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    User name R. Michaels

    Log entry time 03:02:03 on November22,2005

    Entry number 161006


    keyword=rate calibration run 3137

    Rate calibration at 4 uA where the BCMs work.

    During run 3137 we put HAPPEX detector into datastream.
    Put HV to 2100 V.
    At event 20K we ask for beam
    At event 26K we have 4 uA.
    At event 48K we turn off beam.
    Here are some rates from scaler analysis at the full current.
    hac_bcm_average = 3.97 uA
    T1 = 779 kHz .... R-arm S0
    T2 = 1.210 MHz .. R-arm Happex det
    T3 = 1.46 MHz ... L-arm S0
    T4 = 2.07 MHz ... L-arm Happex det

    Individual detector segments
    L-arm det1 = 42.8 kHz
    L-arm det2 = 2.22 MHz
    R-arm det3 = 72 kHz
    R-arm det4 = 1.22 MHz

    These should be adequate to tie into the 0.1 uA running
    and calibrate that low current result. But I'll do it later.