Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for October 04 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
135519 10/31/04 23:28 real pa adc snapshot
135516 10/31/04 22:59 A. Camsonne PA DC current and HV
135515 10/31/04 22:57 A. Camsonne Calorimeter DC current and HV
135514 10/31/04 22:44 A. Camsonne Hall A tools
135511 10/31/04 21:49 C.Ferdi Gain variation % (25 days)
135494 10/31/04 15:59 Carlos Day shift summary
135488 10/31/04 13:03 R. Michaels re: ROC17 and sockets
135476 10/31/04 07:34 dhayes Shift Summary
135472 10/31/04 06:41 dhayes Hall A Tools
135471 10/31/04 06:40 dhayes PA ADCs
135460 10/31/04 01:52 A. Camsonne Compton stuck on right polarization
135453 10/31/04 01:01 A. Camsonne Swing shift summary
135452 10/31/04 00:49 A. Camsonne Prestart problems : no XScaler on calorimeter at all
135449 10/30/04 23:57 Adaq Gain variation % (24days)
135448 10/30/04 23:31 C.Ferdi XY Table problem
135447 10/30/04 23:29 C.Ferdi Compton trouble
135443 10/30/04 21:44 real runs 4218, 4221-4233 junk
135442 10/30/04 21:42 real runs 4210 to 4215 are junk
135439 10/30/04 20:50 real proton array adc snapshot
135431 10/30/04 20:02 A. Camsonne PA DC current and HV
135430 10/30/04 20:01 A. Camsonne Calorimeter DC current and HV
135429 10/30/04 19:38 A. Camsonne Compton off
135428 10/30/04 19:30 A. Camsonne Other ROC message
135425 10/30/04 19:08 A. Camsonne Error message ROC 17
135416 10/30/04 16:02 Carlos Day shift summary
135410 10/30/04 14:31 jroche shift check list: pa + calo
135403 10/30/04 11:38 jroche bcm scan this morning
135375 10/30/04 08:05 dhayes shift summary
135373 10/30/04 08:01 dhayes Hall A tools
135372 10/30/04 08:01 dhayes PA ADCS
135350 10/30/04 00:03 fieschi shift summary
135345 10/29/04 22:02 fieschi hall A tools
135344 10/29/04 22:01 fieschi scalers
135341 10/29/04 21:11 real proton array adc snapshot
135333 10/29/04 17:49 C.Ferdi Gain variation % (23days)
135326 10/29/04 16:15 mazouz Shift summary
135323 10/29/04 14:22 Reitz beamline HV during ep
135322 10/29/04 13:35 mazouz HV off for PA & calo
135302 10/29/04 08:02 dhayes shift summary
135298 10/29/04 07:40 dhayes Hall A Tools
135297 10/29/04 07:40 dhayes PA ADC
135284 10/29/04 01:22 A. Camsonne Compton ROC network trouble
135281 10/29/04 01:09 A. Camsonne Compton vertical scan
135277 10/29/04 00:08 fieschi shift summary
135276 10/28/04 23:45 A. Camsonne Compton rates look good
135275 10/28/04 23:35 fieschi HV problem on proton array
135272 10/28/04 23:03 Carlos PA Blocks 4 and 99
135271 10/28/04 22:48 A. Camsonne Compton booting ROCs...
135268 10/28/04 22:07 fieschi scaler
135265 10/28/04 21:36 A. Camsonne Compton EPICS reboot
135264 10/28/04 21:35 real Array ADC snapshot
135263 10/28/04 21:28 A. Camsonne Compton DAQ problems
135262 10/28/04 21:27 A. Camsonne Compton rates
135259 10/28/04 20:51 A. Camsonne Compton rates after accelerator recovery
135253 10/28/04 20:34 fieschi hall A tools
135251 10/28/04 20:05 fieschi harp scan
135250 10/28/04 17:45 C.Ferdi Gain variation in % (22 days)
135247 10/28/04 09:26 Kelleher Cryo Levels -- Hall C cooldown
135246 10/28/04 07:44 R. Michaels alarm handler (TECHS)
135245 10/28/04 01:49 Carlos Hall sweep
135243 10/28/04 00:52 R. Michaels end-run beeps to wake up users
135237 10/27/04 12:43 C.Ferdi Gain variation in % (20 days)
135236 10/27/04 12:31 C.Ferdi Gain variation in % after 24h UV light on the blocks
135218 10/26/04 11:24 A. Camsonne Turned Calorimeter curing off for LED run
135214 10/25/04 22:54 Carlos Curing of calorimeter blocks
135212 10/25/04 14:21 jpchen Magnets all zero now
135211 10/25/04 10:49 A. Camsonne Turned off calorimeter off for UV curing
135210 10/25/04 09:53 jpchen White alarm for LeCroy HV and beamline
135209 10/25/04 09:06 jpchen Left Dipole current went to zero.
135208 10/25/04 09:05 J. P. Chen controlled access.
135207 10/25/04 08:47 jpchen target pressure
135206 10/25/04 08:44 jpchen target status (cont 2)
135205 10/25/04 08:42 jpchen target status (cont.)
