Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for May 03 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
103374 05/29/03 08:03 V. Sulkosky Field Survey Results
103373 05/27/03 02:29 V. Sulkosky Target Field Mapping Finished
103372 05/26/03 22:23 A. Deur N2 pressure for run 1912 was 100 psig
103371 05/26/03 22:23 A. Deur N2 pressure for run 1896 was 101 psig
103370 05/26/03 22:05 A. Deur Proteus coloration & contamination
103369 05/26/03 18:31 V. Sulkosky Proteus and Reference cell
103368 05/26/03 14:27 Solvignon Laser hut
103367 05/26/03 14:10 solvignon Target tests finished
103366 05/26/03 08:06 Solvignon Target: NMR= 24.34%
103365 05/25/03 21:21 V. Sulkosky Target Test update
103364 05/25/03 19:29 V. Sulkosky Target Tests update
103363 05/25/03 14:33 Solvignon target tests: update
103362 05/25/03 02:12 A. Deur N2 pressure for run 1903
103361 05/24/03 08:38 V. Sulkosky NMR: 23%
103359 05/23/03 19:29 V. Sulkosky Septum Magnet set @ 250 A
103358 05/23/03 18:23 V. Sulkosky NMR: 2.8%
103357 05/23/03 17:42 V. Sulkosky Oven at 170 deg.
103356 05/23/03 16:17 jpchen Today's survey completed
103355 05/23/03 15:09 J. Singh turned off oven heater
103354 05/23/03 13:10 jpchen ODH alarm
103353 05/23/03 11:54 jpchen 12C foil support frame
103350 05/23/03 08:58 J. Singh Field Rotation Tests @ 150A & 250A
103349 05/23/03 08:47 J. Singh owl shift septum strip
103347 05/23/03 08:39 jpchen laser key locked, helium flow off, ref cell to 1 atm
103345 05/23/03 06:16 A. Deur Owl shift
103344 05/23/03 01:18 Eugene Wien angle
103343 05/23/03 01:03 Eugene Polarization tests
103341 05/22/03 23:59 Wolfgang swing shift summary
103339 05/22/03 23:03 V. Sulkosky Septum at 150 A
103338 05/22/03 22:16 V. Sulkosky Longitudinal Lasers on!
103337 05/22/03 22:14 V. Sulkosky Septum Tests Clarification
103336 05/22/03 22:01 V. Sulkosky Septum Temperature tests
103333 05/22/03 21:54 Wolfgang Septum Heating Test
103324 05/22/03 20:37 V. Sulkosky Septum Strip Chart at 100 uA
103323 05/22/03 19:24 V. Sulkosky Correction coil currents
103321 05/22/03 18:04 V. Sulkosky Septum Strip Chart
103320 05/22/03 17:29 Moffit Charge Asymmetry Feedback OFF
103313 05/22/03 16:40 Wolfgang no news
103305 05/22/03 16:08 Solvignon Shift summary
103292 05/22/03 13:12 Solvignon Ion chamber readings
103291 05/22/03 12:27 Solvignon Target: laser off for 100uA test
103290 05/22/03 12:24 Solvignon MCC is making a controlled access in Hall A
103280 05/22/03 11:01 Solvignon will get 100uA --> target in empty position
103273 05/22/03 08:51 J. Singh owl shift summary
103272 05/22/03 08:48 J. Singh owl shift septum strip chart
103269 05/22/03 08:41 J. Singh changing momentum to P0 = 1.8032 GeV
103265 05/22/03 06:48 J. Singh septum dump, correction coils, part 5
103264 05/22/03 06:10 J. Singh septum dump, beam positions, part 4
103263 05/22/03 06:01 J. Singh septum dump, recovery, part 3
103262 05/22/03 05:43 J. Singh septum dump, T1/T3 rates, part 2
103261 05/22/03 05:22 J. Singh septum dump, summary, part 1
103258 05/22/03 03:09 A. Puckett rates?
103249 05/22/03 00:04 jpchen swing shift summary
103247 05/21/03 23:43 jpchen Middle 12C foil was half way falled out
103246 05/21/03 23:39 jpchen access to take out downstream 12C target and Bogie electronis
103229 05/21/03 19:22 D. Lhuillier Compton e- detector
103226 05/21/03 19:18 korsch/jpche multi-foil 12C position need to Halt/recover to get to the position
103217 05/21/03 18:19 jpchen S2 left ADC L4 channel no events?
103192 05/21/03 16:28 bogdanw shift summary
103184 05/21/03 15:44 Ibrahim Holding field rotated from 0 to 270 deg.
103163 05/21/03 14:26 Ibrahim Correction coils
103142 05/21/03 10:12 Ibrahim Reference cell
103137 05/21/03 09:30 Ibrahim Target moved to ref. cell
103132 05/21/03 08:57 J. Singh owl shift summary, part 2
103131 05/21/03 08:52 J. Singh owl shift beam position (last three hours)
103130 05/21/03 08:49 J. Singh owl coil strip
103129 05/21/03 08:47 J. Singh owl septum strip
103127 05/21/03 08:35 J. Singh ref cell pressures for kin 5.14
103126 05/21/03 08:31 J. Singh Ref Cell pressures for kin 3.14
103125 05/21/03 08:30 J. Singh did 2 extra field rotations by accident
103124 05/21/03 08:25 J. Singh Zut!
103103 05/21/03 07:01 J. Singh RQ2 tripped again
103101 05/21/03 06:13 J. Singh Owl Shift Summary, part 1
103099 05/21/03 00:02 A. Puckett Beam, raster, eP
103098 05/20/03 23:54 H. Gao Right arm Q2
103097 05/20/03 20:09 H. Gao still no beam!
103096 05/20/03 18:35 Wolfgang update
103090 05/20/03 16:07 Olivier shift summary
103085 05/20/03 15:02 Olivier No beam until 5pm
103080 05/20/03 13:10 Eugene Moller results
103037 05/20/03 08:02 J. Singh Owl Shift Summary
103036 05/20/03 08:01 J. Singh MCC: 4 RF zones down, beam back soon
103035 05/20/03 07:48 J. Singh owl shift septum chart
103034 05/20/03 07:46 J. Singh owl shift coils strip chart
103032 05/20/03 07:45 J. Singh owl shift beam position strip chart
103031 05/20/03 07:34 J. Singh Target @ Ref Cell, rotated field to 0 deg
103030 05/20/03 07:30 J. Singh Septum Current Tests, pt 2
103029 05/20/03 06:57 J. Singh MCC: IOC crash, several min down
103021 05/20/03 06:20 J. Singh Increased beam current to 8 microA
103018 05/20/03 06:14 J. Singh Changing to kin 5.12, P0 = 2.288
103005 05/20/03 05:20 J. Singh NMR = 34.9%
103002 05/20/03 05:07 J. Singh Correction Coils, Septum = 386.5 + Equations
102992 05/20/03 04:33 J. Singh Beam Spot Size
102988 05/20/03 04:19 J. Singh Bleedthrough Studies
102987 05/20/03 04:09 J. Singh Right Momentum Settings Modified
102986 05/20/03 03:51 J. Singh Septum Current Tests
102973 05/20/03 03:05 J. Singh Target @ Ref Cell = Empty
102957 05/19/03 22:10 H. Gao HRS momentum setting!
