Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for July 03 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
108289 07/31/03 23:23 Armstrong Left ARM DAQ OK now
108285 07/31/03 23:11 Armstrong Left Arm DAQ troubles
108281 07/31/03 22:18 Eugene Moller results
108280 07/31/03 22:06 Sulkosky Priapus Temperature Test # 3
108276 07/31/03 20:00 Sulkosky Plot for Previous Entry
108275 07/31/03 19:51 Sulkosky Y-tg Spectrum
108274 07/31/03 19:42 Sulkosky Reference Cell Position
108273 07/31/03 19:30 Sulkosky Y_tg Spectrum at +3%
108272 07/31/03 19:23 Nanda Compton Result
108264 07/31/03 18:34 Armstrong Bleedthrough result
108257 07/31/03 18:18 Sulkosky Raster size from Spot++
108251 07/31/03 18:06 averett 2.8 GeV harp scan
108243 07/31/03 16:02 gilman day shift summary
108242 07/31/03 15:57 LeRose Synchrotron Interferometer
108235 07/31/03 11:33 Holmstrom EPR Measurement
108234 07/31/03 11:22 Holmstrom NMR Measurement
108233 07/31/03 10:45 Holmstrom Halog Search Problem
108230 07/31/03 08:41 J. Singh beam hit something?
108229 07/31/03 06:57 J. Singh Tune Beam @ 4 microA
108228 07/31/03 06:52 J. Singh Compton Electron Detector = OUT
108227 07/31/03 06:48 Kelleher target to empty target
108226 07/31/03 00:00 Armstrong Swing Shift Summary
108225 07/30/03 23:57 Armstrong septum ramp up uneventful
108224 07/30/03 22:38 Armstrong Turn on septum
108223 07/30/03 21:25 Armstrong only 2 lasers were on for last NMR
108222 07/30/03 21:13 Armstrong Target Temperature Study (NMR)
108221 07/30/03 19:38 Armstrong Magnets settled to new kinematics
108220 07/30/03 17:13 R. Michaels L-arm DAQ working
108218 07/30/03 17:02 Sulkosky Septum Quench at 411.5A
108213 07/30/03 16:54 jpchen sieve in, target collimators out, ice checked
108211 07/30/03 16:46 atrig Trigger-Download
108210 07/30/03 16:44 atrig Trigger-Download
108209 07/30/03 16:42 atrig Trigger-Download
108208 07/30/03 16:08 Rikki day shift target log
108207 07/30/03 16:06 J. Singh 3He + N2 pressure curves pt 2
108204 07/30/03 15:49 jpchen day shift summary
108202 07/30/03 15:47 Rikki / Vinc NMR & EPR measurements
108201 07/30/03 15:35 Sulkosky Septum Training
108198 07/30/03 13:28 jpchen rotate to 270 degree. beam off due to RF problem.
108188 07/30/03 12:06 jpchen bleedthrough MCC log
108180 07/30/03 11:22 jpchen bleedthrough 2.07%
108179 07/30/03 11:17 jpchen runs 3049-3052, wrong Septum setting
108178 07/30/03 11:14 jpchen changing to kin 5.11
108172 07/30/03 10:42 J. Singh 2nd correction to owl shift run summary 7/29/03
108170 07/30/03 10:30 Rikki reboot adaqlr3
108168 07/30/03 10:14 R. Roche/J. Target polarization:NMR=41.13%,EPR=40.13%
108164 07/30/03 09:23 jpchen completed pressurecurves, change to kin 5.10
108154 07/30/03 08:25 J. Singh vented+evacuating ref cell
108153 07/30/03 08:24 J. Singh owl shift summary
108152 07/30/03 08:20 J. Singh owl shift run summary
108149 07/30/03 08:06 Kelleher reference cell = 140 psig 3He
108145 07/30/03 07:54 Kelleher reference cell = 90 psig 3He
108143 07/30/03 07:52 Kelleher reference cell = 35 psig 3He
108138 07/30/03 07:26 Kelleher target to reference cell
108134 07/30/03 07:04 Reitz ep results
108133 07/30/03 06:55 Reitz beamp position during ep
108132 07/30/03 06:01 J. Singh cycled RQ2 & RQ3
108131 07/30/03 05:48 J. Singh bleedthrough = 2.84%
108130 07/30/03 05:42 Kelleher target to empty target
108129 07/30/03 05:40 Kelleher rotate field to 0
108128 07/30/03 05:38 Kelleher target to reference cell
108122 07/30/03 05:10 Kelleher rotate field to 270
108118 07/30/03 04:47 J. Singh bleedthrough = 1.04 %
108112 07/30/03 03:54 Kelleher moved target to pol 3He
108110 07/30/03 03:44 J. Singh bleedthrough = 2.43%
108105 07/30/03 03:36 Kelleher filled reference cell with N2
108099 07/30/03 03:15 Kelleher moved to reference cell (empty)
108098 07/30/03 03:11 Kelleher NMR = 41.1
108097 07/30/03 03:06 Kelleher rotate holding field to 0
108094 07/30/03 02:38 J. Singh MCC Called: Beam back
108093 07/30/03 02:30 J. Singh bleedthrough = 2.89%
108092 07/30/03 02:22 J. Singh MCC Called: Problems
108088 07/30/03 02:01 Kelleher rotate field to 270
108081 07/30/03 01:08 Kelleher target to pol 3He
108073 07/30/03 00:15 Kelleher reference cell filled w/ N2
108068 07/29/03 23:56 K. McCormick SWING Shift Summary
108067 07/29/03 23:52 Armstrong Target Shift Log
108066 07/29/03 23:48 Armstrong back to 0° and Reference cell
108060 07/29/03 22:58 Armstrong rotate to 270°
108056 07/29/03 22:40 Armstrong Beam Current spikes seen
108052 07/29/03 22:14 Seonho Choi physics replay
108051 07/29/03 22:02 Seonho Choi Ring buffer helicity error in Run 3006
108046 07/29/03 21:31 Armstrong correction for Run 3008 Header
108040 07/29/03 21:05 Armstrong Back to 3He cell
108034 07/29/03 20:41 Armstrong Reference cell runs
108030 07/29/03 20:22 Armstrong NMR=41.6% EPR=40.6%
108029 07/29/03 20:15 paschke Helicity Reversal (RHWP missing)
108028 07/29/03 19:51 Armstrong rotate back to 0°
108014 07/29/03 18:49 Armstrong back to 3He cell
108008 07/29/03 18:30 K. McCormick Harp Scan #3
108007 07/29/03 18:25 K. McCormick Harp Scan #2
108006 07/29/03 18:22 K. McCormick Harp Scan #1
108004 07/29/03 18:13 A. Deur origin of the pions
108003 07/29/03 18:09 Armstrong back to empty target position
108000 07/29/03 17:53 Armstrong back to 3He cell
107999 07/29/03 17:30 K. McCormick Fast Feed Back
107998 07/29/03 17:26 Armstrong move to empty target
107994 07/29/03 16:36 Armstrong tune beam in
107991 07/29/03 16:02 Holmstrom Day Shift Summary
107990 07/29/03 16:00 Rikki reboot adaqlr3
107988 07/29/03 15:00 Holmstrom Beam Studies
107985 07/29/03 14:46 Holmstrom Fixing Fast Feedback
107980 07/29/03 14:15 Holmstrom Bleedthrough
107977 07/29/03 13:32 R. Michaels L-arm problems
107976 07/29/03 12:58 Holmstrom VDC HV L BTM low
107975 07/29/03 12:00 Holmstrom Beam Studies Extended?