135204 10/25/04 08:41 jpchen target status
135203 10/25/04 08:20 jpchen Target to Empty
135201 10/25/04 08:18 Carlos Owl shift summary
135198 10/25/04 08:13 C.Ferdi Gain variation in % (19 days previous -latest) 10/6-10/25
135193 10/25/04 06:25 C.Ferdi Scalers Kin # 3
135192 10/25/04 06:21 C.Ferdi PA ADC kin#3
135190 10/25/04 06:16 C.Ferdi Right arm Q1 N2=24.91<25%
135184 10/25/04 04:23 Carlos Nice beam
135170 10/25/04 00:01 fieschi Shift summary
135169 10/24/04 23:39 fieschi DC current and HV for proton array
135168 10/24/04 23:38 fieschi HV and DC current for calorimeter
135167 10/24/04 23:37 fieschi hall A tools
135166 10/24/04 23:35 fieschi scalers
135149 10/24/04 19:59 fieschi compton reboot
135143 10/24/04 17:23 A. Camsonne Day shift summary
135140 10/24/04 16:47 Wang pa
135133 10/24/04 14:26 A. Camsonne Scalers at 2.6 uA
135132 10/24/04 14:09 A. Camsonne Proton array DC current and HV
135131 10/24/04 14:08 A. Camsonne Calorimeter DC current and HV
135116 10/24/04 08:44 A. Camsonne DVCS configuration pedestal reloading at prestart removed
135112 10/24/04 08:05 Carlos Owl shift summary
135111 10/24/04 07:58 Carlos run 4088 replay does not look good.
135108 10/24/04 06:42 C.Ferdi Calorimeter : Gain variation in % (18 days previous -latest) 10/6-10/24
135105 10/24/04 06:08 C.Ferdi Right arm Q1 : N2 =24.9<25%
135104 10/24/04 05:54 C.Ferdi Scalers Kin#3
135103 10/24/04 05:48 C.Ferdi PA array ADC Kin#3
135093 10/24/04 01:47 C.Ferdi Alarm target Gas panels
135090 10/24/04 01:12 C.Ferdi Alarm Target Gas Panels
135087 10/24/04 00:08 fieschi shift summary
135085 10/23/04 23:33 FIESCHI SCALERS
135070 10/23/04 19:06 Wang pa array
135069 10/23/04 18:35 fieschi HV and DC current for proton array
135068 10/23/04 18:34 fieschi HV and DC current for calorimeter
135067 10/23/04 18:33 fieschi hall A tools
135060 10/23/04 16:17 A. Camsonne Day shift summary
135058 10/23/04 16:01 A. Camsonne Scaler at 2.5 uA Kin #3
135057 10/23/04 16:00 A. Camsonne Calorimeter DC current and HV
135056 10/23/04 15:57 A. Camsonne PA DC current and HV
135055 10/23/04 15:55 A. Camsonne Hall A tools
135036 10/23/04 08:58 A. Camsonne ROC18 crash, run numbers
135033 10/23/04 07:54 Carlos Owl shift summary
135030 10/23/04 07:26 C.Ferdi Gain variation in % (17 days previous -latest) 10/6-10/23
135029 10/23/04 06:58 R. Feuerbach Proton Array screens
135009 10/23/04 00:04 fieschi shift summary
134997 10/22/04 20:43 K Wang Proton array
134994 10/22/04 19:46 fieschi scalers
134993 10/22/04 19:34 fieschi DC current for proton array : WITH BEAM
134992 10/22/04 19:19 fieschi hall A tools
134991 10/22/04 19:17 fieschi HV and DC current
134990 10/22/04 19:14 fieschi HV and DC current for proton array
134988 10/22/04 18:57 A. Camsonne End controlled access block 10 fixed
134984 10/22/04 18:02 A. Camsonne Controlled access to fix calorimeter block 10
134978 10/22/04 16:27 A. Camsonne Day Shift summary
134973 10/22/04 14:30 A. Camsonne Rates at 2.5 uA standard DVCS configuration
134970 10/22/04 13:31 A.Camsonne Rates with DVCSMux configuration
134969 10/22/04 13:24 L. Zhu PA ADC snapshot
134961 10/22/04 12:14 A. Camsonne Pedestal widening at small angle
134956 10/22/04 07:56 Carlos Owl shift summary
134952 10/22/04 06:15 Carlos Block 10 still not working
134951 10/22/04 06:13 Carlos DVCSMux configuration
134949 10/22/04 05:26 R. Feuerbach Proton array snapshot
134948 10/22/04 05:22 Carlos Block 1-4 PA
134943 10/22/04 04:24 C.Ferdi Gain variation in % (16 days previous -latest) 10/6-10/22
134940 10/22/04 03:44 Carlos Controlled access
134934 10/22/04 02:41 Carlos Change base calorimeter
134933 10/22/04 02:24 C.Ferdi Gain variation in % (15 days previous -latest) 10/6-10/21 : AFTER UV LIGHT
134932 10/22/04 02:13 C.Ferdi UV light effect (2h30) put on last columns bottom
134931 10/22/04 01:16 C.Ferdi Gain variation in % (15 days previous -latest) 10/6-10/21
134928 10/22/04 00:31 R. Feuerbach L-HRS Q2/Q3 cycled
134927 10/22/04 00:03 dhayes shift summary
134924 10/21/04 22:53 weinstei proton array HV
134923 10/21/04 22:51 weinstei proton array HV
134920 10/21/04 22:36 dhayes PA ADC after adjustment
134909 10/21/04 20:32 A. Camsonne Calorimeter first run at 14.8 degres
134906 10/21/04 19:59 A. Camsonne Block 10 calorimeter not working
134905 10/21/04 19:39 weinstei proton array HV too low
134904 10/21/04 19:37 weinstei proton array HV too low
134903 10/21/04 19:36 weinstei proton array HV too low
134902 10/21/04 19:35 Adaq proton array HV too low
134893 10/21/04 17:03 A. Camsonne Scalers Kin#3 at 2.5 uA
134891 10/21/04 16:53 A. Camsonne DC Current Calorimeter 2uA
134890 10/21/04 16:52 A. Camsonne PA DC current Kin#3 2uA
134889 10/21/04 16:49 A. Camsonne PA DC current at 1uA 15 cm LH2 at 14.8 degres