102955 05/19/03 21:20 Wolfgang Pulsed beam promised
102954 05/19/03 21:09 jpchen Day shift summary II
102952 05/19/03 19:06 V. Sulkosky Septum Readback vs Set point
102951 05/19/03 18:59 Eugene Septum heating by beam, in Moller settings
102950 05/19/03 18:39 Eugene Moller results
102949 05/19/03 17:30 K. McCormick Added Hall C Beam Current to Fast Epics Logger
102943 05/19/03 16:55 Suleiman Parity: GDH
102936 05/19/03 14:49 jpchen Moller measurement completed
102927 05/19/03 11:56 jpchen Day shift summary I
102890 05/19/03 08:53 J. Singh Owl Shift Summary, part 2
102885 05/19/03 08:45 J. Singh Target @ Ref Cell = Empty, NMR = 35.7%
102883 05/19/03 08:28 J. Singh owl shift coil current strip
102882 05/19/03 08:25 J. Singh owl shift beam position strip
102868 05/19/03 07:45 J. Singh owl shift septum strip
102856 05/19/03 06:37 J. Singh Target @ Pol 3He, vented Ref Cell
102855 05/19/03 06:29 J. Singh Ref Cell Pressures for kin 3.20
102843 05/19/03 05:37 J. Singh Target @ Ref Cell = EMPTY, rotated field to 0 deg
102840 05/19/03 05:20 J. Singh Changed kin to 3.20, P0 = 1.078
102839 05/19/03 05:17 J. Singh Owl Shift Summary, part 1
102831 05/19/03 04:23 J. Singh Rotating Target from 0 to 270 deg
102828 05/19/03 04:19 A. Puckett bleed through
102822 05/19/03 03:50 J. Singh Target @ Pol 3He
102819 05/19/03 03:37 J. Singh Target @ 12C Multi Foils, vented Ref Cell
102816 05/19/03 03:35 J. Singh Ref Cell Pressures for kin 3.19
102815 05/19/03 03:26 J. Singh Target @ Reference Cell = N2
102814 05/19/03 03:24 J. Singh Beam Current/Slit
102808 05/19/03 03:17 J. Singh Target @ Ref Cell = EMPTY, reduced BC to 10 microA
102800 05/19/03 03:00 J. Singh Target @ Empty, increased BC to 10 microA
102797 05/19/03 02:56 J. Singh Changing Momentum P0 = 1.159 GeV
102791 05/19/03 01:59 J. Singh Target @ Pol 3He/0 deg, Ref Cell evacuating
102789 05/19/03 01:57 J. Singh Ref Cell Pressures for kin3.18
102787 05/19/03 01:52 J. Singh Target @ Ref Cell, Pol 3He @ 0 deg
102772 05/19/03 00:35 J. Singh MCC: Computer Crash
102771 05/19/03 00:08 V. Sulkosky Correction Coil Currents
102769 05/19/03 00:02 adaq shift summary
102748 05/18/03 22:38 Solvignon Target: NMR= 32.6%
102712 05/18/03 20:17 adaq Spot size
102689 05/18/03 18:15 Adaq Q2 right reset
102668 05/18/03 16:11 Solvignon Target: NMR= 29%
102664 05/18/03 15:53 Ransome Shift summary 12-16
102658 05/18/03 15:28 J. Singh Rotating Target to 0 deg
102648 05/18/03 14:49 J. Singh Rotating Target to 270 deg
102645 05/18/03 14:42 Ibrahim Run numbers
102642 05/18/03 14:14 J. Singh Beam Position Monitoring
102636 05/18/03 14:01 J. Singh Target @ Pol 3He & Ref Cell Pressures
102629 05/18/03 13:36 J. Singh Helmholtz & Correction Coils Values
102619 05/18/03 13:14 Ibrahim Run # 21131/2131 is Empty ref. cell (kin 3.13)
102618 05/18/03 13:10 J. Singh Target in Ref Cell = Empty
102613 05/18/03 13:08 J. Singh NMR = 30.7% & EPR = 30.1%
102611 05/18/03 12:29 ransome Shift summary 8-12
102599 05/18/03 11:25 J. Singh Target Field @ 270 deg
102581 05/18/03 08:28 J. Singh Target @ Pol 3He
102580 05/18/03 08:09 J. Singh Owl Shift Summary, part 2
102579 05/18/03 08:03 J. Singh Waiting for Beam
102577 05/18/03 07:46 V. Sulkosky Septum Strip Chart
102575 05/18/03 07:24 V. Sulkosky Target to Long 12C foil
102571 05/18/03 06:44 J. Singh Beam HWP = IN
102561 05/18/03 06:06 Sulkosky NMR: (26.3%) > 30%
102556 05/18/03 05:28 V. Sulkosky Vent and evacuate Reference cell
102550 05/18/03 05:02 V. Sulkosky Fill Reference cell with N2
102549 05/18/03 04:55 J. Singh Run 2118:Helicity Error in Detector Replay
102548 05/18/03 04:47 J. Singh MCC: RF Zone Drop, >=15 min delay
102536 05/18/03 04:12 J. Singh Owl Shift Summary, part 1
102535 05/18/03 04:05 V. Sulkosky Correction Coils Changed
102525 05/18/03 03:30 Sulkosky Rotate to 0 deg
102521 05/18/03 03:10 J. Singh Parity DAQ: Roc 26 problems
102520 05/18/03 03:08 Sulkosky RTD Temperatures
102519 05/18/03 03:03 Moffit Charge Asymmetry Width, after current increase
102518 05/18/03 03:00 Moffit Charge Asymmetry Width, after current increase
102517 05/18/03 02:56 Sulkosky Transverse Temperatures
102502 05/18/03 02:24 Moffit Parity: GDH_Minimal
102501 05/18/03 02:24 J. Singh increased Beam current to 4microA
102498 05/18/03 02:21 J. Singh Beam HWP = OUT
102495 05/18/03 02:08 Moffit Charge Asymmetry Width
102490 05/18/03 01:38 Sulkosky Rotate Field to 270 degs.
102489 05/18/03 01:36 Sulkosky NMR: 27.5%
102476 05/18/03 00:39 J. Singh synchronized left/right arm run numbers
102472 05/18/03 00:24 J. Singh MCC called: Zone Dropped Out
102468 05/18/03 00:06 adaq shift summary
102452 05/17/03 22:48 Solvignon RTD readback at pol. 3He position
102445 05/17/03 22:25 Solvignon Laser work and Longitudinal#5 settings
102431 05/17/03 22:00 Solvignon Target: NMR= 30.3%, EPR= 30.4%
102427 05/17/03 21:26 A. Deur No pressure curve
102415 05/17/03 19:07 Solvignon Target: rotate from 180 to 0.
