Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for May 12 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
385727 05/27/12 08:27 Folts what long weekend
385726 05/26/12 00:18 adaq IHWP status is IN
385723 05/23/12 07:36 folts LSD
385721 05/22/12 06:59 folts LSD
385716 05/18/12 08:22 A. Camsonne MRPC in cosmics position - Run 205 - MRPC at 6700 V
385715 05/18/12 08:17 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet Ramped Down, Leads Locked
385714 05/18/12 08:03 M. Yurov [target] Target magnet at 0A
385713 05/18/12 06:50 M. Yurov [target] TE bot cup @ 1.493K
385712 05/18/12 05:11 M. Yurov [target] Moved target, new baseline
385711 05/18/12 04:43 M.Yurov [target] TE top screenshot
385710 05/18/12 04:39 M.Yurov [target] TE top cup @ 1.501K
385709 05/18/12 04:34 adaq IHWP status is OUT
385707 05/18/12 02:39 A. Camsonne MRPC in cosmics position - Run 205 - MRPC at 6700 V
385706 05/18/12 02:34 A. Camsonne MRPC in cosmics position - Run 204 - MRPC at 6700 V
385705 05/18/12 02:25 A. Camsonne MRPC cosmics run 203
385704 05/18/12 02:15 A. Camsonne MRPC in cosmics position - Run 202
385703 05/18/12 01:42 A. Camsonne Requested short escorted access to put MRPC in cosmics position
385702 05/17/12 23:54 M. Yurov [target] Turned blowers off
385701 05/17/12 21:27 mhuang Ramping down hrs, septum, turned off HV
385700 05/17/12 20:46 carlin [target] Microwaves off, Magnet to persistant
385699 05/17/12 20:32 Zhihong Ye LAST 6GeV/c Shift Summary
385697 05/17/12 20:31 Zhihong Ye Beam Stop. Goodbye 6GeV@Hall-A!!!
385695 05/17/12 20:18 mhuang [Target] Moved back to top NH3
385693 05/17/12 20:16 Zhihong Ye Dilution Runs finished. Back to Production runs till beam gone
385691 05/17/12 20:13 mhuang [Target] Moved to Home
385688 05/17/12 20:09 mhuang [Target] Moved to dummy
385685 05/17/12 20:06 mhuang [Target] Moved target to C12_40 for dilution
385684 05/17/12 20:05 Zhihong Ye Beam will stop at 8:30. Start to do Dilution Runs now
385678 05/17/12 19:08 mhuang PDP crash, just restarted
385669 05/17/12 17:30 asym_auto asymmetry
385668 05/17/12 17:30 Yi Wang MRPC run201, high backgroud,6.7kV
385665 05/17/12 17:04 mhuang [Target] Target polarization on top, Cal. const.
385664 05/17/12 17:00 spot++ spot++ for run 6207
385663 05/17/12 17:00 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
385662 05/17/12 16:54 Zhihong Ye Production Data taking on the last setting is onn-going
385661 05/17/12 16:48 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42152
385653 05/17/12 16:11 J Mulholland [target] Moved to top. Polarizing
385652 05/17/12 16:06 Jack(Techs) Coming in on a wing and a prayer
385651 05/17/12 16:04 J Mulholland [target] End of Target Shift summary
385650 05/17/12 15:57 averett Day Shift Summary
385649 05/17/12 13:08 A. Camsonne hareboot4 not going on network
385648 05/17/12 12:56 J Mulholland [target] Tuning top NMR during access
385647 05/17/12 12:10 J Mulhollan [target] tune looks a little off. Taking new baseline.