134888 10/21/04 16:45 Nanda Compton
134887 10/21/04 16:40 A. Camsonne HARP scans
134886 10/21/04 16:28 A. Camsonne Day shift summary
134878 10/21/04 13:44 A. Camsonne Hall A tools for Kin #3
134877 10/21/04 13:42 A. Camsonne Calorimeter curing interlock
134874 10/21/04 12:09 A. Camsonne LED Calo HV
134873 10/21/04 12:07 A. Camsonne Spectrometer Left angle changed to 23.91 degres
134870 10/21/04 11:34 A. Camsonne Calorimter HV running condition
134869 10/21/04 11:34 A. Camsonne Beam studies finished setting up for Kinematic 3
134868 10/21/04 09:33 A. Camsonne Analyzer new database
134867 10/21/04 09:09 A. Camsonne Setting spectrometers magnetic field to 0
134866 10/21/04 09:09 A. Camsonne Hall A status for beam studies
134863 10/21/04 07:59 Mazouz Shift summary
134860 10/21/04 07:54 R. Feuerbach Target status summary
134859 10/21/04 07:16 mazouz Halla A General Tools
134858 10/21/04 07:16 mazouz PA DC current & HV
134857 10/21/04 07:15 mazouz Calo HV & DC current
134842 10/21/04 00:04 dhayes shift summary
134838 10/20/04 23:16 Adaq PA ADC
134837 10/20/04 23:10 E.Chudakov Pion Rejector status
134823 10/20/04 18:46 Carlos Pion rejector L2
134822 10/20/04 18:44 Carlos Pion rejector L1
134821 10/20/04 18:20 C.Ferdi Gain variation in % (14 days previous -latest) 10/6-10/20
134809 10/20/04 16:37 A. Camsonne Led scan HV run 3982
134806 10/20/04 16:10 A. Camsonne Day shift
134803 10/20/04 15:54 A. Camsonne Hall A tools
134800 10/20/04 15:03 A. Camsonne PA DC current and HV
134799 10/20/04 15:01 A. Camsonne Calorimeter DC current and HV
134796 10/20/04 13:42 F. Sabatie HV readback for block 105
134783 10/20/04 11:10 C.Ferdi Gain variation in % (13 days previous -latest) 10/6-10/19
134778 10/20/04 08:01 Malek Mazouz Shift summary
134774 10/20/04 07:24 mazouz Calorimeter HV & DC current
134773 10/20/04 07:23 mazouz Proton Array DC current & HV
134772 10/20/04 07:22 mazouz Hall A General Tools
134756 10/20/04 00:00 dhayes shift summary
134755 10/19/04 23:53 DHAYES hall a tools
134754 10/19/04 23:15 Adaq PA ADC
134738 10/19/04 18:16 R. Michaels adaqfs problems / reboot
0 10/19/04 17:03 no_name no_key
134726 10/19/04 16:03 A. Camsonne Day shift summary
134707 10/19/04 11:35 A. Camsonne Hall A tools
134706 10/19/04 11:34 A. Camsonne Scalers rate at 2.5 uA on LH2
134705 10/19/04 11:20 A. Camsonne PA DC current and HV
134704 10/19/04 11:00 A. Camsonne Calorimeter DC current and HV
134703 10/19/04 10:56 A. Camsonne Beam trips
134698 10/19/04 10:37 X. Jiang Htr_aft sensor was not working.
134695 10/19/04 10:19 X. Jiang Temperature sensor Htr_aft in LOOP2
134690 10/19/04 08:00 Malek Mazouz Shift Summary
134686 10/19/04 06:44 mazouz Hall A General Tools
134685 10/19/04 06:43 mazouz Calo DC current and HV
134684 10/19/04 06:42 mazouz PA DC current & HV
134672 10/19/04 00:03 dhayes shift summary
134668 10/18/04 23:08 A. Camsonne Day shift summary
134662 10/18/04 21:43 A. Camsonne HV for the runs were different
134655 10/18/04 18:39 dhayes half-wave plate
134653 10/18/04 18:34 Adaq half-wave plate in
134646 10/18/04 17:13 C.Ferdi Effect UV light on blocks (10') (before-after)
134645 10/18/04 16:32 C.Ferdi Gain variation in % 12 days 10/6-10/18 (previous-latest)
134642 10/18/04 16:27 C.Ferdi Jump PMT23 : gain variation 27%
134634 10/18/04 15:23 A. Camsonne Controlled access summary
134630 10/18/04 14:32 Carlos char_cryo
134629 10/18/04 14:32 Carlos Target loop charts
134621 10/18/04 13:52 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector FSD fault
134599 10/18/04 11:57 Carlos Block 23
134589 10/18/04 09:48 A. Camsonne MCC update
134588 10/18/04 09:32 A. Camsonne Target moved to empty
134582 10/18/04 09:11 A. Camsonne MSQL cleanup 2
134575 10/18/04 08:53 F. Sabatie Block 23
134560 10/18/04 07:52 mazouz Shift summary
134559 10/18/04 01:01 Carlos Swing shift summary
134554 10/18/04 00:02 Carlos Block 23
134552 10/17/04 22:25 Carlos Block 23
134548 10/17/04 20:16 Adaq PA array
134547 10/17/04 20:06 R. Michaels re: problems with start/end TCL
134532 10/17/04 18:18 Carlos Multifoil run 3858
134531 10/17/04 17:53 A. Camsonne Added keyword none for TS0 in msql database
134530 10/17/04 17:46 Carlos ROCs reboot
134529 10/17/04 17:36 Carlos Prestart of run failed
134523 10/17/04 16:22 kolarkar target movement
134517 10/17/04 16:03 Eric Voutier Shift summary
134502 10/17/04 10:55 Eric Voutier Coda Problems
134492 10/17/04 08:02 mazouz Shift summary
134487 10/17/04 06:52 mazouz Proton Array DC current & HV
134486 10/17/04 06:51 mazouz Calorimeter DC current & HV
134485 10/17/04 06:50 mazouz Hall A General tools
134484 10/17/04 06:41 mazouz DAQ problem
134471 10/17/04 02:28 R. Subedi H2 pressure low
134466 10/17/04 00:06 Carlos Swing shift summary
134461 10/17/04 00:02 Carlos Hall A Tools snap shot