102385 05/17/03 16:31 adaq left arm run number
102378 05/17/03 16:00 Ransome Shift summary 12-16
102375 05/17/03 15:27 Ibrahim Target holding field rotated from 0 to 180 deg
102369 05/17/03 14:09 Ransome run 2088 beam position bad
102363 05/17/03 12:55 Ransome bleedthrough from hall C
102361 05/17/03 12:41 Ibrahim Target NMR
102356 05/17/03 12:10 Ibrahim Evacuating the ref. cell
102354 05/17/03 12:03 Ibrahim Ref. cell
102353 05/17/03 12:02 Ransome shift summary 8 am-Noon
102344 05/17/03 11:24 Ibrahim target moved
102328 05/17/03 10:00 Ransome left arm momentum
102327 05/17/03 09:55 Sulkosky Sieve-slit OUT, collimators IN
102320 05/17/03 09:22 Ibrahim target moved
102309 05/17/03 08:04 V. Sulkosky Shift Summary
102307 05/17/03 07:13 J. Singh Target @ Empty, NMR/EPR = 35%
102306 05/17/03 06:12 J. Singh correction coil A tripped off
102304 05/17/03 05:29 J. Singh cc changed
102303 05/17/03 05:19 Sulkosky No beam
102302 05/17/03 05:14 Sulkosky FFB off
102301 05/17/03 05:10 J. Singh Problem?:T1/T2 Rates for +3%
102294 05/17/03 04:33 J. Singh Target @ Empty
102290 05/17/03 04:14 J. Singh run 2070 was actually LONG
102288 05/17/03 04:08 J. Singh Target @ Multifoil
102283 05/17/03 03:49 J. Singh correction coils changed
102278 05/17/03 03:13 J. Singh Target @ Long Foil
102270 05/17/03 02:41 Sulkosky NMR correction
102269 05/17/03 02:36 J. Singh Target @ Multi Foil
102257 05/17/03 00:56 Sulkosky Correcton Coils
102250 05/17/03 00:38 K. McCormick Harp Scan
102244 05/17/03 00:13 A. Shabetai Correcton Coil ramp-up --> 2.29175 Gev/c
102242 05/17/03 00:08 A. Shabetai NMR : 34.55 %
102241 05/17/03 00:04 W.Boeglin shift summary
102239 05/17/03 00:00 A. Shabetai Target operation sumary
102238 05/16/03 23:59 Eugene Moller results
102237 05/16/03 22:38 Lhuillier Compton elec. det.
102234 05/16/03 20:36 Eugene Septum heating with Moller settings
102228 05/16/03 19:29 Eugene Current leakthrough from Hall C
102225 05/16/03 16:56 jpchen sieve slits inserted, target collimators out, laser#5 key
102223 05/16/03 16:08 Olivier Day shift summary
102222 05/16/03 15:58 Rikki target RTD beam cell temp
102216 05/16/03 11:45 Rikki NMR & EMR 39.4%
102213 05/16/03 10:56 Olivier Start energy change
102211 05/16/03 10:40 Rikki rotation from 0 to 270 degrees
102194 05/16/03 09:44 Olivier Change of kinematics
102193 05/16/03 09:37 Rikki 270 to 0 degrees
102189 05/16/03 09:14 Rikki rotate holding field
102174 05/16/03 08:11 J. Singh Owl Shift Summary
102167 05/16/03 07:46 J. Singh septum strip chart for owl
102165 05/16/03 07:41 J. Singh momentum changed to P0 = 671 MeV
102164 05/16/03 07:30 Kelleher gradient coil change
102159 05/16/03 07:13 Kelleher target moved to empty target
102152 05/16/03 06:42 J. Singh Controlled Access to install Target Collimators
102151 05/16/03 06:40 Kelleher target to multifoils
102149 05/16/03 06:12 J. Singh run 2041 was junk
102147 05/16/03 05:59 Kelleher target to empty target
102139 05/16/03 05:15 J. Singh Controlled Access to remove sieve slit
102138 05/16/03 05:13 J. Singh change Correction Coils when Septum Current Changed
102137 05/16/03 05:11 Kelleher target to multifoils
102135 05/16/03 04:44 J. Singh run 20132 end failed
102128 05/16/03 04:22 Kelleher target moved to single foil
102127 05/16/03 04:21 Kelleher target motion failure
102121 05/16/03 03:49 J. Singh Controlled Access for Spacer Change
102119 05/16/03 03:08 Kelleher target to multi foil position
102117 05/16/03 02:53 J. Singh Parity Feedback
102104 05/16/03 00:01 E.Chudakov Shift summary - swing June,15
102100 05/15/03 22:28 Moffit Target to multifoil
102091 05/15/03 19:32 Moffit Parity: Run #3055 Note
102086 05/15/03 17:56 Moffit Target to Empty Position
102084 05/15/03 17:54 Moffit EPR: 36.0% NMR: 35.7%
102078 05/15/03 17:05 paschke Day shift summary
102070 05/15/03 15:53 Moffit Septum Strip Chart
102069 05/15/03 15:07 Solvignon Transverse laser #3: fiber changed and realignment
102018 05/15/03 10:32 Sulkosky EPR: 39.7%
102017 05/15/03 09:01 J. Singh Owl Shift Summary
102014 05/15/03 08:44 J. Singh Septum Strip Chart Info/Tutorial
102013 05/15/03 07:29 J. Singh NMR = 41.4%
102012 05/15/03 02:19 J. Singh Status
102009 05/14/03 23:58 adaq shift summary
102006 05/14/03 23:12 averett Target polarization
102003 05/14/03 22:55 jpchen Thick sieve inserted, target collimator out, laser line #3 checked
101930 05/14/03 15:52 Ole Hansen Day Shift Summary
101908 05/14/03 13:35 choi hbook directory moved
101903 05/14/03 11:56 choi Kumacs improved
101893 05/14/03 11:11 Ole Hansen Note on disk space
101892 05/14/03 11:02 choi Extreme deadtimes
101870 05/14/03 08:04 R.Michaels owl shift summary
101858 05/14/03 06:55 R. Michaels run 21004 helicity errors
101848 05/14/03 05:39 Kelleher target to pol 3He
101840 05/14/03 05:15 lkaufman Run #2002
101837 05/14/03 05:08 Kelleher target to multifoils
101830 05/14/03 04:54 Kelleher reference cell filled with N2
101826 05/14/03 04:48 Kelleher target to reference cell (evacuated)
101820 05/14/03 04:33 Kelleher target to empty position
101818 05/14/03 04:33 Kelleher NMR = 40.6%, EPR = 38.6%
101802 05/14/03 02:06 Kelleher rotate target field from 0 to 270
101785 05/14/03 00:07 Humensky Swing Shift Summary
101769 05/13/03 22:14 Sulkosky Target to Pol. 3He position
101766 05/13/03 22:04 Sulkosky Fill Reference cell
101757 05/13/03 21:33 Sulkosky Field Rotated to 0 deg.