107974 07/29/03 11:51 Moffit Some fixes to HAPPEX DAQ software
107968 07/29/03 11:42 Holmstrom Left Arm DAQ problem update
107959 07/29/03 10:24 Rikki NMR measurement
107946 07/29/03 10:07 Moffit Next few HAPPEX runs junk
107929 07/29/03 08:53 Rikki rotate holding field to 270
107920 07/29/03 08:19 J. Singh correction to owl shift run summary
107916 07/29/03 08:13 J. Singh owl shift summary
107914 07/29/03 08:07 J. Singh owl shift run summary
107913 07/29/03 08:03 J. Singh BHWP = OUT
107898 07/29/03 07:05 Kelleher target to pol 3He
107897 07/29/03 07:00 J. Singh left arm runs
107891 07/29/03 06:45 Kelleher filled reference cell with N2
107883 07/29/03 06:16 Kelleher moved target to reference cell
107882 07/29/03 06:09 J. Singh left xscaler not changing
107879 07/29/03 05:58 J. Singh MCC Called: problem
107878 07/29/03 05:48 J. Singh left arm DAQ
107867 07/29/03 04:51 J. Singh beam spot size
107863 07/29/03 04:32 R. Michaels DAQ problems/solutions
107847 07/29/03 04:03 Kelleher EPR = 39.5%
107846 07/29/03 03:52 J. Singh DAQ problem: paged Bob
107845 07/29/03 03:23 P. Solvignon Right arm cerenkov calibration
107844 07/29/03 03:21 Kelleher NMR = 39.9%
107842 07/29/03 02:58 J. Singh DAQ problem: screenshots + sysdump
107841 07/29/03 02:58 J. Singh DAQ problems, part 1
107839 07/29/03 02:32 J. Singh BHWP = IN
107838 07/29/03 02:28 J. Singh bleedthrough=1.69%
107829 07/29/03 02:06 A. Deur 17% glass contamination for kinematics 5:15
107820 07/29/03 01:23 O. Gayou Hall B rad alarm, no effect on us
107819 07/29/03 01:22 Kelleher target to pol 3He
107816 07/29/03 01:19 A. Deur 12% "glass" contamination
107810 07/29/03 00:57 Kelleher filled reference cell
107804 07/29/03 00:37 P. Solvignon E/P for kin 6.23: high pions run
107801 07/29/03 00:20 Kelleher moved cell to reference cell (empty)
107795 07/29/03 00:01 Holmstrom Swing Shift Summary
107794 07/28/03 23:59 Armstrong Target Shift Summary
107790 07/28/03 23:41 P. Solvignon New Shower-Preshower calibration
107787 07/28/03 23:38 Armstrong rotate to 270 degrees holding field
107780 07/28/03 23:12 Armstrong Start and End runs appear now
107775 07/28/03 22:56 B. Craver run start error
107771 07/28/03 22:51 Armstrong Missing start and end run entries
107759 07/28/03 22:09 Armstrong NMR: 39.28%
107754 07/28/03 21:52 B. Craver spot++
107749 07/28/03 21:47 B. Craver spot++
107744 07/28/03 21:33 Eugene Moller results
107743 07/28/03 20:08 Armstrong try again
107742 07/28/03 19:59 Armstrong Hall A FFB information
107741 07/28/03 19:35 Seonho Choi More pions than expected?
107740 07/28/03 19:04 not Lance go to Empty target for Moller
107734 07/28/03 18:40 Armstrong go to Nitrogen Reference Cell
107727 07/28/03 18:29 Armstrong Target moved to Reference Cell
107726 07/28/03 18:28 B. Craver spot measurement
107709 07/28/03 18:01 Olivier 2951/22950/3960 junk runs
107704 07/28/03 17:56 Holmstrom Harp Scans
107701 07/28/03 17:50 Armstrong Result of Hall C energy measurement
107700 07/28/03 16:57 Sulkosky Oven Variac increased to 60%
107699 07/28/03 16:35 Armstrong NMR Procedure change
107697 07/28/03 16:05 jpchen day shift summary
107692 07/28/03 14:42 jpchen CW beam back and beam tuning
107691 07/28/03 13:51 R. Feuerbach HV on Left HRS S2 adjusted
107690 07/28/03 13:44 R. Feuerbach S2m 15L ADC signal missing
107688 07/28/03 11:50 Sulkosky Oven Fluctuations
107687 07/28/03 11:26 jpchen HRS' and Septum are set for kin 5.14
107685 07/28/03 11:07 jpchen Left S2m ADC ch 15L
107684 07/28/03 10:52 jpchen 4.21 GeV, 6 degree data taking completed. Beam study and pass change
107678 07/28/03 09:44 jpchen 2945, 2946 are target 270 degree
107676 07/28/03 09:42 Rikki rotation from 270 to 0 degrees
107672 07/28/03 09:26 Rikki wrong lasers
107668 07/28/03 09:04 Rikki rotate holding field from 0 to 270
107658 07/28/03 08:28 J. Singh owl shift summary
107657 07/28/03 08:25 J. Singh owl shift run summary
107653 07/28/03 08:05 J. Niedziela Summary - Owl Shift Target movements
107652 07/28/03 07:58 J. Singh bleedthrough=2.86%
107644 07/28/03 07:31 J. Niedziela Holding Field Rotated to 0 degrees
107640 07/28/03 07:25 gilman helicity signals
107638 07/28/03 07:25 J. Singh cycled RQ2, RQ3
107633 07/28/03 06:39 J. Niedziela Holding field rotated to 270 degrees
107621 07/28/03 05:48 J. Singh bleedthrough = 2.11%
107614 07/28/03 05:20 J. Niedziela Holding Field rotated to zero
107609 07/28/03 05:10 J. Niedziela NMR/EPR polarization values
107602 07/28/03 04:21 J. Niedziela Target Holding Field Rotated to 270
107601 07/28/03 04:18 J. Singh Bleedthrough=2.66%
107595 07/28/03 03:47 J. Singh Compton: ER1 having troubles
107587 07/28/03 03:03 J. Singh Bleedthrough = 2.5%
107576 07/28/03 02:39 J. Singh Left Dipole Power Supply Overtemp?