134460 10/17/04 00:01 Carlos Calorimeter HV and DC snapshots
134457 10/16/04 23:52 Yi Qiang Target Snapshot
134456 10/16/04 23:50 Carlos Multifoil run 3811
134439 10/16/04 18:54 Carlos DAQ cold start
134437 10/16/04 18:49 Adaq proton array snap shot
134429 10/16/04 16:21 Carlos Trigger rates falling down: reset procedure
134428 10/16/04 16:05 Eric Voutier Shift Summary
134418 10/16/04 15:09 Carlos Xscaler snapshot
134417 10/16/04 14:29 H. Benaoum Target Snapshot
134414 10/16/04 13:09 H. Benaoum Moved again to 15cm LH2
134411 10/16/04 12:53 Carlos Rates and DT with and without MUX in the new kinematics
134410 10/16/04 12:52 H. Benaoum Moved to Optics Target
134405 10/16/04 12:35 C.Ferdi Gain variation in % 10 days (previous-latest)
134403 10/16/04 11:41 C.Ferdi HV PMT 121
134399 10/16/04 11:31 voutier kinematics#2 settings
134398 10/16/04 11:02 C.Ferdi LED run 3750 10/15 not good
134396 10/16/04 10:58 Gavalian Proton array ADC
134393 10/16/04 10:34 Geraud bogie reboot
134387 10/16/04 08:06 mazouz Shift summary
134384 10/16/04 07:50 mazouz 1.24% bleedthrough mesurement
134378 10/16/04 06:22 mazouz Hall A General Tools
134377 10/16/04 06:21 mazouz Calorimeter HV & DC current
134376 10/16/04 06:20 mazouz PA HV & DC current
134375 10/16/04 05:56 mazouz low rate for run 3772
134372 10/16/04 05:18 A. Camsonne MSQL database clean-up
134357 10/16/04 00:58 Carlos Swing shift summary
134354 10/16/04 00:05 Carlos Hall A tools snapshot
134353 10/16/04 00:04 Carlos Calorimeter DC and HV snapshots
134344 10/15/04 23:17 Carlos two arm run 3752: wrong prescales factors
134341 10/15/04 22:46 P. Monaghan proton array snapshot
134338 10/15/04 21:47 Carlos LHRS new DB: analysis of multifoil run 3751
134335 10/15/04 21:18 Carlos Replay golden runs updated
134334 10/15/04 21:08 Carlos Change of configuration : painful
134323 10/15/04 19:17 Carlos Trigger rates decreased: calorimeter trigger power-cycled
134310 10/15/04 16:39 Nanda compton
134307 10/15/04 16:08 Voutier Shift Summary
134305 10/15/04 16:07 A. Camsonne DVCSMux configuration had no Cerenkov in trigger, starting run 3741 Cerenkov is in the trigger
134300 10/15/04 14:29 A. Camsonne DVCSMux ND_G to 7
134299 10/15/04 14:27 Amarian proton array HVDC
134277 10/15/04 08:52 A. Camsonne Calorimeter trigger sometimes stuck
134273 10/15/04 07:58 mazouz Shift summary
134265 10/15/04 07:11 Carlos Dead time & trigger rates with MUX
134258 10/15/04 05:15 mazouz Hall A General Tools
134256 10/15/04 05:13 mazouz Calo DC currents & HV
134255 10/15/04 05:12 mazouz PA DC currents & HV
134254 10/15/04 05:10 Carlos Compton very high rates
134240 10/15/04 03:47 Carlos L-HRS database restore
134238 10/15/04 03:31 A. Camsonne error message ROC18
134237 10/15/04 03:25 mazouz changed PA HV
134236 10/15/04 03:21 A. Camsonne Run DVCSMux with run number less than 3695
134229 10/15/04 02:27 A. Camsonne Mux in use for next following runs
134227 10/15/04 02:13 A. Camsonne DVCSMux configuration problem at cold start
134223 10/15/04 01:59 A. Camsonne MSQL problem again ?/
134222 10/15/04 01:54 Carlos MUX: number of PA blocks read per event
134215 10/15/04 01:27 mazouz Controlled access
134210 10/15/04 00:20 Carlos Swing shift summary
134208 10/15/04 00:14 Carlos Harp scan results
134207 10/15/04 00:11 Carlos Current limit
134198 10/14/04 17:46 stevensm left dipole offset
134197 10/14/04 17:30 A. Camsonne Added Beam Half wave to EpicsLogger
134195 10/14/04 15:53 Saha Shift Summary
134189 10/14/04 12:56 R. Michaels status update
134188 10/14/04 11:09 C.FERDI Gain varation Calorimeter PMTs
134178 10/14/04 10:29 C.FERDI ADC PA
134166 10/14/04 09:08 A. Camsonne Changed timing of proton ARS 24ns in past
134164 10/14/04 09:03 R. Michaels beam studies; move tgt to optics
134158 10/14/04 07:54 mazouz Shift summary
134154 10/14/04 07:26 mazouz PA DC current & HV
134152 10/14/04 07:25 mazouz Calo HV & DC current
134150 10/14/04 07:21 mazouz Hall A General tools
134144 10/14/04 05:26 mazouz clrlpc problem fixed
134141 10/14/04 04:53 mazouz clrlpc connection failed
134123 10/13/04 23:58 Carlos Hall A Tools snapshot
134122 10/13/04 23:58 Carlos PA DC and HV snapshots
134121 10/13/04 23:57 Carlos Calorimeter DC and HV snapshots
134118 10/13/04 23:49 Carlos Swing shift summary
134117 10/13/04 23:38 Yi Qiang Target Screen (2)
134116 10/13/04 23:37 Yi Qiang Target Screens
134115 10/13/04 23:35 Carlos xscaler snapshot
134110 10/13/04 22:14 Carlos Multifoil run 3633
134096 10/13/04 18:59 Carlos ROCs reboot
134088 10/13/04 16:31 Higinbotham Run Summary
134086 10/13/04 16:01 dhayes BTA
134085 10/13/04 16:00 dhayes shift summary
134084 10/13/04 15:55 Higinbotham Bleed-thru measurement
134081 10/13/04 15:40 R. Michaels Qasy snapshot (yawn !)