101748 05/13/03 19:56 Sulkosky Rotate to 270 degrees
101747 05/13/03 19:52 Sulkosky NMR: 40.8%
101732 05/13/03 18:04 Sulkosky Target Movements
101718 05/13/03 17:08 adaq HRS momentum
101710 05/13/03 16:56 Sulkosky Reset Q1 IOC
101709 05/13/03 16:50 Sulkosky Correction Coil Currents
101708 05/13/03 16:49 Sulkosky Target to Reference cell
101703 05/13/03 16:38 Nanda Beam quality and Compton
101699 05/13/03 16:01 adaq Shift Summary
101691 05/13/03 15:05 Moffit Parity DAQ: added QPD to Injector
101687 05/13/03 14:40 paschke injector transmission studied
101684 05/13/03 12:33 J. Singh Target Rotation Labview GUI changed
101683 05/13/03 12:23 J. Singh NMR = 40.8
101682 05/13/03 12:12 J. Singh Target is now Longitudinal
101681 05/13/03 12:08 J. Singh Beam Half Wave Plate = OUT
101663 05/13/03 10:45 Adaq magnet momentum setting
101653 05/13/03 10:02 J. Singh Typical Target Transverse Temperatures
101639 05/13/03 08:34 J. Singh & A NMR = 42.2, EPR = 39.0
101638 05/13/03 08:00 R. Michaels owl shift summary
101636 05/13/03 07:40 R. Michaels Gui colors revived, NoRoc14 test
101617 05/13/03 06:30 R. Michaels log out/in adaqs2 if chance arises
101616 05/13/03 06:14 R. Michaels A "NoRoc14" config prepared
101615 05/13/03 06:10 R. Michaels IWP put IN
101602 05/13/03 05:38 R. Michaels septum/BCM strip chart
101593 05/13/03 03:51 R. Michaels raster spot on target, showing dwell
101589 05/13/03 03:15 Kelleher NMR = 43.5%
101575 05/13/03 01:24 R. Michaels adaqs2 screen logged us out
101560 05/12/03 23:59 bogdanw shift summary
101550 05/12/03 22:46 Moffit Charge Asymmetry Width
101549 05/12/03 22:25 Moffit Target Holding Field to 270deg
101529 05/12/03 20:54 Moffit Target to Pol 3He
101515 05/12/03 20:33 adaq Momentum setting for left and right arm
101514 05/12/03 20:31 paschke injector transmission good, Aq RMS not so good
101512 05/12/03 19:49 Sulkosky NMR: 44.7%, EPR 41.4%
101511 05/12/03 19:36 folts Ed call in
101497 05/12/03 18:12 paschke Bad injector transmission = large charge asymmetry width
101496 05/12/03 18:09 Sulkosky Target to Empty position
101493 05/12/03 18:05 adaq Q1 ramping
101485 05/12/03 17:50 Adaq right HRS magnet problem
101464 05/12/03 17:13 bogdanw HRSR GC #3
101455 05/12/03 16:02 jpchen Cherenkov #3 (right arm) HV increased to 2500V
101454 05/12/03 15:59 Ulmer Day Shift Summary
101431 05/12/03 14:09 choi Right arm Cerenkov #3
101429 05/12/03 13:56 jpchen Target NMR=45.3%
101428 05/12/03 10:47 Olivier Left DAQ reset
101414 05/12/03 10:07 Ulmer Gas Cherenkov Right - PMT3
101397 05/12/03 08:53 Sulkosky Correction coils set
101396 05/12/03 08:26 J. Singh Owl "Shift" Summary pt. 2
101395 05/12/03 07:45 J. Singh Detector Replay for cosmic run 1928
101392 05/12/03 07:15 J. Singh Septum Status pt. 2
101391 05/12/03 06:46 J. Singh EPR =45.7% & NMR=43.9%
101390 05/12/03 05:58 J. Singh Detector replay of Cosmic run 1927
101389 05/12/03 04:53 J. Singh Septum Status
101388 05/12/03 04:42 J. Singh OWL shift summary pt.1
101375 05/11/03 23:00 hyde ESR
101374 05/11/03 22:40 Moffit NMR: 43.4%
101371 05/11/03 20:20 hyde HRS-L DAQ
101362 05/11/03 19:30 hyde ROC14
101359 05/11/03 16:44 A. Shabetai Target computer : Print ok
101358 05/11/03 16:32 A. Shabetai NMR = 42.39 % (unable to print)
101357 05/11/03 16:07 A. Shabetai Target Movement (continiued)
101356 05/11/03 14:17 R. Michaels re: roc14 problems
101355 05/11/03 14:16 J. Singh detector replay for 1923
101354 05/11/03 13:31 J. Singh Left Arm ROC 14
101353 05/11/03 13:27 J. Singh Day Shift Summary part. 1
101349 05/11/03 11:48 J. Singh run 1914 is really EMPTY target
101343 05/11/03 11:21 J. Singh right Q2 tripped
101338 05/11/03 11:00 A. Shabetai Target Movement
101324 05/11/03 08:44 A. Shabetai NMR 42.33 %
101321 05/11/03 08:18 Sulkosky Septum Strip Chart
101317 05/11/03 07:58 Kumbartzki Owl Shift Sumary
101315 05/11/03 07:50 Sulkosky Target Movement
101307 05/11/03 07:00 Sulkosky Target to Single Foil position
101303 05/11/03 06:37 Sulkosky Target Correction Coils
101302 05/11/03 06:36 Sulkosky Target to Empty
101294 05/11/03 05:20 Sulkosky Low Shower blocks
101293 05/11/03 05:13 Sulkosky Left xscaler
101290 05/11/03 04:44 Sulkosky Correction coil change
101287 05/11/03 04:34 Sulkosky Target Movement
101280 05/11/03 04:03 Sulkosky Target Movement
101278 05/11/03 03:47 Sulkosky NMR: 43.8%, EPR: 40.3%
101271 05/11/03 02:36 Sulkosky Target Movement
101256 05/11/03 01:05 vasulk Move Target to Multi-foil
101252 05/11/03 00:25 vasulk Target to single carbon foil
101244 05/10/03 23:53 Hyde-Wright Swing 10-May-03 Summary
101243 05/10/03 23:46 Moffit Target Grad. Coil Change
101242 05/10/03 23:41 Moffit Target to Empty Position
101233 05/10/03 22:42 Moffit MCC: Beam being tuned
101228 05/10/03 22:06 Moffit Target to Pol 3He
101222 05/10/03 21:38 Moffit Target to Empty Ref. Cell
101218 05/10/03 21:16 Moffit Target to Multi-Foil
101211 05/10/03 20:57 Moffit Target to Long Carbon Foil
101205 05/10/03 20:03 X. Jiang left arm roc14 reset, still not working
101203 05/10/03 19:45 Moffit Target Grad Coil Change
101201 05/10/03 19:41 Moffit Target to Empty Position
101194 05/10/03 19:07 Moffit Target to Carbon Long Foil
101185 05/10/03 18:39 Moffit NMR: 43.6%
101183 05/10/03 18:30 Sulkosky Controlled Access Activities
101182 05/10/03 18:22 Moffit Target Spectrum Analyzer
101181 05/10/03 18:19 Moffit Target Gradient Coil change
101180 05/10/03 17:51 Moffit Target move to Empty
101177 05/10/03 17:24 Moffit Target to multi-foil carbon
101175 05/10/03 17:21 X. Jiang multi-foil data shows up multiple holes.
101174 05/10/03 17:12 X. Jiang mage of sieve holes at +3% setting.