107574 07/28/03 02:35 J. Singh Controlled Access Done
107572 07/28/03 01:28 J. Singh Request Controlled Access
107571 07/28/03 01:25 J. Singh Paged Mark Stevens
107570 07/28/03 00:54 J. Niedziela Target Holding Field changed to 0 degrees
107569 07/28/03 00:46 J. Singh FSD Fault: Exit Beam Pipe
107568 07/28/03 00:39 A. Deur Empty ref cell runs for 2.1 GeV at 6 degree
107564 07/28/03 00:02 Holmstrom Swing Shift Summary
107563 07/27/03 23:57 Armstrong Target Shift Summary
107562 07/27/03 23:39 Armstrong go to 270 degrees holding field
107556 07/27/03 23:23 Holmstrom Bleedthrough
107552 07/27/03 23:15 Armstrong Target RTD screen
107544 07/27/03 22:47 Armstrong move to 3He cell
107542 07/27/03 22:28 Armstrong go to Nitrogen filled Ref. cell
107537 07/27/03 22:16 Armstrong go to 0 degrees for NMR
107533 07/27/03 21:42 Holmstrom Changing Kinimatics
107524 07/27/03 21:10 Armstrong rotate field to 270 degrees
107516 07/27/03 20:32 Holmstrom Bleedthrough
107508 07/27/03 20:09 K Wang spot++
107505 07/27/03 19:47 Armstrong go to 3He cell
107504 07/27/03 19:43 Armstrong Fill reference cell
107488 07/27/03 18:51 Holmstrom Beam Returns
107484 07/27/03 18:34 Armstrong go to Reference Cell
107483 07/27/03 18:04 Holmstrom Kinimatic Switch
107471 07/27/03 17:26 Armstrong rotate to 270 degrees
107460 07/27/03 16:26 Sulkosky Reference Cell
107445 07/27/03 16:00 G.M. Urciuol 7/27/03 shift day report
107431 07/27/03 14:30 Sulkosky Field rotated to 0 deg.
0 07/27/03 14:07 no_name no_key
107419 07/27/03 13:28 Sulkosky Charge Asymmetry Feedback
107403 07/27/03 12:33 Sulkosky Target Movement
107378 07/27/03 10:56 Olivier Run plan modification
107377 07/27/03 10:51 Sulkosky Field Rotation to 0 deg.
107376 07/27/03 10:45 Sulkosky Field Rotation to 270 deg.
107369 07/27/03 10:21 G.M. Urciuol mistake in the header comments
107346 07/27/03 08:57 Olivier Parity DAQ message
107330 07/27/03 08:16 J. Singh owl shift summary
107329 07/27/03 08:11 J. Singh owl shift run summary
107323 07/27/03 08:03 J. Niedziela Summary - owl shift target info.
107322 07/27/03 08:02 J. Singh left arm helicity check for run 22879
107311 07/27/03 07:26 J. Singh Bleedthrough = 2.68%
107310 07/27/03 07:20 J. Niedziela RTD 4 readings
107306 07/27/03 07:05 J. Niedziela NMR Polarization - 41.39%
107305 07/27/03 06:41 J. Niedziela Holding field rotated to 0 degrees
107295 07/27/03 06:02 J. Niedziela Holding field rotated to 270 degrees
107291 07/27/03 05:38 J. Singh Bleedthrough = 2.86%
107287 07/27/03 05:28 J. Singh hatsv3 (ROC1) connection
107286 07/27/03 05:26 J. Singh Hall C current & Hall A position
107285 07/27/03 05:16 J. Niedziela Beam HWP IN
107253 07/27/03 03:06 J. Singh Bleedthrough = 2.26%
107252 07/27/03 03:04 J. Singh changing to kin 6.12
107251 07/27/03 02:53 J. Niedziela Target to reference cell
107239 07/27/03 01:57 J. Niedziela NMR/EPR measurements
107236 07/27/03 01:26 J. Singh Bleedthrough Measurement = 2.8%
107218 07/27/03 00:08 Sulkosky BPM Strip Charts for Swing Shift
107217 07/27/03 00:03 J,Yuan swing shift summary
107198 07/26/03 23:17 Olivier BCM calibration delayed
107185 07/26/03 22:41 Sulkosky Target Movement
107165 07/26/03 21:06 Sulkosky Field Rotated to 0 deg.
107146 07/26/03 19:50 J,Yuan a data analyze of left arm ,run number 22844
107138 07/26/03 19:34 Sulkosky Parity Run 3642 Overwritten
107135 07/26/03 19:15 Sulkosky Field Rotated to 270 deg.
107123 07/26/03 18:30 R. Michaels adaqs2 rebooted itself
107121 07/26/03 18:28 R. Michaels L-arm helicity restored (probably)
107102 07/26/03 17:24 Sulkosky NMR: 43.0%
107101 07/26/03 17:23 Olivier No fast feedback
107097 07/26/03 17:13 Olivier Fast FeedBack
107096 07/26/03 17:02 Olivier Left arm minus helicity problem
107092 07/26/03 16:49 Sulkosky RTD4 at 90 deg. C
107085 07/26/03 16:33 R. Michaels L-arm helicity
107074 07/26/03 16:05 G.M. Urciuol 7/28/03 day shift report
107072 07/26/03 15:55 K. Keister day shift target summary
107054 07/26/03 14:46 G.M. Urciuol Harp scan
107049 07/26/03 14:03 R. Michaels L-arm helicity problems
107046 07/26/03 13:42 A. Deur Wrong MBSY1C Bdl
107037 07/26/03 13:02 A. Deur left arm helicity minus problem
107028 07/26/03 12:06 Sulkosky Intensity plot of Beam position
107023 07/26/03 11:29 jpchen target collimators installed
107021 07/26/03 10:58 A. Camsonne Beam position with spot ++
107018 07/26/03 10:27 K. Keister 10:22 NMR 43.51%
107010 07/26/03 08:36 G.M. Urciuol HARP SCAN
107008 07/26/03 08:25 A. Camsonne Owl shift summary
107006 07/26/03 08:23 A. Camsonne Spectrometer setting
107005 07/26/03 08:22 A. Camsonne Septum temperature stripchart
107003 07/26/03 08:01 J. Niedziela Summary - owl shift target movements
106999 07/26/03 07:55 Moffit Re: Charge Asymmetry
106997 07/26/03 07:48 A. Camsonne Rates with single foil
106996 07/26/03 07:47 A. Camsonne Triggers values while running
106995 07/26/03 07:45 Moffit RHWP scan attempted - failed
106986 07/26/03 07:16 A. Camsonne T1 Rate after beam restoration
106973 07/26/03 06:24 A. Camsonne Target moved to multifoil C
106962 07/26/03 05:48 A. Camsonne Hall A raster
106955 07/26/03 05:02 A. Camsonne Raster size
106949 07/26/03 04:52 A. Camsonne Beam profile
106934 07/26/03 03:55 bogdanw HV on thr right arm
106933 07/26/03 03:47 A. Camsonne Harp scans
106932 07/26/03 03:46 A. Deur Elastic cross section at 2.1 GeV, 6 degree
106931 07/26/03 03:35 A. Camsonne Harp scan
106926 07/26/03 02:30 A. Camsonne Fast feedback not working
106925 07/26/03 02:23 X. Jiang right arm-HV setting at run 2809
106924 07/26/03 02:21 X. Jiang run 2809 check shower adc
106922 07/26/03 02:12 A. Camsonne Raster was ON during moller measurement
106920 07/26/03 01:48 Eugene Moller results
106913 07/26/03 00:56 J,Yuan run number 2806
106912 07/26/03 00:55 J,Yuan run number 2806
106911 07/26/03 00:52 J,Yuan run number 2806 continnue
106910 07/26/03 00:48 J,Yuan run number 2806
106907 07/26/03 00:28 Eugene Septum heating with Moller
106903 07/26/03 00:08 Holmstrom Swing Shift Summary
106902 07/26/03 00:04 E.Chudakov new HV for shower
106896 07/25/03 22:54 J,Yuan map
106895 07/25/03 22:48 J,Yuan Turn on the HV of right arm and turn off just preshower#29 to check the real map with channel
106891 07/25/03 22:29 J,Yuan no_key
106888 07/25/03 22:23 Holmstrom Harp Scan and OTR
106885 07/25/03 22:10 Holmstrom Harp Scan
106881 07/25/03 22:02 J,Yuan right arm top HV
106880 07/25/03 22:00 J,Yuan right arm detector bottom HV
106878 07/25/03 21:41 J,Yuan run number 2800 after right arm HV is right arm shower#36,#43,#44,#62.we can see the #36,#62 better enough,but #43,#44 gain still too much.