134080 10/13/04 15:38 R. Michaels scaler snapshots
134079 10/13/04 15:35 dhayes PA ADCs
134074 10/13/04 14:32 Higinbotham Magnet Screen
134065 10/13/04 13:05 Higinbotham Data looks good
134062 10/13/04 12:28 Higinbotham Proton Data
134061 10/13/04 12:02 Higinbotham End of Controlled Access
134046 10/13/04 11:18 R. Michaels T1 repair: hot crate, bad module
134038 10/13/04 09:08 Higinbotham Start of Controlled Access
134035 10/13/04 08:30 R. Michaels R-arm T1 is "off"
134032 10/13/04 08:01 Carlos Owl shift summary
134030 10/13/04 07:45 voutier PA snapshot
134000 10/12/04 23:59 Carlos Swing shift summary
133999 10/12/04 23:27 Adaq Calorimeter DC and HV snapshots
133998 10/12/04 23:25 Adaq PA DC and HV snapshot
133991 10/12/04 20:49 Adaq Mux status : not operational
133968 10/12/04 19:45 C.Ferdi Gain Variation Calorimeter
133928 10/12/04 16:08 dhayes BTA
133927 10/12/04 16:06 dhayes shift summary
133924 10/12/04 15:41 dhayes Hall A tools
133923 10/12/04 15:22 Adaq PA ADCs
133914 10/12/04 12:22 R. Feuerbach bleedthrough measurement
133903 10/12/04 08:45 R. Feuerbach Target status
133899 10/12/04 08:10 A. Camsonne Owl shift summary
133898 10/12/04 07:32 A. Camsonne Scalers at 3uA 15cm LH2
133881 10/12/04 04:08 Sulkosky Modified ALH-default.alhConfig file
133875 10/12/04 03:26 A. Camsonne Hall A tools
133874 10/12/04 03:24 A. Camsonne PA DC current and HV
133873 10/12/04 03:22 A. Camsonne Calorimeter DC current and HV
133871 10/12/04 02:36 Carlos Harp scan results
133868 10/12/04 02:22 A. Camsonne Cerenkov into DVCS trigger
133865 10/12/04 01:26 Carlos Swing shift summary
133797 10/11/04 18:15 Nanda compton
133783 10/11/04 17:18 geraud Left Dipole set up
133768 10/11/04 16:02 dhayes BTA
133767 10/11/04 16:02 dhayes shift summary
133763 10/11/04 15:30 Adaq HALL A TOOLS AND CRYO LEVELS
133744 10/11/04 09:00 A. Camsonne Owl shift summary
133732 10/11/04 06:30 A. Camsonne PA array DC current at 3.5 uA
133731 10/11/04 06:22 A. Camsonne Bleedthrough
133730 10/11/04 06:14 A. Camsonne Hall C and Hall A current correlation
133723 10/11/04 04:53 A. Camsonne Hall A tools
133720 10/11/04 04:14 A. Camsonne Proton array DC current and HV
133719 10/11/04 04:14 A. Camsonne Calorimeter DC current and HV
133707 10/10/04 23:56 Carlos Swing shift summary
133704 10/10/04 22:46 Carlos Calorimeter DC and HV screenshots
133701 10/10/04 22:40 Carlos Hall A Tools snapshot
133700 10/10/04 22:36 Carlos xscaler snapshot
133697 10/10/04 21:51 Adaq Proton/Tagger snapshot
133694 10/10/04 20:47 Carlos Multifoil run 3419
133691 10/10/04 20:03 Carlos Compton reboot
133688 10/10/04 19:42 Carlos DVCS ioc reboot
133672 10/10/04 16:02 dhayes BTA
133671 10/10/04 16:02 dhayes shift summary
133668 10/10/04 15:46 dhayes Hall A Tools
133666 10/10/04 15:46 Adaq PA ADC
133659 10/10/04 12:20 mazouz 1.8 % Bleedthrough
133658 10/10/04 12:20 mazouz HARP Scan
133647 10/10/04 08:14 A. Camsonne Owl shift summary
133645 10/10/04 07:28 A. Camsonne Run 3403 on optics target ( and not LH2 )
133633 10/10/04 05:15 A. Camsonne Deadtime
133628 10/10/04 04:02 A. Camsonne Scalers on LH2 15 cm at 3uA
133621 10/10/04 02:29 A. Camsonne Hall A tools
133620 10/10/04 02:28 A. Camsonne Calorimeter DC screen
133619 10/10/04 02:26 A. Camsonne PA DC current monitoring screen
133608 10/10/04 00:11 mazouz Shift summary
133603 10/09/04 23:29 mazouz Hall A General Tools snapshot
133602 10/09/04 23:28 mazouz Calo DC currents & HV
133601 10/09/04 23:27 mazouz Proton Array DC current & HV
133599 10/09/04 23:15 mazouz Left arm IOC crash
133595 10/09/04 23:10 mazouz lost 18 min beam
133576 10/09/04 19:52 Carlos Multi-foil run 3368
133551 10/09/04 16:06 dhayes shift summary
133549 10/09/04 16:04 Adaq BTA
133546 10/09/04 15:24 dhayes Hall A Tools
133545 10/09/04 15:23 dhayes left cerenkov HV
133544 10/09/04 15:18 Adaq proton array ADC
133523 10/09/04 09:24 fieschi shift summary
133501 10/09/04 02:55 fieschi DC current and HV for proton array
133500 10/09/04 02:54 fieschi DC current and HV for calorimeter
133499 10/09/04 02:53 fieschi hall A tools
133488 10/09/04 00:01 M. Mazouz Shift summary
133479 10/08/04 21:54 mazouz Light is back!