385646 05/17/12 12:07 J Mulholland [target] Movin to Top Cell and polarizing
385645 05/17/12 12:02 J Mulholland [target] target field back up I = 121.814 A
385643 05/17/12 11:49 J Mulholland [Target] Target ramp back up
385642 05/17/12 11:34 J Mulholland [Target] Ramping magnet down
385641 05/17/12 11:28 ejensen Run 6201 - CODA crash
385632 05/17/12 11:07 J Mulholland [Target] Move to Bottom Ammonia Cup for Dilution (0% pol)
385626 05/17/12 10:59 J Mulholland [Target] Moved to empty cross hair cup
385619 05/17/12 10:51 J Mulholland [target] Move to Carbon
385615 05/17/12 10:50 Yi Wang MRPC run199, high backgroud,6.6kV. Others not changed
385606 05/17/12 10:27 J Mulholland [target] Moving to home position
385599 05/17/12 10:19 J Mulholland [Target] Move to Carbon
385586 05/17/12 10:01 J Mulholland [Target] Move to dummy target
385579 05/17/12 09:55 J Mulholland [Target] Move to carbon cup
385570 05/17/12 09:41 J Mulholland [Target] Move Target Home
385569 05/17/12 09:39 averett septum screen shots
385558 05/17/12 09:22 J Mulholland [Target] Move to Carbon
385545 05/17/12 08:55 J Mulholland [Target] Moving to Empty Cup (crosshairs)
385541 05/17/12 08:54 J Mulholland [Target] Moved to Carbon Cup
385533 05/17/12 08:34 J Mulholland [Target] moving to Home... No reset was required. PDP did not show encoder setting, but the target motion VI is ok
385529 05/17/12 08:24 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42135
385528 05/17/12 08:23 averett Hall A tools screen
385525 05/17/12 08:05 J Mulholland [Target] Beginning of run screen cap
385524 05/17/12 08:03 pzhu owl shift summary
385517 05/17/12 07:28 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42134
385514 05/17/12 07:04 slifer runplan
385507 05/17/12 06:04 Jack(Techs) Left Septum
385501 05/17/12 05:50 Jack(Techs) Did not trip
385500 05/17/12 05:21 pzhu escorted access for cehcking septum power supply limit
385499 05/17/12 04:53 pzhu right septum tripped
385491 05/17/12 04:04 asym_auto asymmetry
385484 05/17/12 03:33 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42130
385483 05/17/12 03:24 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
385477 05/17/12 03:20 adaq IHWP status is IN
385468 05/17/12 02:44 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42128
385461 05/17/12 02:16 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42127
385460 05/17/12 02:05 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42127
385456 05/17/12 01:58 jmaxwell Bottom Polarized to 80%
385455 05/17/12 01:24 jmaxwell [Target] Computer Reboot
385454 05/17/12 01:21 jmaxwell [Target] Anneal Done, Plot
385450 05/17/12 00:12 pzhu tungsten calorimeter calibration
385449 05/16/12 23:48 Zhihong Ye Swing shift Summary
385448 05/16/12 23:42 Zhihong Ye Beam Stop. Aneal&BCM&HRS-R Momentum Changing ON-GOING
385445 05/16/12 23:41 jmaxwell [Target] Starting Anneal
385440 05/16/12 23:25 spot++ spot++ for run 6173
385438 05/16/12 23:16 jie [target] target polarization in last 2 hours
385436 05/16/12 22:46 spot++ spot++ for run 24768
385435 05/16/12 22:46 spot++ spot++ for run 6172
385434 05/16/12 22:46 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42125
385427 05/16/12 22:03 spot++ spot++ for run 24767
385426 05/16/12 22:03 spot++ spot++ for run 6171
385425 05/16/12 22:03 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42124
385418 05/16/12 21:25 spot++ spot++ for run 24766
385417 05/16/12 21:24 spot++ spot++ for run 6170
385416 05/16/12 21:24 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42123
385409 05/16/12 21:15 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42122
385408 05/16/12 21:11 Chao HV crate hatsv5 has been turned off
385407 05/16/12 21:09 Zhihong Ye Left Dipole NMR locked with B probe
385400 05/16/12 20:50 spot++ spot++ for run 24765
385399 05/16/12 20:47 Zhihong Ye HRS-L Momentum set to 2.6508, NMR is not locked yet
385392 05/16/12 20:03 D. Keller [Target] Quick look at material
385391 05/16/12 19:48 spot++ spot++ for run 24764
385390 05/16/12 19:48 spot++ spot++ for run 6168
385389 05/16/12 19:48 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42118
