 05/20/02 11:51 Ole Hansen Run 1694 is junk
3764 05/20/02 11:48 gaskell angles for 5 pass Q2=2.64
3763 05/20/02 11:44 Ole Hansen Production runs
3757 05/20/02 11:07 Ole Hansen Pointing run
3756 05/20/02 11:06 Ole Hansen Tools screen
3754 05/20/02 10:54 stevensm Right Q3 polarity problem
3751 05/20/02 08:02 Hafidi Owl shift Summary
3729 05/20/02 01:00 hafidi Spectrometers angle and LVDT
3727 05/20/02 00:29 hafidi Tools screen
3726 05/19/02 23:53 atrig Trigger-Download
3725 05/19/02 23:53 gaskell downloaded singles trigger
3723 05/19/02 23:25 Dutta Swing Shift Summary
3722 05/19/02 23:22 gaskell angles for 3 pass Q2=2.64 coins
3708 05/19/02 16:02 Glashausser Day Shift summary 5/19/02
3703 05/19/02 15:55 adaq 8 hr current chart
3702 05/19/02 15:37 Adaq punch thru or scattering off collimator
3691 05/19/02 12:43 glashausser tools screen
3690 05/19/02 12:25 atrig Trigger-Download
3689 05/19/02 12:25 MJones Set trigger for coin
3688 05/19/02 12:23 atrig Trigger-Download
3687 05/19/02 10:55 M Jones After polarity change need to be sure that the NMR regulator is on
3686 05/19/02 09:07 glashausser angle setting Q2 2.64 KINI-COINC
3685 05/19/02 08:24 A. Camsonne Owl shift summary
3683 05/19/02 06:48 A. Camsonne Tools screen
3682 05/19/02 06:42 A. Camsonne Spectrometers angle and LVDT
3653 05/19/02 00:41 A. Camsonne 8 hour BCM screen
3648 05/19/02 00:08 Dutta Shift Report
3628 05/18/02 19:16 gaskell angles for 3 pass Q2=4.1
3624 05/18/02 18:42 Dutta tools again
3623 05/18/02 18:35 Punjabi Tool screen
3622 05/18/02 18:05 K. Hafidi Q3 (right arm) was cycled
3621 05/18/02 17:45 Dutta Hall A General Tools
3610 05/18/02 15:59 Calarco Shift Summary
3587 05/18/02 11:01 gaskell gas panel alarms
3586 05/18/02 10:59 gaskell beam time accounting correction
3585 05/18/02 10:37 gaskell Hall A tools screen
3563 05/18/02 07:59 L.Pentchev owl shift summary
3553 05/18/02 06:44 L.Pentchev q2=3.2 angles
3551 05/18/02 06:13 L.Pentchev general tools screen for q2=3.2
3539 05/18/02 02:10 folts McGiver
3538 05/18/02 00:10 BZ 5/17 swing shift tools
3537 05/18/02 00:08 Zeidman 5/17 swing shift
3534 05/17/02 23:32 slifer cryotarg vacuum
3527 05/17/02 22:02 slifer cryotarg vacuum
3522 05/17/02 21:22 slifer cryotarg vacuum
3503 05/17/02 18:16 gaskell 8 hour BCM screen
3495 05/17/02 16:06 Calarco Shift summary
3486 05/17/02 13:47 Calarco deadtime
3481 05/17/02 12:52 Lung Target & Beam Back
3479 05/17/02 09:52 gaskell spot size too small?