101172 05/10/03 17:07 Moffit Target to Long Foil
101169 05/10/03 16:56 Moffit Target was moved to Empty Position
101168 05/10/03 16:42 Hyde-Wright Septum Magnet
101167 05/10/03 16:33 Moffit Target Grad coil change
101164 05/10/03 16:05 J. Singh Day Shift Summary
101161 05/10/03 15:57 Moffit Target move to Multi-foil Carbon
101160 05/10/03 15:48 Moffit Target to Long Carbon
101157 05/10/03 15:36 J. Singh septum strip chart for day shift
101155 05/10/03 15:25 Kelleher target to empty target
101152 05/10/03 15:07 Kelleher target to multi-foils
101148 05/10/03 14:42 J. Singh right Dipole regulator was off!
101146 05/10/03 13:47 X. Jiang hacsbc2 frozen earlier
101145 05/10/03 13:43 Kelleher NMR = 44%
101144 05/10/03 12:07 J. Singh Right Q1 problem resolved for now
101129 05/10/03 10:12 J. Singh RQ1, the saga continues
101128 05/10/03 09:49 J. Singh still playing RQ1 games
101127 05/10/03 09:13 J. Singh Still having Right Q1 problems
101125 05/10/03 07:38 Solvignon Target: EPR= 41.1%
101124 05/10/03 07:18 Kumbartzki Owl shift sumary
101123 05/10/03 05:37 Solvignon Target: NMR= 41.5%
101122 05/10/03 04:40 Kumbartzki Progress with Q1 HRSR
101121 05/10/03 04:09 Kumbartzki Cooling status of septum
101120 05/10/03 02:58 Kumbartzki Experiment down
101119 05/10/03 01:01 Solvignon Target: NMR= 40.6%, EPR= 40.5%
101118 05/10/03 00:56 Solvignon Spectrum analyzer computer rebooted
101117 05/10/03 00:22 Kumbartzki Cooling status of septum
101115 05/10/03 00:07 C. C. Chang Shift summary
101114 05/09/03 23:33 Eugene Moller results
101113 05/09/03 23:00 Eugene Septum heating
101112 05/09/03 22:08 C. C. Chang Magnet Cryogen Levels
101111 05/09/03 20:47 C. C. Chang Magnet Cryogen Levels
101110 05/09/03 20:08 C. C. Chang Septum Temp Strip Chart
101108 05/09/03 19:31 C. C. Chang Magnet Cyrogen Levels
101106 05/09/03 19:18 Moffit Parity DAQ: Replaced adc27
101101 05/09/03 17:52 Eugene Septum heating
101096 05/09/03 16:49 Eugene Septum heating by beam with Moller dipole on
101094 05/09/03 16:26 paschke HAPPEX DAQ VME problems
101089 05/09/03 16:04 paschke day shift summary
101085 05/09/03 14:30 Sulkosky Hysteresis Check
101084 05/09/03 14:13 paschke controlled access activities
101083 05/09/03 14:04 Kelleher NMR = 35.6%
101082 05/09/03 13:28 paschke FSD glitch delays Moller measurement
101081 05/09/03 12:15 paschke sniffer now agrees: R-HRS is safe
101080 05/09/03 12:15 atrig Trigger-Download
101078 05/09/03 12:09 paschke ESR failed
101077 05/09/03 11:59 R. Michaels end (hopefully) of DT saga
101071 05/09/03 11:28 jpchen thin sieve in, long 12C foil at 10 cm upstream
101070 05/09/03 11:20 R. Michaels additional TS2 scalers (for DT, etc)
101067 05/09/03 11:04 paschke Sniffer squealed at R-HRS hut
101064 05/09/03 10:53 A. Deur Elastic asymmetry looks good
101063 05/09/03 10:45 R. Michaels R-arm datamon modification
101050 05/09/03 09:44 Kelleher target to single foil
101045 05/09/03 09:22 X. Jiang replot empty run with dot plots.
101044 05/09/03 09:15 Solvignon Target: EPR= 33.7%
101043 05/09/03 09:12 paschke R-HRS DAQ deadtime test
101042 05/09/03 09:07 jpchen Thick sieve slits in, three 12C targets in (0, +-10 cm), target collimators in
101041 05/09/03 08:58 R. Michaels ps8 test of R-arm DT
101031 05/09/03 08:29 Cusanno slit at delta = -4%
101027 05/09/03 08:23 Cusanno Slit at delta = -4%
101024 05/09/03 08:16 Cusanno delta=-4%: changing in replay
101022 05/09/03 07:57 Kumbartzki Owl sift sumary
101014 05/09/03 07:27 Cusanno slit at -2%
101009 05/09/03 07:12 Cusanno REALLY SLIT AT NOMINAL VALUE
101002 05/09/03 06:48 Cusanno Sieve at nominal value
100992 05/09/03 06:01 Cusanno Sieve at +2%
100991 05/09/03 06:00 Solvignon Septum magnet chart
100982 05/09/03 05:32 Cusanno Sieve at +3%
100969 05/09/03 04:24 Solvignon long carbon foil at 20cm downstream
100968 05/09/03 03:50 Cusanno Sieve at -4%
100959 05/09/03 03:16 R. Michaels R-arm DT (part 2)
100958 05/09/03 02:55 Cusanno Sieve at -2%
100957 05/09/03 02:55 R. Michaels R-arm deadtime problems
100956 05/09/03 02:42 Cusanno Sieve at nominal value
100946 05/09/03 02:18 Cusanno Sieve at +2%
100945 05/09/03 02:05 Cusanno Sieve at +3%
100917 05/08/03 23:59 C. C. Chang Run Summary
100916 05/08/03 23:55 Sulkosky Carbon foil moved upstream
100915 05/08/03 23:27 W. Kim NMR Measurements
100914 05/08/03 23:07 M.Iodice Sieve at -4%
100912 05/08/03 22:57 C. C. Chang Another Strange Adaq Behavior
100909 05/08/03 22:53 M.Iodice Sieve at P=1.1246 (-2%)
100905 05/08/03 22:22 Adaq Strange Adaq behaviour
100901 05/08/03 21:44 Adaq Adaql1 frozen
100900 05/08/03 21:41 Adaq BeO + Single 12C target
100893 05/08/03 21:14 M.Iodice Sieve at P=1.476 (0%)
100882 05/08/03 20:40 W. Kim Empty Target
100880 05/08/03 20:32 M.Iodice Sieve at P=1.17055 (+2%)
100871 05/08/03 20:08 W. Kim BeO + 12C target
100865 05/08/03 19:52 M.Iodice Sieve at P=1.182 (delta +3%)
100850 05/08/03 19:11 Lhuillier Happy Compton guy
100846 05/08/03 18:57 Sulkosky Calib. constant Lasers off
100841 05/08/03 18:38 Sulkosky Sieve slit at nominal setting
100836 05/08/03 17:56 X. Jiang harp scan
100834 05/08/03 17:52 x. jiang OTR
100833 05/08/03 17:50 G. Chang harp scan