106877 07/25/03 21:37 J,Yuan run number 2800 after right arm HV change
106876 07/25/03 21:18 Holmstrom Beam Dump Studies Over
106872 07/25/03 21:10 J,Yuan change the HV
106871 07/25/03 20:20 Holmstrom MCC Controled Access
106870 07/25/03 19:39 Holmstrom Pulsed beam in the Hall.
106869 07/25/03 19:35 Holmstrom BeO Target Request
106866 07/25/03 19:05 Holmstrom Turning off Q1 and Septum
106857 07/25/03 18:46 Holmstrom Beam Returns
106855 07/25/03 18:22 Holmstrom Hall A Main Control Back
106854 07/25/03 17:43 Kelleher EPR = 38.3 NMR = 39.1
106852 07/25/03 16:05 G.M. Urciuol 7/25/03 day shift report
106851 07/25/03 15:56 gilman helicity signal check
106845 07/25/03 13:35 R. Feuerbach S2m ADC signal investigations
106835 07/25/03 12:20 jpchen Check ice in the sieve box.
106831 07/25/03 12:03 Bogdanw BigBite power supply
106830 07/25/03 11:47 Sulkosky NMR: 41%, EPR: 38.6%
106829 07/25/03 11:35 Sulkosky Priapus Characteristics Information
106823 07/25/03 10:48 J,Yuan After increase HV for right arm shower with 100:#22 gain better;#36,#62 still not well
106822 07/25/03 10:46 J,Yuan Beam on,HV on ,run number 2785 shower#36,#62
106821 07/25/03 10:45 J,Yuan Run 2785 ,Beam On,HV on for preshower#24,shower #22
106820 07/25/03 10:39 J,Yuan run 2781,HV on Preshower #24,shower 62(right arm)
106819 07/25/03 10:37 J,Yuan run 2781,HV on shower #22 (rigth arm)
106818 07/25/03 10:22 Sulkosky Runs 2787 and 2789
106817 07/25/03 10:12 Sulkosky Acceptance at 3.16 GeV
106775 07/25/03 08:26 A. Camsonne Owl shift summary
106767 07/25/03 08:01 J. Niedziela Summary - owl shift target movements
106761 07/25/03 07:38 A. Deur run 2288 is raster on
106758 07/25/03 07:36 A. Camsonne Raster on
106757 07/25/03 07:36 A. Deur raster size checked
106751 07/25/03 07:16 A. Camsonne Going to take data with multifoil C target
106750 07/25/03 06:32 A. Deur Synchronize left/right run numbers
106749 07/25/03 06:30 A. Camsonne Compton tune done/ HARP scan
106743 07/25/03 04:32 A. Camsonne Compton chicane tuning
106728 07/25/03 03:40 A. Camsonne Spectrometer setup / Hall General tools
106727 07/25/03 03:35 A. Camsonne Septum chart and current set to 292.56 A for 3.16 GeV/c
106718 07/25/03 02:19 J,Yuan no_key
106712 07/25/03 02:13 J,Yuan Turn on HV of preshower #24,shower #22,#36 and #62
106710 07/25/03 02:02 J,Yuan right arm shower#62 HVoff
106709 07/25/03 02:01 J,Yuan right arm shower #22 # 36,HVoff
106708 07/25/03 01:58 J,Yuan right arm preshower 24,HV off
106707 07/25/03 01:55 J,Yuan Turn off HV continue
106706 07/25/03 01:54 Adaq Turn off the HV ,right arm prehower24,shower 22,36 and62
106705 07/25/03 01:34 J,Yuan no_key
106697 07/25/03 01:17 J,Yuan Run 2778,right arm shower,cosmic ray
106696 07/25/03 01:16 J,Yuan run 2778 ,right arm shower,cosmic ray
106695 07/25/03 01:15 J,Yuan run 2778 ,right arm preshower ,cosmic ray
106694 07/25/03 00:59 J. Niedziela Target Polarization Measurements
106693 07/25/03 00:58 J,Yuan run 2778 ,right arm Cerenkov detector ,cosmic ray
106692 07/24/03 23:50 averett Swing Shift Summary
106661 07/24/03 22:14 Sulkosky Priapus Temperature Test
106651 07/24/03 21:52 Moffit HAPPEX DAQ: New Warning GUI
106638 07/24/03 21:02 A.Deur Compton cable switched
106637 07/24/03 21:00 A. Deur Target collimators out
106594 07/24/03 18:42 X. Jiang HV settings, left arm
106593 07/24/03 18:42 X. jiang HV setting righth arm
106592 07/24/03 18:39 X. Jiang record of HV screen, right arm
106588 07/24/03 18:32 X. jiang detector check run 2706 continue
106587 07/24/03 18:31 X. jiang detector check run 2706 continue,
106584 07/24/03 18:29 X. Jiang un 2706 detector check continue.
106579 07/24/03 18:20 X. Jiang run 2706 right arm detector check
106543 07/24/03 16:12 Z.-E. Mezian Day shift summary
106487 07/24/03 14:14 jpchen Left 12C installed.