3478 05/17/02 07:58 Dutta Owl shift sumary
3477 05/17/02 07:54 jpchen Cryotarget fan off, coolant on warm return
3475 05/17/02 07:34 jpchen Cryotarget J-T valve problem and target warmed up
3474 05/17/02 06:52 Dutta Target Crash
3465 05/17/02 04:25 Dutta Beam position problem
3452 05/17/02 02:28 Dutta Beam position
3447 05/17/02 01:39 Dutta Beam Back
3439 05/17/02 00:04 glashausser swing summary 5/16/02
3437 05/16/02 23:42 jpchen Cryotarget ioc reboot
3433 05/16/02 12:10 gaskell bogus run number 1387
3430 05/16/02 11:40 Reitz Ethernet Cable Adaql2
3427 05/16/02 00:07 gaskell right collimator
3426 05/16/02 00:04 gaskell angles for 3 pass Q2=2.64
3424 05/15/02 23:46 Punjabi Shift Summary
3423 05/15/02 17:30 Punjabi left arm collimator
3421 05/15/02 15:51 Huber Day shift summary
3419 05/15/02 12:38 Huber Spectrometer angle log
3418 05/15/02 09:07 gaskell yesterday's survey
3415 05/15/02 07:25 ddutta magnet status
3414 05/15/02 04:01 jpchen cryotarget cooldown completed and target status
3413 05/15/02 03:12 johna Safety windows in place for 3.3 and 5.5 GeV running.
3412 05/15/02 02:59 johna Owl non-shift summary
3408 05/14/02 18:30 meekins Hall A target cooldown
3406 05/14/02 09:55 Olivier Swing shift summary (late entry)
3405 05/13/02 23:17 gaskell angles set in preparation for tomorrows access
3403 05/13/02 22:06 Olivier Target warm up
3402 05/13/02 21:23 Olivier Lost again
3401 05/13/02 21:12 Olivier Recovery ?
3400 05/13/02 20:59 Olivier Major crash
3399 05/13/02 20:56 Olivier Beam stops
3385 05/13/02 16:06 perdrisat day shift, May 13, 2002
3383 05/13/02 16:00 perdrisat beam time diagram
3378 05/13/02 14:29 johna Right arm y-target distribution.
3373 05/13/02 12:31 Huber Target from Right Spectrometer
3363 05/13/02 08:25 kramerk target ioc reboot
3359 05/13/02 08:02 vasulk BCM last 8 hours
3357 05/13/02 08:00 vasulk Shift summary
3356 05/13/02 07:51 vasulk Setting R-arm momentum
3355 05/13/02 07:39 vasulk General Tools screen
3347 05/13/02 06:13 atrig Trigger-Download
3338 05/13/02 02:11 vasulk angles for 3 pass, Q2=4.1 COIN
3328 05/13/02 00:01 ent shift summary
3327 05/12/02 23:55 ent BCM Screen last 8 hours
3321 05/12/02 22:19 gaskell 1526 ends with DAQ crash
3315 05/12/02 20:46 K. Aniol harp scan
3314 05/12/02 20:38 ent harp scans
3306 05/12/02 19:24 ent beam angle changed
3304 05/12/02 15:59 kumbartzki beam chart
3303 05/12/02 15:55 kumbartzki Summary day shift
3302 05/12/02 15:03 Adaq target checklist, no beam
3301 05/12/02 14:51 Huber No beam
3295 05/12/02 10:24 gaskell angles for 3 pass, Q2=4.1
3287 05/12/02 08:05 Vasulk Shift Summary
3286 05/12/02 07:59 vasulk bcm screen for last 8 hours
3274 05/12/02 02:33 johna bcm screen for last 8 at 16 hours.