133476 10/08/04 21:27 mazouz NO Light in counting room
133471 10/08/04 20:35 mazouz Hall A General Tools snapshot
133470 10/08/04 20:31 mazouz Calo DC current & HV
133469 10/08/04 20:30 mazouz Proton Array DC current & HV
133464 10/08/04 19:25 mazouz 1.47% Bleedthrough mesurement
133453 10/08/04 17:48 A. Camsonne Scalers and Dead Time at 3 uA LH2 15 cm
133437 10/08/04 16:03 dhayes BTA
133436 10/08/04 16:01 dhayes shift summary
133435 10/08/04 15:50 dhayes Hall A General Tools
133434 10/08/04 15:49 dhayes PA ADC readback
133417 10/08/04 11:12 dhayes revision to previous entry:results of PA gain change
133416 10/08/04 11:00 dhayes results of PA gain change
133411 10/08/04 10:32 dhayes Doubling gain on selected PA blocks
133408 10/08/04 09:44 hyde Proton Array HV
133400 10/08/04 08:01 fieschi shift summary
133399 10/08/04 07:57 fieschi daq problem
133370 10/08/04 04:01 fieschi hall A tools
133365 10/08/04 03:20 fieschi DC current and HV for calorimeter
133364 10/08/04 03:19 fieschi DC current and HV for proton array
133343 10/07/04 23:58 Mazouz Shift summary
133336 10/07/04 22:31 mazouz Hall A General Tools snapshot
133335 10/07/04 22:26 mazouz Hall A General Tools snapshot
133334 10/07/04 22:19 reitz harpscan
133333 10/07/04 22:17 mazouz Bleedthrough check
133328 10/07/04 20:51 mazouz Calo HV change
133327 10/07/04 20:45 C. Ferdi Hv 6-10 2004 put
133322 10/07/04 19:50 C.Ferdi HV change since run 3264
133320 10/07/04 19:48 C.Ferdi Change HV calorimeter
133318 10/07/04 19:14 Carlos PA ADC screen shot in new kinematics
133315 10/07/04 18:48 E.Chudakov Snapshots
133310 10/07/04 17:32 Voutier Proton array current
133309 10/07/04 17:31 Voutier Calorimeter current
133295 10/07/04 16:48 reitz harp run ids
133294 10/07/04 16:38 E.Chudakov Another harp scan
133289 10/07/04 16:23 Reitz compton
133288 10/07/04 16:22 reitz harp scan
133282 10/07/04 16:01 David Hayes shift summary
133264 10/07/04 13:27 L. Zhu TS1 reboot
133263 10/07/04 12:53 david hayes beam loss
133259 10/07/04 11:35 R. Michaels Event type 120 fixed (probably)
133258 10/07/04 11:06 R. Feuerbach xscaler for Elastic3
133257 10/07/04 10:58 R. Michaels Helicity gated scaler code mod
133254 10/07/04 10:40 A. Camsonne HV swapped block 105 so look at slot 15 channel 9
133253 10/07/04 09:52 R. Feuerbach Quads were cycled
133251 10/07/04 09:20 Fansler/Ewin Techs-Left_Dipole_Problem
133250 10/07/04 08:18 fieschi shift summary
133245 10/07/04 05:44 fieschi DC current and HV calorimeter
133244 10/07/04 05:35 fieschi hall A tools
133237 10/07/04 01:23 Carlos Trigger ADC block 73 saturating
133236 10/07/04 00:59 Carlos Beam current increased to 3.5uA
133235 10/07/04 00:54 Carlos Block 23 still saturating
133232 10/07/04 00:46 Carlos Calorimeter and PA IOC reboot procedure
133231 10/07/04 00:28 Carlos Block 23 calorimeter saturating
133228 10/07/04 00:04 M. Mazouz Shift summary
133226 10/07/04 00:01 Yi Qiang Target Screen 2
133225 10/07/04 00:00 YI Qiang Target Screen
133224 10/06/04 23:47 A. Camsonne ARS Setting DAC
133219 10/06/04 22:51 D. Lhuillier compton test
133214 10/06/04 21:54 Adaq Bleedthrough check
133212 10/06/04 21:22 mazouz Proton Array HV OFF
133199 10/06/04 20:01 mazouz HARP scan
133196 10/06/04 18:55 Gavalian PA Cosmic
133190 10/06/04 15:54 dhayes shift summary
133172 10/06/04 13:33 hyde Proton Array Trigger ADC
133169 10/06/04 13:20 hyde Proton Array Cosmic paddle
133160 10/06/04 10:26 geraud Calorimeter stand moved
133148 10/06/04 08:05 fieschi shift summary
133146 10/06/04 08:02 fieschi TECHS Magnet cryogen levels
133143 10/06/04 07:16 R. Michaels target & other moves
133136 10/06/04 06:22 R. Michaels TS1 froze up, rebooted
133132 10/06/04 05:36 fieschi DC current and HV for proton array
133131 10/06/04 05:35 fieschi DC current and HV for calorimeter
133128 10/06/04 04:49 R. Michaels ROC18 died -- 2nd time
133124 10/06/04 04:05 fieschi DC current and HV for calorimeter
133121 10/06/04 04:03 fieschi DC current and HV for proton array
133118 10/06/04 02:44 R. Michaels run 3190 junk, T5 rate zero