106483 07/24/03 14:06 Sulkosky EPR ~ 32.3%
106478 07/24/03 12:59 R. Feuerbach Lengthened S2m ADC cables
106477 07/24/03 12:47 jpchen Sieve removed, target collimator installed
106476 07/24/03 12:42 Z. Meziani Septum current setting below 100 Amps
106475 07/24/03 11:51 E. Chudakov Helicity check on Jul,18
106474 07/24/03 11:00 choi espace cleared of some bugs
106473 07/24/03 10:45 Z.-E. Mezian Optics study
103886 07/24/03 08:09 Holmstrom Main Control screen
103885 07/24/03 08:03 X. Jiang ARC OTR (1C12)
106440 07/24/03 07:59 J. Niedziela run 2735 stopped
106436 07/24/03 07:27 J. Niedziela run info, 2723, 2724,2727, 2729-31, 2732
106434 07/24/03 07:19 S. Woo single foil (BeO+12C long foil) Position
106431 07/24/03 07:02 A. Deur run 2732 was done with raster on
106429 07/24/03 06:55 A. Deur effect of the cooling jet change
106427 07/24/03 05:23 A. Deur He4 flow set at 80 l/min
106426 07/24/03 04:49 S. Woo Multi foil(BeO+12C foils) Position
106425 07/24/03 02:33 Moffit HAPPEX Lumi HV setup
106412 07/24/03 01:43 S. Woo single foil (BeO+12C foil) Position
106407 07/24/03 01:28 S. Woo Multi foil(BeO+12C foils) Position
103847 07/24/03 01:19 A. Kolarkar Stripchart Legend for Septum/Q1 steering test
103846 07/24/03 01:17 A. Deur BCM trip
106394 07/24/03 00:49 S. Woo Multi foil(BeO+12C foils) Position
106386 07/24/03 00:10 Z.-E. Mezian Swing shift summary
106381 07/23/03 23:57 K. Keister target movements
106379 07/23/03 23:48 reitz view of the BeO on camera
106375 07/23/03 23:34 Sulkosky Multi-foil Sieve Pattern
106364 07/23/03 23:04 Sulkosky Access to check BeO position
103798 07/23/03 22:40 atrig Trigger-Download
106350 07/23/03 20:23 K. Keister target to BeO long foil
106345 07/23/03 19:45 Sulkosky New Encoder positions
106344 07/23/03 18:00 unknown some harpscan
106343 07/23/03 17:01 K. Keister RTD 3 & 4 high
106341 07/23/03 16:00 Holmstrom Day Shift Summary
103778 07/23/03 15:55 atrig Trigger-Download
103777 07/23/03 15:55 atrig Trigger-Download
103776 07/23/03 15:55 atrig Trigger-Download
106328 07/23/03 14:15 Holmstrom MCC called we will get beam
106325 07/23/03 12:41 Holmstrom Beam Permit Recieved
106324 07/23/03 12:31 Holmstrom Beam Permit Request
106321 07/23/03 11:57 Holmstrom RTD Temperature
106320 07/23/03 11:36 R. Feuerbach AC Decoupler added to Left HRS S1&S2 ADC
106319 07/23/03 11:23 P. Solvignon Laser alignment done
106318 07/23/03 11:21 LeRose Septum Quench
106317 07/23/03 11:08 Holmstrom Septum Quench
106314 07/23/03 09:54 Holmstrom Septum Current Set For Training
106311 07/23/03 09:16 Holmstrom Septum Set Point
106310 07/23/03 09:09 jpchen Target cell replaced.
106309 07/23/03 08:54 jpchen olw shift summary
106307 07/23/03 08:43 Holmstrom Left HRS Magnet Settings
106306 07/23/03 08:33 Holmstrom Septum Training
106305 07/23/03 05:19 jpchen Target ladder dismounted
106304 07/23/03 03:53 jpchen Scattering chamber cleaned adn we are cleared to start target switch work.
106303 07/23/03 03:49 Cusanno Shift summary
106302 07/23/03 03:40 A. Deur check for ice
106301 07/23/03 01:40 A. Deur Strip chart of the RTDs
106300 07/23/03 01:37 jpchen strip charts of Septum temperature and beam current when the cell ruptured
106299 07/23/03 01:28 A. Deur The cell did fail
106298 07/23/03 01:24 Moffit Re: RWP Scan
106297 07/23/03 01:00 A. Deur Cell has probably fail
106296 07/23/03 00:49 Moffit RWP Scan Attempted
106293 07/23/03 00:05 Z.-E. Mezian Shift Summary
106258 07/22/03 21:19 P. Solvignon Run summary tables
106239 07/22/03 16:50 X. Jiang NMR, reads 37.33%.
106237 07/22/03 16:02 Holmstrom Day Shift Summary
106230 07/22/03 15:06 Holmstrom Request a Software Expert to Look at IOCs
106229 07/22/03 14:58 Holmstrom IOC Problem
106225 07/22/03 14:37 Holmstrom Left Arm VDC HV On
103663 07/22/03 13:14 atrig Trigger-Download
106210 07/22/03 11:24 K. Keister move to empty target
106209 07/22/03 11:10 K. Keister NMR loss test
106184 07/22/03 08:02 P. Solvignon Shift summary
106169 07/22/03 07:34 P. Solvignon Preshower map: correction
106127 07/22/03 05:53 P. Solvignon Beam problem, so did EPR.
106126 07/22/03 05:44 S. Woo EPR : 39.2%
106125 07/22/03 05:33 P. Solvignon Preshower map
106124 07/22/03 05:26 P. Solvignon Bleedthrough measurement
106123 07/22/03 05:24 S. Woo empty ref. cell , holding field 0
106041 07/22/03 01:48 S. Woo rotated holding filed to 180, H/W plate IN
106018 07/22/03 00:54 A. Deur Nice He3 pressure curve
105998 07/22/03 00:08 Z.-E. Mezian Swing Shift Summary
105950 07/21/03 22:06 S. Bailey target update
105935 07/21/03 21:27 Eugene Moller results
105934 07/21/03 20:30 Eugene Septum heating with Moller
105933 07/21/03 20:12 E.Chudakov Helicity signals at different delays
105893 07/21/03 15:59 jpchen Day Shift Summary (II)
105889 07/21/03 15:50 A. Deur Problematic pressure curve points out rate dependent cuts
105888 07/21/03 15:46 jpchen PS2 changed from 1 to 3 for right arm
105887 07/21/03 15:44 jpchen bleedthrough measurement
105876 07/21/03 15:23 jpchen run comments correction
105863 07/21/03 14:23 R. Feuerbach S2m pedestal suppression is OFF
105859 07/21/03 14:15 JP. Chen Shift summary
105858 07/21/03 14:12 jpchen beam permit
105855 07/21/03 14:02 jpchen Mott measurement results
105846 07/21/03 13:18 jpchen left arm pion rejector2, ch15
105845 07/21/03 13:09 jpchen shower ADCs continue
105844 07/21/03 13:09 jpchen shower ADCs
105843 07/21/03 13:07 jpchen pershower ADCs continue
105842 07/21/03 13:05 jpchen preshower
105841 07/21/03 13:05 Sulkosky Transverse Laser Settings
105837 07/21/03 12:41 jpchen beam study ended, left daq crash, still controlled access
105832 07/21/03 12:19 Sulkosky Access Activities
105829 07/21/03 11:07 jpchen controlled access
105828 07/21/03 11:03 jpchen Right arm Gas Cherenkov ADC plots
105827 07/21/03 10:42 Jing Yuan turn on the longitude lasers
105826 07/21/03 10:41 jpchen Beam study 10:10 -12:10
105825 07/21/03 10:13 J,Yuan moved target to empty target and beam study
105798 07/21/03 09:22 jpchen corrections to shift summary
105775 07/21/03 08:06 P. Solvignon Shift summary
105769 07/21/03 07:49 P. Solvignon PID detectors calibration for right arm
105744 07/21/03 06:50 P. Solvignon Bleedthrough measurement: 0.00%
105743 07/21/03 06:46 S.Woo NMR : 41.06% , EPR : 40.2%
105633 07/21/03 01:51 S. Woo retated holding field 0 to 180
105591 07/21/03 00:05 Aniol shift summary
105558 07/20/03 22:38 Aniol septum temp plot
105555 07/20/03 22:31 aniol bleedthrough at 0.3%
105551 07/20/03 22:15 aniol 5.41% bleedthrough
105538 07/20/03 21:52 Aniol septum temps back to normal
105530 07/20/03 21:28 Kolarkar empty/N2(140psig) reference cell measurements
105529 07/20/03 21:27 aniol start production kin 5.12
105513 07/20/03 20:48 aniol septum temp. increases
105512 07/20/03 20:47 Sulkosky EPR Fit
105508 07/20/03 20:37 Kolarkar NMR/EPR
105506 07/20/03 20:35 Kolarkar magnetic fields rotation; longitudinal lasers ON
105500 07/20/03 19:52 Sulkosky Target Half waveplates IN
105499 07/20/03 19:48 aniol change RHRS and septum for kin 5.12
105488 07/20/03 19:17 Aniol happex daq error message
105481 07/20/03 19:04 aniol run2574 daq problems
105474 07/20/03 18:47 Aniol RHRS daq hung
105468 07/20/03 18:30 Kolarkar right arm trigger rates window
105431 07/20/03 16:55 Kolarkar EPR analysis
105409 07/20/03 16:04 Eric Voutier Shift summary
105400 07/20/03 15:44 Eric HV adjustment ??