3269 05/12/02 00:28 vasulk General Tools Page
3266 05/12/02 00:01 Brash Shift Summary
3237 05/11/02 17:16 Brash General Tools Page + Angles
3235 05/11/02 16:57 Brash General Tools Page
3230 05/11/02 16:06 K. Aniol bcm/magnet screen
3227 05/11/02 16:01 Wendy Day Shift Summary
3211 05/11/02 12:35 gaskell angle double-check
3208 05/11/02 12:18 gaskell BCM screen for last 8 and 24 hours
3190 05/11/02 08:00 L.Pentchev owl shift summary
3183 05/11/02 06:57 L.Pentchev general tools screen for q2=3.2
3182 05/11/02 06:55 L.Pentchev angles
3176 05/11/02 06:09 reinhold moved target to 4cm H2
3164 05/11/02 04:36 L.Pentchev general tools screen
3161 05/11/02 04:32 reinhold moved target to thin Carbon
3147 05/11/02 01:34 reinhold moved target to 4cm H2
3143 05/11/02 00:54 reinhold target checklist
3138 05/10/02 23:58 K. Aniol shift summary
3119 05/10/02 21:33 K. Aniol magnet screen
3109 05/10/02 18:39 K. Aniol raster settings
3108 05/10/02 18:38 K. Aniol Beam spot size/harp scan
3103 05/10/02 16:11 gilman shift summary
3100 05/10/02 16:00 gaskell angles by dave
3099 05/10/02 13:46 baker left spectrometer move
3098 05/10/02 12:38 gilman right spectrometer move
3097 05/10/02 12:21 Saha HallA Arc Energy Measurement
3096 05/10/02 11:05 johna 8 hour BCM record.
3083 05/10/02 08:20 gilman trip confusion
3080 05/10/02 07:54 hyde Owl 10-May-02 Summary
3079 05/10/02 07:45 reinhold move to 4cm H2 target
3074 05/10/02 05:09 reinhold moved to 4cm dummy
3073 05/10/02 05:07 hyde Q2=4.1
3059 05/10/02 00:09 reinhold target checklist
3058 05/10/02 00:03 K. Aniol shift summary
3056 05/09/02 23:55 K. Aniol magnet screen
3049 05/09/02 22:12 Aniol beam off
3046 05/09/02 21:50 angle-boy angles for Q2 4.1
3032 05/09/02 19:07 K. Aniol Q2=4.1 mag screen
3031 05/09/02 18:33 K. Aniol mag. screen
3019 05/09/02 16:53 gaskell no dummy melting!
3016 05/09/02 16:02 gilman shift summary
3012 05/09/02 15:52 gaskell Angles!
3009 05/09/02 15:33 gaskell s1-left effect on spectra
3004 05/09/02 14:29 R. Michaels halog scaler discrepancies
2996 05/09/02 14:06 gaskell left S1
2988 05/09/02 11:29 gaskell fast feedback overnight history
2978 05/09/02 09:39 gilman change in left arm angle
2970 05/09/02 08:01 Reitz Owl Summary
2964 05/09/02 06:46 Reinhold Minor target alarm
2957 05/09/02 05:10 Reinhold moved to 4 cm hydrogen
2951 05/09/02 02:11 Reinhold moved to 4cm dummy target
2948 05/09/02 02:01 Reitz Dip in Coars and DP spectra
2923 05/08/02 19:30 K. McCormick Hall A General Tools Page
2922 05/08/02 19:25 atrig Trigger-Download
2921 05/08/02 19:05 johna HRS-L magnet setting was wrong.
2920 05/08/02 18:43 johna First beam back, first loss of beam.
2914 05/08/02 15:59 gilman day shift summary
2911 05/08/02 12:16 Lung Left Mag Q1 Alarm
2908 05/08/02 08:07 A. Camsonne Owl shift summary
2906 05/08/02 00:11 folts sleepy
2903 05/07/02 22:04 gaskell and Angle settings
2902 05/07/02 17:30 Adaq for cosmic right arm cerenkov looks good
2899 05/07/02 16:00 jpchen cryotarget is at 80K, fan off, on warm return.
