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    User name R. Michaels

    Log entry time 05:19:25 on November 4,2007

    Entry number 212199

    This entry is a followup to: 212192


    keyword=more on DT glitches.

    Here is a look at the rates in a recent run. Plotted are
    the trigger rates, DAQ rate "Tacc" (which gives an indication of
    the livetime) and beam current.

    Fig 1 is for L-HRS run 1859
    Fig 2 is for R-HRS run 20508 (concurrent)

    Both show glitches in the Accepted DAQ rate where the trigger
    rate and beam current were smooth. The glitches are at
    different points in time. These were concurrent runs on
    the Pb target.

    Implication ? We should probably check offline if the deadtime
    makes sense offline using THaNormAna or whatever. The "Tacc"
    signal is easily corroborated by counting events in CODA file.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2