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    Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

    User name mack

    Log entry time 17:45:57 on November 27, 2009

    Entry number 303076

    This entry is a followup to: 302878

    keyword=beam modulation comment

    Laying subtleties aside, it seems clear there was a large, slow, unrequested uni-polar energy swing which just happened to occur when the second y-like coil was pulsed. My knee-jerk response is to blame CREST or some other SRF utility, although I didn't think CREST made energy changes this large. Contact Mike Tiefenback if you want an expert opinion/diagnosis. If the culprit can be identifieid, it is not something you want running when your orbit locks are off.

    A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: nur@jlab.org,dalton@jlab.org