105379 07/20/03 14:50 Z.-E. Mezian Target polarization
105288 07/20/03 09:36 Wan Hall C beam current
105255 07/20/03 08:04 Sulkosky Shift Summary
105242 07/20/03 07:27 J,Yuan move target to pol He3 cell and half wave plate in
105238 07/20/03 07:20 J,Yuan rotate the holding field from 0 to 180
105217 07/20/03 06:07 Sulkosky HAPPEX DAQ Working
105209 07/20/03 05:39 Sulkosky DAQs Hang Up
105169 07/20/03 03:19 Sulkosky Bleedthrough Measurement
105165 07/20/03 03:00 J,Yuan move target to pol He3 cell
105160 07/20/03 02:36 J,Yuan N2 reference cell(140psig)
105148 07/20/03 02:11 J,Yuan EPR-NMR measurement
105129 07/20/03 00:45 Sulkosky Gnumeric table
105117 07/20/03 00:19 P. Solvignon Gnumeric table
105110 07/20/03 00:05 aniol shift summary
105102 07/19/03 23:45 A. Deur Elastic asymmetries at 2.1 GeV look nice
105078 07/19/03 22:40 aniol kin 5.10, 270deg, iwhp=out
105077 07/19/03 22:39 Sulkosky Run 2440 was 180 deg. IN
105049 07/19/03 21:29 J. Singh/A. EPR target polarization time history
105038 07/19/03 20:57 J. Singh Elastic Analysis, pt. 2
105026 07/19/03 20:36 aniol gains too high?
105025 07/19/03 20:36 Sulkosky N2 Pressure Curve Runs
105024 07/19/03 20:24 kolarkar correction - transverse lasers - he3 cell temperatures
105016 07/19/03 20:09 kolarkar transvers lasers - he3 cell temperatures
105010 07/19/03 20:03 kolarkar transverse lasers currents/temp.
105003 07/19/03 19:44 aniol start kin5.10, 270deg
105002 07/19/03 19:42 Kolarkar nmr epr, a word about hung VIs
104997 07/19/03 19:27 aniol 3He polarization
104996 07/19/03 19:18 J. Singh cell wall thickness info
104968 07/19/03 18:04 J. Singh Elastic Analysis, pt 1
104960 07/19/03 17:28 aniol beam back
104957 07/19/03 17:21 aniol beam off
104954 07/19/03 17:09 Aniol hwp in,kin 5.10, partial list
104927 07/19/03 15:52 Markowitz day shift summary
104899 07/19/03 14:28 Markowitz target change
104842 07/19/03 11:43 Markowitz Insert beam half-wave plate
104806 07/19/03 09:01 Z.-E. Mezian Target
104798 07/19/03 08:04 V. Sulkosky Owl Shift Summary
104793 07/19/03 07:54 J,Yuan PRESSURE NREFERNCE CELL WITH 90 psig OF N2
104786 07/19/03 07:43 Sulkosky Raster Runs
104784 07/19/03 07:41 J,Yuan move the cell to do pressure curve
104781 07/19/03 07:29 Sulkosky Elastic 3He Run Summary
104774 07/19/03 07:01 J,Yuan move the target to polarized He3 cell
104741 07/19/03 06:11 J,Yuan move target to long foil
104708 07/19/03 04:43 Sulkosky 3He Pressure Curve Runs
104688 07/19/03 03:50 Sulkosky Helicity 2 events
104658 07/19/03 02:33 J,Yuan rotate holding field and do EPR-NMR measurement
104651 07/19/03 02:29 Sulkosky Bleedthrought Measurement
104647 07/19/03 01:56 Sulkosky Reference cell vented and evacuated
104646 07/19/03 01:47 Sulkosky Reference cell 3He pressure
104639 07/19/03 01:27 Sulkosky Polarization Loss Tests w/ Septum On
104632 07/19/03 00:57 J,Yuan pump the reference cell
104625 07/19/03 00:34 Sulkosky Machine trips due to Storms
104621 07/19/03 00:11 J,Yuan pump the reference cell
104613 07/19/03 00:00 Markowitz swing shift summary
104612 07/18/03 23:55 Markowitz septum stripchart
104557 07/18/03 21:47 J. Singh NMR target polarization time history
104553 07/18/03 21:36 markowitz runs 2421-2424 split
104543 07/18/03 21:01 A. Deur Helicity check
104523 07/18/03 19:48 S. Bailey NMR & EPR
104516 07/18/03 19:09 reitz helicity sign check
104507 07/18/03 18:30 Sirish Compton
104493 07/18/03 17:16 A. Deur acceptance for -2% and -4%
104492 07/18/03 16:57 A. Deur Acceptance for +4% and -2%
104491 07/18/03 16:00 X. Zheng shift summary
104489 07/18/03 14:31 X. Zheng Problem with beam delivery
104488 07/18/03 12:54 X. Zheng Empty target for beam tuning
104487 07/18/03 12:49 R. Feuerbach Some S2 ADC connections moved
104486 07/18/03 12:47 X. Zheng React_z spectrum for empty target runs with target collimator in/out
104485 07/18/03 12:42 R. Feuerbach Re-plugged VDC cable on Left HRS
104484 07/18/03 12:16 X. Zheng should be multi foils position
104483 07/18/03 12:14 Sulkosky Target is at Multi foil position
104482 07/18/03 12:01 X. Zheng Target moved to long foil position
104481 07/18/03 12:01 X. Zheng Change Septum current and HRS-R momentum setting
104480 07/18/03 11:59 Holmstrom Move Target To C Foils
104479 07/18/03 11:54 A. Deur momentum plot for multifoil run
104477 07/18/03 11:45 K. McCormick Check of End of Run Script
104474 07/18/03 11:35 K. McCormick End of run script check
104470 07/18/03 10:46 X. Zheng Controlled access
104468 07/18/03 10:26 Holmstrom Set Septum Current to 310A
104467 07/18/03 10:17 Sulkosky ESPACE Header Files
104462 07/18/03 09:47 Holmstrom Move Cell to Empty Position and Pumped Reference Cell
104459 07/18/03 09:36 L.Wan Raster was on for 2406-2410
104458 07/18/03 09:32 A. deur sieve slit patern
104453 07/18/03 09:25 A. Deur Sieve patern from different foils
104445 07/18/03 09:10 Holmstrom Move Target to Multi-Foil Position
104439 07/18/03 08:52 Holmstrom Moved Target Changed Reference Cell Pressure
104428 07/18/03 08:28 Holmstrom Target moved to Reference Cell Position
104423 07/18/03 08:20 Holmstrom Fill reference with N2
104416 07/18/03 08:10 J. Singh owl shift summary
104415 07/18/03 08:06 J. Singh owl shift run summary
104414 07/18/03 07:48 J. Singh MCC Called: sending low current CW
104413 07/18/03 07:40 A. Kolarkar NMR=41.84, EPR=39.85
104411 07/18/03 06:11 J. Singh MCC called: RF IOC crashed
104408 07/18/03 06:02 J. Singh bleedthrough measurement
104400 07/18/03 05:34 J. Singh status
104397 07/18/03 05:13 J. Singh HARP scan 2147
104392 07/18/03 05:03 J. Singh HARP scan 2146
104386 07/18/03 04:54 J. Singh HARP scan 2145
104383 07/18/03 04:44 J. Singh HARP scan 2144
104378 07/18/03 04:31 J. Singh HARP scan 2143
104373 07/18/03 03:49 J. Singh medm problem fixed
104372 07/18/03 03:46 J. Singh how to check the status of hlasrv
104371 07/18/03 02:47 J. Singh medm problem part 3
104370 07/18/03 02:32 J. Singh medm problems pt 2
104369 07/18/03 01:46 J. Singh medm problems on hacsbc2
104367 07/18/03 01:01 Eugene Moller results
104365 07/17/03 23:54 Eugene Septum heating with Moller running
104364 07/17/03 23:52 Markowitz swing shift summary
104363 07/17/03 21:44 X. Jiang Left arm pion rejector block 21 working.