100826 05/08/03 16:05 Kumbartzki Day shift sumary
100809 05/08/03 14:10 R. Michaels changed tokenInterval to 256
100807 05/08/03 13:50 R. Michaels DAQ tests, pedrun 1800
100806 05/08/03 13:48 atrig Trigger-Download
100797 05/08/03 11:31 Kelleher NMR = 33.9%
100796 05/08/03 10:58 choi Improved ESPACE
100795 05/08/03 08:04 peter owl shift summary
100793 05/08/03 06:31 peter septum magnet chart
100789 05/08/03 04:49 peter update on CHL problems
100785 05/08/03 02:48 peter beam restored
100776 05/08/03 00:13 Kumbartzki swing shift summary
100766 05/07/03 23:15 Sulkosky Target Test Results 2
100765 05/07/03 21:56 Sulkosky EPR-NMR Calib at 250 A
100764 05/07/03 21:05 Sulkosky Target Test Results I
100763 05/07/03 20:53 W. Kim NMR Measurement 25.4%
100762 05/07/03 20:43 Solvignon Target: EPR= 26.7%
100761 05/07/03 20:12 W. Kim Rotation from 270 to 0 deg
100760 05/07/03 20:01 Solvignon Transverse laser settings
100759 05/07/03 19:43 Solvignon Target work summary
100756 05/07/03 17:43 Kumbartzki PMT #3 right Cherenkov replaced
100754 05/07/03 17:29 Sulkosky Correction Coils on
100753 05/07/03 17:27 Sulkosky Empty Target FSD switch
100752 05/07/03 17:26 Sulkosky Transverse Laser wavelength
100749 05/07/03 15:49 atrig Trigger-Download
100748 05/07/03 15:49 R. Michaels deadtime burp study not done
100744 05/07/03 11:42 jpchen Planned activities today
100743 05/07/03 11:32 jpchen Hall A in restricted access
100742 05/07/03 11:29 jpchen Maintenance and Energy change
100726 05/07/03 08:42 Sulkosky Correction Coils off
100725 05/07/03 08:35 Sulkosky Septum off
100724 05/07/03 08:29 Solvignon target: EPR = 34.4%
100722 05/07/03 08:18 lkaufman Owl Shift summary
100711 05/07/03 07:34 Solvignon target: NMR= 37.3%
100690 05/07/03 06:11 Solvignon FSD not cleared at empty position
100683 05/07/03 05:46 lkaufman septum strip chart
100610 05/07/03 00:49 solvignon target: NMR= 36.7%
100604 05/07/03 00:08 X. Jiang shift summary
100595 05/06/03 23:37 Humensky Cut end of parity run 2872
100543 05/06/03 19:48 Moffit Target move to pol 3He
100538 05/06/03 19:32 Moffit Ref. Cell Filled with 100psi N2
100532 05/06/03 19:04 Moffit Target Grad. Coil Change
100524 05/06/03 18:44 Moffit Target Move to Carbon Foil
100522 05/06/03 18:34 Moffit Target Move to Empty Position
100511 05/06/03 17:57 Moffit Target Holding Field to 270
100500 05/06/03 17:01 Moffit Move target to Pol 3He
100494 05/06/03 16:45 Moffit Ref. Cell fill with 100 psi N2
100488 05/06/03 16:20 Moffit Target Move to Empty Ref. Cell
100487 05/06/03 16:14 Moffit Target Grad. Coil Change
100483 05/06/03 16:08 jpchen Day Shift Summary
100474 05/06/03 15:54 R. Michaels added HALLA:p and HALLA:dpp to EPICS list
100468 05/06/03 15:31 slifer NMR Measurement
100464 05/06/03 15:15 jpchen completed 0 degree He3, will rotate to 180 after NMR
100458 05/06/03 14:33 jpchen beam half wave plate out
100422 05/06/03 12:52 jpchen Bema back for 15 minutes, then off due to injector problem
100421 05/06/03 12:51 slifer gradient coils
100410 05/06/03 12:25 jpchen beam study, controlled access and beam spot size
100409 05/06/03 11:48 jpchen harp scan run number was 1958
100408 05/06/03 11:45 slifer NMR measurement
100407 05/06/03 11:38 jpchen Beam spot size and harp scan
100406 05/06/03 11:10 slifer EPR Measurement
100374 05/06/03 08:16 Sulkosky Helicity 2 in Run #'s 1715 and 1716
100371 05/06/03 08:07 W. Kim target polarization from 0 to 270 deg
100370 05/06/03 08:04 lkaufman Owl Shift Summary
100364 05/06/03 07:37 Sulkosky Run # 1704, helicity 2 events
100360 05/06/03 07:14 Sulkosky Septum Strip Chart
100347 05/06/03 05:36 W. Kim Gas Vantillation & Evacuation
100346 05/06/03 05:34 V. Sulkosky target position to pol 3He
100337 05/06/03 04:47 V. Sulkosky EPR: 36.6%
100336 05/06/03 04:33 lkaufman Run 1708 - raster check
100330 05/06/03 04:23 W. KIM, V. S NMR measurement 38.74%
100328 05/06/03 04:06 W. Kim, V. S TARGET COIL CORRECTION
100327 05/06/03 04:02 W. Kim target to pick-up coil
100326 05/06/03 03:47 lkaufman Beam profile
100325 05/06/03 03:43 W. Kim Moved to empty target
100323 05/06/03 03:42 W. Kim moved to Long target
100321 05/06/03 03:40 W. Kim Target rotation to 0 deg
100308 05/06/03 02:04 vasulk End-of-Run Tiefenbach Energy
100298 05/06/03 01:00 Wooyoung Kim rotate the target polarization from 0 to 270 deg
100289 05/06/03 00:00 X. Jiang shift summary
100273 05/05/03 23:03 Moffit Parity DAQ: Reset CODA
100263 05/05/03 21:48 averett NMR measurement
100244 05/05/03 19:18 Nanda Compton
100243 05/05/03 19:12 Feuerbach Keep running without LeftHRS
100240 05/05/03 19:01 Feuerbach Procedure to Reboot Q1 IOC
100239 05/05/03 18:57 X. Jiang OTR y width at 0.455mm
100229 05/05/03 17:30 V. Sulkosky Temperatures in Transverse
100222 05/05/03 17:05 Moffit Shift Workers - Please Read (re: Charge Asymmetry Feedback)
100214 05/05/03 16:15 jpchen Day shift summary
100211 05/05/03 16:07 Solvignon Target: EPR= 36.8%
100203 05/05/03 15:44 J. Singh Moved to Empty Target
100201 05/05/03 15:39 J.Singh NMR Polarization Fitting VI
100183 05/05/03 14:33 choi Thick sieve slit data
100166 05/05/03 13:27 jpchen Deadtime jump up!