2898 05/07/02 15:00 Jack Gas cherenkov cable
2897 05/07/02 14:48 jpchen ESR/CHL crashed
2896 05/07/02 13:12 jpchen Right spectrometer magnets are set
2894 05/07/02 07:58 K. McCormick Access (changed angle, ramped down RARM D)
2893 05/07/02 07:57 Keppel Owl Shift Summary
2878 05/07/02 05:53 K. McCormick 8 hour current plot for 5/7/02 OWL
2863 05/07/02 04:27 K. McCormick Luminosity Scan angle change
2841 05/07/02 00:00 Higinbotham Swing Shift Summary
2840 05/06/02 23:54 Higinbotham Current Monitor & Tools Screen
2834 05/06/02 22:48 Higinbotham Short Current Calibration
2830 05/06/02 21:48 johna Right arm thresholds back to 45 mV
2828 05/06/02 21:25 atrig Trigger-Download
2824 05/06/02 20:54 Higinbotham Current Monitor
2823 05/06/02 20:33 johna Right arm discriminators to 60mV (run 1324)
2821 05/06/02 20:25 atrig Trigger-Download
2819 05/06/02 20:13 Reitz Saturdays EP measurement
2815 05/06/02 19:15 Higinbotham General Tools Window
2808 05/06/02 18:18 Saha Arc Energy Measurement
2807 05/06/02 17:59 peter Spectrometer angles and LVDTs
2806 05/06/02 16:29 atrig Trigger-Download
2805 05/06/02 16:10 ransome new momentum/angle
2804 05/06/02 16:02 jpchen temperature oscillation
2803 05/06/02 16:01 Ransome day shift summary
2792 05/06/02 11:11 ransome BCM strip chart
2783 05/06/02 09:21 ransome bcm strip chart
2780 05/06/02 08:56 Ransome run number change
2777 05/06/02 08:08 Keppel run number change
2771 05/06/02 07:16 Keppel no beam
2767 05/06/02 06:16 Keppel bcm strip chart 2
2766 05/06/02 06:11 Keppel BCM strip chart
2736 05/06/02 00:44 Keppel quad cycle
2735 05/06/02 00:41 johna 8 hour BCM summary for swing.
2734 05/06/02 00:41 ent visual inspection collimator
2733 05/06/02 00:39 gaskell Left arm angle
2731 05/05/02 23:38 ent general tools screen
2730 05/05/02 23:36 ent BCM screen 9:30 pm - 11:30 pm
2718 05/05/02 21:20 ent BCM screen 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm
2715 05/05/02 21:09 Jack VDC gas system
2708 05/05/02 19:34 ent gas low pressure alarm
2705 05/05/02 19:21 ent BCM screen
2704 05/05/02 19:02 Jack VDCs performance - please watch
2701 05/05/02 18:55 johna Angle plates for E=2.262, Q2=2.64 (day 2)
2689 05/05/02 16:00 Ransome Shift Summary day shift
2685 05/05/02 14:48 M Jones target ion chamber died
2684 05/05/02 10:55 ransome BCM strip chart
2679 05/05/02 09:30 M Jones BCM in scaler needs to be calibrated
2678 05/05/02 09:04 ransome BCM stripchart
2674 05/05/02 07:59 I.Qattan shift summary
2671 05/05/02 07:15 R. Michaels BCM stripchart
2668 05/05/02 06:40 R. Michaels 2nd peaks re-appear on R-arm
2663 05/05/02 05:08 R. Michaels BCM for 03:00 - 05:00
2661 05/05/02 04:35 R. Michaels VDC, scint, look good, beam unstable
2655 05/05/02 03:04 johna BCM for 01:00-03:00
2646 05/05/02 01:39 R. Michaels Y-rast saturating in 1 ADC
2635 05/04/02 21:32 ent current monitor 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
2622 05/04/02 19:17 johna Right arm gas cerenkov signals look very strange.
2611 05/04/02 16:15 Adaq May 4th Day shift summary
2610 05/04/02 16:07 Adaq tested arc scanners
2608 05/04/02 15:54 Wendy General Tools screen
2607 05/04/02 15:51 Adaq High Voltage Screen
2601 05/04/02 15:05 Jack Erratic flow controller
2599 05/04/02 14:50 E. Christy Spectrometer Angles and pointing
2593 05/04/02 13:56 Wendy Right arm S1 and S2 HV
2591 05/04/02 13:37 Wendy S1 and S2 HV
2583 05/04/02 12:45 atrig Trigger-Download
2582 05/04/02 12:45 atrig Trigger-Download
2580 05/04/02 12:31 johna Turned on FPP HV
2575 05/04/02 10:33 adaq s1 right 1,3,5,6 adcs still missing
2566 05/04/02 07:57 reitz current in VDC
2565 05/04/02 07:48 Adaq ep measurement
2563 05/04/02 05:50 R. Michaels owl shift partial summary
2549 05/04/02 04:35 R. Michaels beam unstable
2542 05/04/02 03:27 R. Michaels some wrong end-run summaries
2531 05/04/02 02:32 R. Michaels VDC efficiency dropping 3% per day ?