104352 07/17/03 20:40 X. Zheng L-arm trigger latch pattern added to on-line monitoring
104339 07/17/03 19:28 J. Singh bleedthrough measurements 7/16-7/17
104333 07/17/03 19:11 A. Deur Collimator in+ He3 Bottle
104332 07/17/03 19:05 X. Jiang During the access, looked at the left arm pion rejector block #21
104331 07/17/03 18:57 J. Singh making bleedthrough measurements
104329 07/17/03 18:20 J. Singh NMR AFP loss w/ Septum On
104326 07/17/03 17:48 Moffit Hall-C bleedthrough..
104312 07/17/03 17:14 X. Jiang spec_r_dp for run 2283
104309 07/17/03 16:52 Markowitz empty target T1 rates
104301 07/17/03 16:35 x. jiang reference cell, filled fwith N2, 100psig
104294 07/17/03 16:05 X. Zheng shift summary
104293 07/17/03 16:05 X. Zheng Delta scan summary - Part I
104286 07/17/03 15:48 X. Zheng beam current reduced to 1.2 uA
104280 07/17/03 15:18 X. Zheng change Septum current to 198A and HRS-R moemtum to 2.136 GeV/c
104279 07/17/03 15:16 Reitz bleed through
104257 07/17/03 14:24 X. Zheng Beam!
104254 07/17/03 13:11 X. Zheng L-arm S2 TDC spectrum
104253 07/17/03 12:40 Holmstrom Target Moved to Multi-Foil
104252 07/17/03 12:35 Holmstrom Target Test Results
104251 07/17/03 11:34 Sulkosky Target Moved to Pick-up coils
104250 07/17/03 11:32 Holmstrom Target Test Results
104249 07/17/03 11:21 R. Michaels wrong online DT for trig. overlaps
104248 07/17/03 11:19 X. Zheng Change Septum current to 202A and HRSR momentum to 2.178 GeV/c
104247 07/17/03 11:13 R. Michaels Event type NOT a problem
104246 07/17/03 10:50 X. Zheng R-arm helicity and react_z spectrum
104245 07/17/03 10:46 X. Zheng L-arm helicity and react_z spectrum
104244 07/17/03 10:36 A. Deur dp/ and y target for continuous target
104243 07/17/03 10:15 X. Zheng L-arm event type problem
104228 07/17/03 08:32 A. Deur Ice
104227 07/17/03 08:11 R. Feuerbach Additional delay for Left S2
104226 07/17/03 08:07 J. Singh owl shift summary
104225 07/17/03 08:01 J. Singh controlled access
104224 07/17/03 08:00 J. Singh delta scan run summary
104222 07/17/03 07:24 P. Solvignon target: NMR= 43.5%, EPR= 41.4%
104204 07/17/03 05:07 J. Singh MCC called: QE measurements
104201 07/17/03 04:41 J. Singh bleedthrough measurement @ 2 microAmp
104184 07/17/03 02:35 Solvignon Detector paw kumac
104182 07/17/03 02:32 S. Bailey raster spot size
104169 07/17/03 01:40 S. Bailey raster
104164 07/17/03 01:00 J. Singh septum setting fixed
104162 07/17/03 00:54 J. Singh raster off
104160 07/17/03 00:41 paschke charge asymmetry feedback ready
104157 07/17/03 00:24 Sulkosky Earlier Septum Trips
104154 07/17/03 00:14 averett Swing Shift Summary
104145 07/16/03 23:35 reitz bleed through
104131 07/16/03 22:45 reitz sieve slit pattern 2338
104125 07/16/03 21:35 Sulkosky Multi-Foil 12C Run
104097 07/16/03 20:15 Sulkosky Septum set at 198 Amps
104085 07/16/03 19:58 Sulkosky Septum Tune
104077 07/16/03 19:27 Sulkosky Strip Charts for Beam Movement Test
104076 07/16/03 17:20 Adaq expected yt (with Xsection weight)
104075 07/16/03 17:05 paschke Hall C beam effect on Hall A beam
104073 07/16/03 16:51 Sulkosky Carbon Foil Positions
104068 07/16/03 15:58 X. Zheng shift summary
104067 07/16/03 15:54 R. Michaels pedestals corrected
104065 07/16/03 15:44 Sulkosky Temperature Test Results
104064 07/16/03 15:24 jpchen 12C foil moved form 20 cm to 10 cm down stream.