100155 05/05/03 13:05 choi Right arm Cerenkov #3 HV increased
100142 05/05/03 12:44 choi Reference cell filled with N2 (100psi)
100140 05/05/03 12:40 choi Right Arm Cerenkov analysis
100131 05/05/03 12:19 choi Target change etc
100122 05/05/03 10:50 A. Deur Q1 left arm trip
100100 05/05/03 08:03 vasulk Shift Summary 3
100085 05/05/03 06:48 markowitz septum strip chart
100078 05/05/03 06:22 V. Sulkosky Transverse Laser currents
100077 05/05/03 06:17 V. Sulkosky Rotate field to 270 degrees
100072 05/05/03 05:56 V. Sulkosky Shift Summary II
100038 05/05/03 04:06 V. Sulkosky Rotate from 180 to 0
100037 05/05/03 03:55 V. Sulkoky Shift Summary I
100033 05/05/03 03:49 vasulk Left Q1 tripped again
100030 05/05/03 03:37 V. Sulkosky BHWP: IN for Run 1646 and 1647
100021 05/05/03 03:19 V. Sulkosky Correction Coil Settings Binder
100011 05/05/03 02:56 A. Deur q-elastic rates
100008 05/05/03 02:31 vasulk Reference cell Vented
100007 05/05/03 02:30 V. Sulkosky NMR: 41.4%
100001 05/05/03 01:45 vasulk Reference Cell filled with N2
99999 05/05/03 01:04 Adaq run 1640 was junk
99993 05/05/03 00:49 V. Sulkosky Correction Coil currents
99992 05/05/03 00:49 adaq magnet screen
99991 05/05/03 00:45 A. Deur End of delta scan
99990 05/05/03 00:44 V. Sulkosky Target Movement
99978 05/05/03 00:14 vasulk Target to Empty position
99968 05/04/03 23:52 R. Michaels deadtime
99967 05/04/03 23:52 A. Deur moved to C12 position, end of elastic
99966 05/04/03 23:49 Ransome Shift Summary II
99961 05/04/03 23:31 Ransome end run coda failure
99945 05/04/03 22:52 vasulk NMR correction: 41.4%
99936 05/04/03 22:05 A. Deur NMR: 40.23%
99934 05/04/03 21:54 Feuerbach Turned on beam charge asymmetry feedback
99933 05/04/03 21:52 A. Deur beam current lock
99923 05/04/03 21:20 ransome coda crash
99917 05/04/03 21:11 A. Deur move target polarization to 180 degree
99915 05/04/03 20:51 Ransome Shift summary I
99878 05/04/03 19:04 A. Deur He3 elastic rate
99875 05/04/03 18:52 A. Deur He3 cell in
99874 05/04/03 18:52 A. Deur N2 run
99873 05/04/03 18:47 A. Deur elastic
99860 05/04/03 18:09 A. Deur coils currents
99855 05/04/03 17:38 R. Michaels helicity errors as indicator of deadtime burps
99853 05/04/03 17:22 A. Deur coils current
99852 05/04/03 16:58 Moffit Parity DAQ: New v/f - BPM in injector
99843 05/04/03 16:03 Ransome Day shift summary I
99827 05/04/03 12:23 Nilanga delta after some corrections
99825 05/04/03 11:35 Ransome data acquisition problem
99823 05/04/03 11:08 vasulk Single foil long 12C position
99821 05/04/03 10:44 vasulk BeO+12C Foils position changed.
99819 05/04/03 10:42 Ransome septum setting too high 1594-95
99816 05/04/03 10:35 ransome momentum setting error
99811 05/04/03 09:50 Ransome Q1 Left control problem
99805 05/04/03 09:05 jpchen dowwstream 12C target and single foil long 12C target position
99802 05/04/03 08:30 A. Deur target ice cone collimator shifted
99801 05/04/03 08:25 A. Deur target and sieve Collimators
99799 05/04/03 08:09 J. Singh Owl Shift summary pt 2
99798 05/04/03 07:55 J. Singh Access now to prepare for production
99797 05/04/03 07:48 Solvignon Comparison between thin and thick sieve slits at 0.8 GeV
99796 05/04/03 07:42 Solvignon Comparison between thin and thick sieves at 1GeV
99795 05/04/03 07:19 Cusanno Left Arm momentum to 1.411 GeV/c
99794 05/04/03 06:07 Solvignon Target IOC crashed
99793 05/04/03 06:06 Solvignon gradient coils values for Septum at 287.5A
99788 05/04/03 04:03 J. Singh Owl Shift Summary part 1
99785 05/04/03 03:54 Feuerbach Run plan for transition to Production configuration
99783 05/04/03 03:51 J. Singh nominal P=1.0 to P=0.8
99782 05/04/03 03:32 Solvignon changed septum variable in start and end of run scripts
99778 05/04/03 02:18 A. Deur thick sieve slit in, no top collimator
99775 05/04/03 01:51 J. Singh increase beam current
99772 05/04/03 01:25 J. Singh put in thick sieve, tested trans grad coils
99771 05/04/03 01:11 Solvignon Septum at 162.23A --> gradient coil C at 3.916A
99770 05/04/03 01:09 Solvignon Target: NMR= 44.7%, EPR= 41.8%
99766 05/04/03 00:04 V. Sulkosky Run Summary Part IV
99764 05/04/03 00:02 vasulk Left Q1 reset
99763 05/03/03 23:54 vasulk Target movement
99758 05/03/03 22:58 A. Deur Run summary part III
99754 05/03/03 22:21 vasulk Target Movement
99751 05/03/03 22:02 vasulk Correction Coil update
99750 05/03/03 21:18 vasulk Fired wire spectra
99749 05/03/03 21:14 vasulk Scintillator TDC spectra
99747 05/03/03 21:11 A. Deur Shift summary part II
99743 05/03/03 20:44 vasulk Target movement
99741 05/03/03 20:39 vasulk Sieve hole map
99733 05/03/03 19:58 A. Deur low rates at dp/p=+4%
99728 05/03/03 19:36 vasulk Target movement
99723 05/03/03 19:23 vasulk Nominal vs Q2 at + 15%
99714 05/03/03 17:53 vasulk Move target position
99711 05/03/03 17:44 A. Deur beam spike
99708 05/03/03 17:21 vasulk Q2 at + 15%
99707 05/03/03 17:20 vasulk Q2 at + 5%
99706 05/03/03 17:18 vasulk Q2 at + 20%
99704 05/03/03 17:17 vasulk Q2 at -10%
99703 05/03/03 17:16 A. Deur Shif Summary, part 1
99702 05/03/03 17:16 A. Deur Q2 optimization
99701 05/03/03 17:15 vasulk Q2 changed by +10%
99692 05/03/03 16:41 A. Deur ROC 14
99684 05/03/03 16:28 F. Garibaldi Shift summary
99682 05/03/03 16:23 A. Deur All holes unplugged
99681 05/03/03 16:19 vasulk Sieve hole locations
99680 05/03/03 16:15 vasulk Seventh Config with Q2 at -50%
99679 05/03/03 16:11 vasulk Eighth sieve config.
99678 05/03/03 16:07 vasulk Seventh sieve config.
99677 05/03/03 16:05 vasulk Sieve slit changed
99676 05/03/03 16:02 vasulk Sieve slit config changed
99675 05/03/03 15:53 vasulk Sixth sieve config. with nominal Holding field
99674 05/03/03 15:48 vasulk Config. with Holding field drop by 25%
99673 05/03/03 15:45 vasulk Sixth Sieve Config.