133112 10/06/04 01:19 R. Michaels Scaler strip chart
133111 10/06/04 01:10 fieschi DC current and HV for proton array
133110 10/06/04 01:08 fieschi DC current and HV for calorimeter
133109 10/06/04 01:07 fieschi Hall A tools
133108 10/06/04 00:54 R. Michaels Run 3187 junk - CODA crash
133104 10/06/04 00:34 R. Michaels end-of-run script change
133103 10/06/04 00:18 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector in
133102 10/06/04 00:10 A. Camsonne Swing shift summary
133094 10/05/04 23:01 A. Camsonne LED PA no signal
133092 10/05/04 22:49 A. Camsonne Run 3182 test LED proton
133087 10/05/04 22:11 A. Camsonne Scalers rates
133086 10/05/04 21:56 A. Camsonne PA DC current on LH2 2.5 uA
133081 10/05/04 21:27 P. Monaghan Target Status
133080 10/05/04 21:26 A. Camsonne PA DC current at 2.5 uA
133078 10/05/04 21:23 A.Camsonne Calorimeter DC current at 2.5 uA
133077 10/05/04 21:11 A. Camsonne Harp scan 2024
133075 10/05/04 18:13 A. Camsonne DVCS event sync check data
133068 10/05/04 17:15 A. Camsonne DAQ stuffs during acess
133067 10/05/04 17:11 A. Camsonne Left arm HV screen shot
133043 10/05/04 11:29 R. Michaels Broken UPS bypassed
133034 10/05/04 08:02 fieschi shift summary
133030 10/05/04 07:27 fieschi T5 rate dropped to 30Hz
133027 10/05/04 07:14 fieschi DC current and HV proton array
133026 10/05/04 07:11 fieschi DC current and HV calorimeter
133017 10/05/04 03:54 fieschi HV problem on Right VDC
133012 10/05/04 02:45 fieschi DC current and HV for proton array
133011 10/05/04 02:39 fieschi calorimeter DC current and HV
133010 10/05/04 02:27 Gavalian HV Proton Array
133009 10/05/04 02:22 fieschi DC current and HV for proton array
133005 10/05/04 01:55 fieschi Proton Array HV crash
132996 10/05/04 00:04 Carlos Swing shift summary
132995 10/05/04 00:00 Yi Qiang Target Status(cont.)
132994 10/05/04 00:00 Yi Qiang Target Status
132966 10/04/04 19:20 A. Camsonne Added scaler SIS3800 to event readout
132953 10/04/04 16:16 Carlos Day shift summary
132942 10/04/04 15:11 C.Ferdi PA ADC Snapshot
132927 10/04/04 10:51 jpchen Compton cavity lock back on
132920 10/04/04 08:27 A. Camsonne ROC 17 18 reboot
132915 10/04/04 08:07 fieschi shift summary
132906 10/04/04 06:43 hyde Compton Polarimeter
132895 10/04/04 03:26 fieschi beam position tests
132894 10/04/04 03:04 fieschi reset beam position
132891 10/04/04 03:01 fieschi beam position tests
132890 10/04/04 03:01 fieschi beam position tests
132887 10/04/04 02:58 fieschi beam position tests
132886 10/04/04 02:56 fieschi beam position tests
132885 10/04/04 02:56 fieschi beam position tests
132883 10/04/04 02:47 fieschi beam position tests
132881 10/04/04 02:45 fieschi beam position tests
132879 10/04/04 02:44 fieschi beam position tests
132878 10/04/04 02:42 fieschi beam position tests
132876 10/04/04 02:40 fieschi beam position changed
132875 10/04/04 02:39 fieschi beam position tests
132874 10/04/04 02:38 fieschi beam position changed
132871 10/04/04 02:21 fieschi hall A tools
132870 10/04/04 02:00 fieschi DC current & HV
132869 10/04/04 01:59 fieschi DC current & HV proton array
132859 10/03/04 23:59 A. Camsonne Swing shift summary
132856 10/03/04 23:17 A. Camsonne ROC17 and T5 rate change and scalers at 2.5uA
132851 10/03/04 22:41 P. Solvignon PA snapshot: some V are higher than 0.3V
132838 10/03/04 20:14 X. Zheng PA online for run 3067 (TDC)
132837 10/03/04 20:12 X. Zheng PA online replay for run 3067 (ADC)
132834 10/03/04 18:55 Carlos First run with new HV
132833 10/03/04 18:53 Carlos Current HV & ADC values
132831 10/03/04 18:47 Carlos Current HV & ADC
132829 10/03/04 18:37 X. Zheng PA online replay for run 3063
132826 10/03/04 18:20 X. Zheng PA onlinebg replay for run #3062
132821 10/03/04 16:32 Carlos HV change in PA
132820 10/03/04 16:28 Carlos Tower 19 and 20 of PA decreased HV too
132818 10/03/04 16:22 Carlos HV PA
132813 10/03/04 15:57 Carlos ADC of towers ok at 500V
132812 10/03/04 15:54 Carlos ADC values PA still too high
132810 10/03/04 15:51 Carlos HV PA decreased
132804 10/03/04 14:12 Carlos HallA Tools -> MBSY1C red!