104063 07/16/03 15:13 A. Deur A reason why we do not see the 3rd foil
104062 07/16/03 14:31 Sulkosky Septum Tripped again
104058 07/16/03 14:00 X. Zheng transport dipole magnet
104057 07/16/03 13:52 X. Zheng target moved to carbon foils position
104056 07/16/03 12:30 Reitz Q2 tripped
104054 07/16/03 12:15 Sulkosky Target RTD Alarm Set points
104053 07/16/03 12:13 J. Singh plot for entry 104052
104052 07/16/03 12:10 J. Singh more septum info, part 2
104050 07/16/03 12:04 R. Michaels some progress on ET problem
104047 07/16/03 12:00 J. Singh more info on septum trip, pt 1
104045 07/16/03 11:17 R. Michaels system dumps if ET connection failure
104044 07/16/03 10:38 L. Wan R-arm gas cherenkov ADC#3 fixed
104040 07/16/03 10:21 Sulkosky EPR: 40.1%
104037 07/16/03 10:11 X. Zheng Move target to long foil position
104034 07/16/03 10:03 X. Zheng Target temperature test
104032 07/16/03 09:56 R. Michaels no kcoda on L-arm unless necessary
104028 07/16/03 09:14 X. Zheng R-arm Q2 trip
104027 07/16/03 09:07 J. Singh "detailed" coda problem description
104026 07/16/03 09:00 X. Zheng Control access
104025 07/16/03 08:21 A. Deur Septum trip and coda crash
104024 07/16/03 08:16 J. Singh septum trip
104023 07/16/03 08:10 Bailey & Jai junk runs + septum trip
104019 07/16/03 08:03 A. Deur expected yt spectrum
104007 07/16/03 07:38 A.Deur 16.5 % Bleed Thru
104005 07/16/03 07:28 J. Singh run 2320 is septum tuning
104004 07/16/03 07:26 J. Singh raster off for runs 2318&2319
104001 07/16/03 07:24 J. Singh Bulls Eye Scan, part 1
103998 07/16/03 07:17 A. Deur Access (around 6 am) to check C12 foil
103991 07/16/03 07:01 A. Deur No 3rd foil. Starting Bull eyes scan
103990 07/16/03 06:49 A. Deur raster off
103989 07/16/03 06:49 J. Singh septum tuning run summary
103988 07/16/03 06:49 J. Singh septum tuning current history
103987 07/16/03 06:47 LeRose Quads are fine as is!
103983 07/16/03 06:35 J. Singh beam position to BPMB Y=+2.0
103980 07/16/03 06:33 Deur/LeRose Choice for tuning
103977 07/16/03 05:48 A.Deur Controled access
103976 07/16/03 05:47 J. Singh Target: Multi Foil + Tweaked BP
103971 07/16/03 05:28 S. Bailey raster turned on
103969 07/16/03 05:22 A. Deur No downstream foil
103959 07/16/03 04:54 S. Bailey RQ2 tripped again
103956 07/16/03 04:46 A. Deur 3 foils in
103955 07/16/03 04:10 Deur/LeRose Septum tuning
103952 07/16/03 04:08 A. Deur No Beam: QE measurement
103951 07/16/03 04:08 J. Singh halog test
103930 07/16/03 02:34 A. Deur first plot (looks good !)
103927 07/16/03 02:10 A. Deur Rates
103924 07/16/03 02:03 A. Deur Beam back, raster off
103923 07/16/03 01:51 A. Deur Still no beam
103922 07/16/03 01:49 A. Deur Work inside the target chamber
106474 07/16/03 01:20 choi espace cleared of some bugs
106473 07/16/03 01:19 Z.-E. Mezian Optics study
103916 07/15/03 23:54 Sulkosky Right Q1 ramp up
103915 07/15/03 23:48 Sulkosky Right Q1 Ramp up
103914 07/15/03 23:41 x. Jiang radiation level high ?
103911 07/15/03 23:25 atrig Trigger-Download
103909 07/15/03 22:57 Holmstrom Beam Fix
103908 07/15/03 22:55 Sulkosky NMR: ~ 42%
103905 07/15/03 21:39 J. Singh Beam Disappreared
103893 07/15/03 17:11 Holmstrom Raster Screen
106441 07/15/03 16:45 G.M. Urciuol 7/24/2003 owl sfit report
103883 07/15/03 16:41 jpchen Q2 triped 2nd time during day shift
103882 07/15/03 16:39 x jiang harp scan done, beam is good
103873 07/15/03 16:14 jpchen shift summary
103871 07/15/03 15:28 jpchen harp scan
103868 07/15/03 11:53 jpchen Beam horizontal size too large, vertical divergence too much.
103866 07/15/03 11:49 jpchen right arm Q2 tripped and reset
103864 07/15/03 11:24 R. Michaels Detmap: R-HRS Gas#3
103863 07/15/03 11:20 jpchen harp scan run number was 2104
103862 07/15/03 11:18 jpchen harp scan results
103861 07/15/03 11:07 Adaq Left S2 ADC/TDC configuration
103860 07/15/03 10:32 jpchen beam arrived
103859 07/15/03 10:32 X. Zheng Detector checking - right arm shower ADC_C pedestal setting
103858 07/15/03 10:01 X. Zheng Detector checking - left arm S2 ADC and pion rejector
103857 07/15/03 10:01 choi detmap problem?
103856 07/15/03 09:45 X. Zheng Detector checking - left gas cherenkov ADC #3
106407 07/15/03 07:57 S. Woo Multi foil(BeO+12C foils) Position
103845 07/15/03 03:36 J. Singh Owl Shift Summary Part 1
103844 07/15/03 03:23 J. Singh Target Motion: BeO/Long Foil
103843 07/15/03 03:22 J. Singh Target Motion: Empty
103842 07/15/03 01:50 J. Singh RQ1 current setting
103841 07/15/03 00:27 Sulkosky Laser #5
103839 07/14/03 23:14 Sulkosky Hall A Tools
103836 07/14/03 20:36 Sulkosky Target FSD Switch
103835 07/14/03 19:48 Sulkosky Laser Wavelengths adjusted
103834 07/14/03 19:19 Sulkosky Target Encoder Positions
103833 07/14/03 19:16 J. Singh Septum Training: 399A
103831 07/14/03 17:08 Chudakov Shower/preshower HV
103830 07/14/03 13:20 Solvignon EPR is working fine.
103817 07/14/03 11:46 R. Michaels halla_scaler_process.tcl not modified
106370 07/14/03 11:30 Sulkosky Single Foil Sieve Pattern
106364 07/14/03 10:08 Sulkosky Access to check BeO position
103798 07/14/03 09:55 atrig Trigger-Download
103791 07/13/03 16:42 R. Michaels L-arm Trigger Mods (part I)
103790 07/13/03 15:09 J. Singh Septum Training: 396.4A
103787 07/12/03 22:17 J. Singh Target Encoder Position for Pol He-3
103786 07/12/03 21:49 J. Singh Septum Training: 401.4A
103785 07/12/03 21:46 J. Singh Laser Alignment + Settings
103781 07/12/03 15:56 atrig Trigger-Download
103778 07/12/03 15:27 atrig Trigger-Download
103777 07/12/03 14:59 atrig Trigger-Download
103776 07/12/03 14:56 atrig Trigger-Download
106240 07/10/03 15:05 reitz left arm magnets
106239 07/10/03 15:03 X. Jiang NMR, reads 37.33%.
106237 07/10/03 14:59 Holmstrom Day Shift Summary
106233 07/10/03 14:43 Holmstrom iocha14 back
106230 07/10/03 14:42 Holmstrom Request a Software Expert to Look at IOCs
106229 07/10/03 14:40 Holmstrom IOC Problem
106225 07/10/03 14:20 Holmstrom Left Arm VDC HV On
103663 07/09/03 21:54 atrig Trigger-Download
106210 07/09/03 19:06 K. Keister move to empty target
106209 07/09/03 19:06 K. Keister NMR loss test
106206 07/09/03 11:06 K. Keister changing holding field
103638 07/08/03 21:57 atrig Trigger-Download
103631 07/07/03 11:48 R. Michaels helicity scheme - direct reporting
103630 07/06/03 21:31 J. Singh ESR Crash & the Single Septum