99671 05/03/03 15:20 Kelleher target to thin foil
99659 05/03/03 12:59 Kelleher single foil target
99656 05/03/03 12:18 Kelleher holding field returned to normal
99655 05/03/03 12:18 Kelleher empty target
99654 05/03/03 12:16 Ransome lowered holding field
99650 05/03/03 12:07 Feuerbach continuing Optics plan
99647 05/03/03 11:58 Kelleher holding field dropped by 25%
99645 05/03/03 11:52 Ransome sieve slit hole names
99643 05/03/03 11:45 vasulk sieve slit changed again
99642 05/03/03 11:10 j. singh fifth sieve config
99641 05/03/03 11:04 j. singh fourth sieve config
99640 05/03/03 10:59 j. singh third sieve config
99639 05/03/03 10:46 j. singh second sieve config
99637 05/03/03 10:41 j. singh first sieve config.
99636 05/03/03 10:36 j. singh dual plot of totally unplugged sieve
99634 05/03/03 10:28 Kelleher target to single foil
99631 05/03/03 10:08 j. singh sieve slit changed again
99630 05/03/03 10:06 j. singh runs 1545/1546
99626 05/03/03 08:32 Kelleher Empty Target
99622 05/03/03 07:53 j. singh plugged and unplugged holes in sieve
99621 05/03/03 07:33 R. Michaels shift summary part 2: hole search
99619 05/03/03 07:20 Solvignon He4 leak: looks now ok
99617 05/03/03 07:09 A. Deur one more hole plugged
99614 05/03/03 06:23 A. Deur more holes blocked
99613 05/03/03 05:25 A. Deur sieve slits
99611 05/03/03 05:19 A. Deur He4 leak
99610 05/03/03 04:59 Solvignon Target: NMR=43.9%, EPR=39.7%
99609 05/03/03 04:31 R. Michaels shift summary part 1: Q1 scan
99608 05/03/03 04:13 R. Michaels Q1 = +50,+100%
99604 05/03/03 03:50 j. singh increase Q1 to 100% (rel. to start setting)
99599 05/03/03 03:36 R. Michaels results at Q1=-30%
99596 05/03/03 03:32 j. singh increase Q1 to 50% (rel. to start setting)
99595 05/03/03 03:26 R. Michaels Q1 at -10, -20%
99591 05/03/03 03:13 j. singh decrease Q1 to -30% (rel. to start setting)
99586 05/03/03 02:59 j. singh decrease Q1 to -20% (rel. to start setting)
99585 05/03/03 02:56 R. Michaels Q1 at +30%
99579 05/03/03 02:41 j. singh decrease Q1 to -10% (rel. to start setting)
99575 05/03/03 02:12 R. Michaels plots for Q1 at +10 and +15%
99574 05/03/03 02:12 j. singh increase Q1 to 30% (rel. to start setting)
99569 05/03/03 01:56 j. singh increase Q1 to 15% (rel. to start setting)
99567 05/03/03 01:55 R. Michaels plots for Q1 at 0 and 5%
99563 05/03/03 01:40 j. singh increase Q1 to 10% (rel. to start setting)
99557 05/03/03 01:22 j. singh increase Q1 by 5%
99550 05/03/03 00:15 jpchen plots for Septum at 390 A
99548 05/02/03 23:56 M.Iodice SWING shift summary
99547 05/02/03 23:55 jpchen Septum setting of 250 A will be our norminal setting
99542 05/02/03 23:25 jpchen plots for Septum at 250 A
99541 05/02/03 23:03 jpchen plots for Septum at 360A
99540 05/02/03 22:52 jpchen plot for Septum at 330 A
99534 05/02/03 21:57 jpchen correction
99531 05/02/03 21:53 jpchen plots for Septum=280A
99530 05/02/03 21:47 jpchen Plan for Septum optics commissioning
99525 05/02/03 21:10 jpchen plots for Septum at 300 A
99523 05/02/03 21:05 jpchen plots for Septum=200A
99520 05/02/03 20:37 jpchen Plots for Septum at 260 A (continue)
99519 05/02/03 20:36 jpchen plots for Septum at 260 A
99513 05/02/03 18:55 paschke CHARGE ASYM FEEDBACK INSTRUCTIONS
99512 05/02/03 18:50 vasulk NMR: 45.2%
99509 05/02/03 17:46 vasulk Laser # 5 Temperature
99504 05/02/03 16:00 choi Day shift summary, part 2
99498 05/02/03 15:48 vasulk Laser # 5 turned on
99479 05/02/03 14:30 choi Septum heating study (limited)
99467 05/02/03 12:25 R. Michaels Event type 100's fixed
99466 05/02/03 10:48 vasulk NMR: 42.1%
99465 05/02/03 09:19 choi Day shift summary, part 1
99455 05/02/03 08:08 Solvignon Shift summary
99446 05/02/03 06:36 A. Deur (upgraded) thin sieve slit in
99445 05/02/03 06:34 Solvignon Rates with no sieve slit
99400 05/02/03 03:10 Nilanga Where is my carbon foil ?
99399 05/02/03 02:09 Nilanga No target/12C target plots
99394 05/02/03 01:49 NIlanga No target/12C target rates.
99381 05/02/03 00:19 A. Deur ntuples of simulated data
99380 05/02/03 00:13 K. McCormick 5/1/03 Swing Shift Summary
99379 05/02/03 00:12 K. McCormick Current scan with Carbon target
99372 05/01/03 23:56 K. McCormick Wrong run type on runs 1455-1459
99370 05/01/03 23:15 K. McCormick Septum coil temp vs current scan
99351 05/01/03 20:34 averett Target Polarization
99350 05/01/03 20:30 Eugene Moller results
99349 05/01/03 16:03 choi DAY shift summary
99347 05/01/03 16:01 A. Deur expected x vs y from simu
99344 05/01/03 15:39 vasulk Move target to Reference cell
99343 05/01/03 15:39 choi Hall A settings before changing Q1
99340 05/01/03 14:54 vasulk Target movement
99326 05/01/03 13:34 markowitz comparison of older espace version -- no effect
99318 05/01/03 13:10 Feuerbach VDC wire distribution for run 1423
99310 05/01/03 12:28 Markowitz header file
99308 05/01/03 11:12 vasulk Sieve slit removed
99305 05/01/03 10:22 vasulk EPR Spectrum
99304 05/01/03 10:19 vasulk EPR Polarization
99303 05/01/03 10:05 vasulk NMR: 41.5%, EPR 39.6%
99302 05/01/03 09:21 choi optics comparison with target/without target
99295 05/01/03 08:03 M.Iodice Owl shift summary
99291 05/01/03 07:43 Feuerbach Sieve plug removed
99283 05/01/03 05:47 LeRose Center Sieve Hole plugged
99282 05/01/03 05:10 A. Deur Sieve slit orientation
99280 05/01/03 04:57 A. Deur comparison simu/data with sieve slit
99279 05/01/03 04:53 A. Deur comparisom simu/data with sieve slit in (1)
99273 05/01/03 04:07 A. Deur comparison simu/real data (2)
99269 05/01/03 03:37 A. Deur comparison simu/data (1)
99266 05/01/03 03:19 Nilanga X_det for different septum currents
99265 05/01/03 03:10 A. Deur thick sieve slit in
99262 05/01/03 02:44 A. Deur simu plots of focal plane quantities
99252 05/01/03 01:21 LeRose Septum Ramp down Failure