132803 10/03/04 14:11 F. Sabatie MBSY1C Bdl read-back in the "red" (probably spurious)
132798 10/03/04 12:46 C.Ferdi Change HV PMT105 and 121
132795 10/03/04 12:11 Carlos block 105 (bis)
132792 10/03/04 12:05 Carlos block 105
132791 10/03/04 12:01 Carlos block 121
132789 10/03/04 11:21 H. Benaoum Proton Array ADC 50
132777 10/03/04 08:09 fieschi shift summary
132776 10/03/04 07:47 A. Camsonne Block 11 PA seems to work
132773 10/03/04 07:31 A. Camsonne Run from access to run 3047
132763 10/03/04 05:48 Gavalian HV Proton Array
132762 10/03/04 05:38 A. Camsonne Block 11 seems like bad ARS channel
132761 10/03/04 05:10 A. Camsonne Run 3038 DAQ test to check PA block 11
132760 10/03/04 03:47 fieschi HV and DC read out
132756 10/03/04 03:24 fieschi DAQ problem
132755 10/03/04 03:22 Carlos block 11 PA
132754 10/03/04 03:03 fieschi Hall A tools
132753 10/03/04 03:02 fieschi DC current & HV for calorimeter
132752 10/03/04 02:53 fieschi DC read back and HV for proton
132745 10/03/04 01:21 Carlos Bleedthrough check : 2.14%
132742 10/03/04 00:50 Carlos Swing shift summary
132741 10/03/04 00:43 Carlos Day shift summary
132730 10/02/04 21:54 F. Sabatie Calo gain match after new HV
132721 10/02/04 20:54 A. Camsonne Calorimter trigger new settings
132720 10/02/04 20:49 hyde Proton Array ADC Snapshot
132713 10/02/04 20:06 hyde Proton Array Shielding
132709 10/02/04 19:40 C.Ferdi Change HV
132700 10/02/04 17:43 bertin HV CALO modifications and trigger thresholdthe
132697 10/02/04 16:33 M. Garcon Proton array ADC snapshot
132690 10/02/04 15:27 Camsonne/Mic DAQ update (seems to work)
132680 10/02/04 12:39 R. Michaels DAQ problems - update
132660 10/02/04 09:40 Carlos Bleedthrough measurement
132657 10/02/04 08:34 A. Camsonne bobfile.tcl
132656 10/02/04 08:25 A. Camsonne Run 2916 and run 2917
132653 10/02/04 08:08 A. Camsonne Run 2906 and 2905
132652 10/02/04 07:56 Alex,J-M & C Shift summary
132648 10/02/04 07:40 fieschi DC current & HV proton array
132646 10/02/04 07:11 fieschi DC current & HV for calorimeter
132645 10/02/04 06:47 fieschi hall A tools
132643 10/02/04 06:28 Carlos Harp scan results
132642 10/02/04 05:45 Carlos Harp scan results
132620 10/02/04 01:46 A. Camsonne Shift summary
132616 10/02/04 00:54 Carlos HV of calorimeter block 38 increased
132614 10/01/04 23:31 A. Camsonne CODA prestart
132611 10/01/04 22:19 A. Camsonne ROC 17 trouble
132608 10/01/04 21:22 A. Camsonne CODA crash
132603 10/01/04 20:12 A. Camsonne Scalers at 2.5 uA LH2 target
132598 10/01/04 18:43 A. Camsonne PA ADC screen at 2.5 uA
132597 10/01/04 18:40 A. Camsonne Calorimeter ADC screen
132596 10/01/04 18:37 A. Camsonne Hall A tools
132595 10/01/04 18:35 A. Camsonne Run 2892 looks ok
132592 10/01/04 17:34 F. Sabatie MUST READ FOR SHIFT TAKERS: CALO block #105 HV off for ~16 hours
132591 10/01/04 17:21 A. Camsonne DVCS config Veto out from read-out
132585 10/01/04 16:10 mazouz Shift summary
132575 10/01/04 12:15 mazouz Hall A General tools snapshot
132574 10/01/04 12:14 mazouz PA DC currents & HV
132573 10/01/04 12:13 mazouz Calo DC currents & HV
132568 10/01/04 10:50 R. Michaels bobfile.tcl modified
132564 10/01/04 09:55 mazouz run 2878 problem
132559 10/01/04 08:06 fieschi shift summary
132550 10/01/04 06:58 hyde PA ADC Cabling
132543 10/01/04 05:38 fieschi DC read out proton array and calorimeter
132539 10/01/04 04:39 fieschi hall A tools snapshot
132538 10/01/04 04:38 fieschi DC read back proton array and calorimeter
132522 10/01/04 00:13 A. Camsonne Shift summary