2524 05/04/02 01:38 R. Michaels (correction) run 1208 for delta = 0
2518 05/04/02 00:29 R. Michaels Missing ADC signals scintillators
2517 05/04/02 00:18 R. Michaels status
2510 05/03/02 10:49 gilman FPP event sizes
2507 05/03/02 06:30 johna Early shift summary
2506 05/03/02 06:07 gaskell access for target
2504 05/03/02 04:21 R. Michaels 2nd VDC peak understood, fixed
2497 05/03/02 04:01 johna Rate dependence/target boiling tests
2495 05/03/02 04:01 atrig Trigger-Download
2484 05/03/02 03:29 Higinbotham Optics Scans
2483 05/03/02 03:28 R. Michaels re: 2nd bump in VDCs
2468 05/03/02 02:47 R. Michaels Huge FPP event size, large deadtime
2463 05/03/02 02:41 johna Turned off FPP HV.
2459 05/03/02 02:25 R. Michaels 2nd bump on VDCs
2451 05/03/02 01:42 R. Michaels spot size
2440 05/03/02 00:18 R. Michaels VDC efficiencies
2437 05/03/02 00:00 Higinbotham Shift Summary
2421 05/02/02 21:09 Higinbotham 4cm Found Target Problem
2407 05/02/02 18:18 Higinbotham BPM/Harp Calibrations
2391 05/02/02 16:04 Saha Shift Summary
2378 05/02/02 14:37 R. Michaels spot++ issues resolved
2368 05/02/02 12:21 E. Schulte Collimator Certification from D. Meekins
2367 05/02/02 12:03 gilman cryotarget okay again
2365 05/02/02 08:02 johna Shift Summary
2353 05/02/02 06:10 Qattan Sieve Slits Inserted
2351 05/02/02 06:03 Reitz Swin Shift summary
2346 05/02/02 04:59 gaskell North Linac drops to power permit
2336 05/02/02 04:03 johna Collimator change.
2308 05/02/02 02:02 johna Rates with and-or vs. or-or trigger
2306 05/02/02 01:47 johna Trigger modification.
2305 05/02/02 01:39 atrig Trigger-Download
2304 05/02/02 01:39 atrig Trigger-Download
2303 05/02/02 01:38 atrig Trigger-Download
2302 05/02/02 01:37 atrig Trigger-Download
2301 05/02/02 01:37 johna Trigger/event size test runs.
2297 05/02/02 01:26 atrig Trigger-Download
2296 05/02/02 01:26 atrig Trigger-Download
2290 05/02/02 00:49 atrig Trigger-Download
2289 05/02/02 00:49 atrig Trigger-Download
2288 05/02/02 00:49 atrig Trigger-Download
2287 05/02/02 00:49 atrig Trigger-Download
2286 05/02/02 00:47 atrig Trigger-Download
2276 05/01/02 23:56 Higinbotham Harp Scan
2275 05/01/02 23:51 Higinbotham Raster Set
2274 05/01/02 23:51 Higinbotham Spectrometer Settings
2252 05/01/02 22:56 Higinbotham Harp Scan #1618
2251 05/01/02 22:46 Higinbotham Machine Problems
2248 05/01/02 20:13 atrig Trigger-Download
2247 05/01/02 19:59 atrig Trigger-Download
2245 05/01/02 19:57 atrig Trigger-Download
2244 05/01/02 18:56 Reitz Magnet Screen for optics
2243 05/01/02 18:52 Reitz HRS angles for optics