385382 05/16/12 19:22 jie [target] bottom target polarization in last 1 hour
385381 05/16/12 19:01 spot++ spot++ for run 24763
385380 05/16/12 19:01 spot++ spot++ for run 6167
385379 05/16/12 19:01 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42117
385372 05/16/12 18:19 jie [target] target polarization is 73.1% with beam
385368 05/16/12 17:24 pzhu beam energy caused hitting something
385367 05/16/12 17:18 Yi Wang MRPC run198, high backgroud,6.8kV
385366 05/16/12 17:14 J Mulholland [Target] Moved to Bottom. Attempting to polarize
385362 05/16/12 16:56 Chao IHWP to OUT
385357 05/16/12 16:54 adaq IHWP status is OUT
385356 05/16/12 16:54 adaq IHWP status is OUT
385347 05/16/12 16:26 spot++ spot++ for run 6162
385342 05/16/12 16:11 Zhihong Ye Swing Shift Summary
385340 05/16/12 16:09 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42111
385336 05/16/12 16:03 averett Day Shift Summary
385335 05/16/12 15:40 Yi Wang MRPC run197, high backgroud,6.45kV
385334 05/16/12 15:37 asym_auto asymmetry
385326 05/16/12 15:07 M. Cummings MCC taking beam away to work on Hall C
385324 05/16/12 15:04 J Mulholland [Target] Polarization over the last couple hours
385323 05/16/12 15:00 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
385315 05/16/12 13:51 pzhu Re:slow raster size
385313 05/16/12 13:44 averett Hall A tools screen
385312 05/16/12 13:39 ejensen scaler rates
385311 05/16/12 13:37 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42109
385310 05/16/12 13:36 spot++ spot++ for run 24756
385309 05/16/12 13:36 spot++ spot++ for run 6158
385301 05/16/12 12:33 J Mulholland [target] During beam down time, polarized to 90% on top target. screenshot attached
385298 05/16/12 11:35 J Mulholland [Target] Scratch that. Polarizing Positive
385297 05/16/12 11:27 roblin beam energy
385296 05/16/12 11:24 jpierce [Target] NMR and microwave issues
385295 05/16/12 11:19 J Mulholland [target] moved to the top Polarizing Negative
385294 05/16/12 11:06 J Mulholland [target] NMR tune is being adjusted. Mirowave power extremely low
385293 05/16/12 10:29 A. Camsonne MRPC TDC V1290 resolution set to 25 ps
385292 05/16/12 10:16 J Mulholland [target] Anneal finished
385291 05/16/12 09:46 A. Camsonne MRPC shielding lowered
385290 05/16/12 09:26 J Mulholland [target] Preparing for anneal. Moved to lower limit switch
385289 05/16/12 09:17 J Mulholland [target] Scrap that. Reset target computer: target mover is communicating again
385288 05/16/12 08:41 J Mulholland [target] Will go in during access to power cycle the target mover control box
385287 05/16/12 08:34 J Mulholland [target] rebooting PDP. Target motion not responding
385284 05/16/12 08:10 J Mulholland [Target] Lost communication with target mover
385283 05/16/12 08:07 J Mulholland [Target] Target Day shift note and Screenshot
385281 05/16/12 08:04 Chao Owl Shift Summary
385277 05/16/12 07:41 Higinbotham Beam Energy Using Bdl from Mapper
385274 05/16/12 07:13 R. Michaels [target] PDP restarted
385272 05/16/12 06:51 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42107
385271 05/16/12 06:49 spot++ spot++ for run 24753
385270 05/16/12 06:48 spot++ spot++ for run 6154
385266 05/16/12 06:40 spot++ spot++ for run 6154
385260 05/16/12 06:24 R. Michaels [target] screen shot
385251 05/16/12 05:21 spot++ spot++ for run 6152
385250 05/16/12 05:20 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42103
385249 05/16/12 05:18 spot++ spot++ for run 24751
385245 05/16/12 05:11 Chao IHWP to IN
385244 05/16/12 05:09 adaq IHWP status is IN
385235 05/16/12 04:02 spot++ spot++ for run 24749
385234 05/16/12 03:55 Chao RHRS is settled
385231 05/16/12 03:37 Chao Beam is back
385229 05/16/12 03:20 Chao No beam
385226 05/16/12 02:51 Chao Beam energy will not be so stable since Hall C is not up
385225 05/16/12 02:46 Chao RHRS dipole has not settled yet
385224 05/16/12 02:41 R. Michaels strip charts
385223 05/16/12 02:39 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42101
385222 05/16/12 02:39 spot++ spot++ for run 6148
385221 05/16/12 02:37 Chao Beam recovery
385220 05/16/12 02:28 asym_auto asymmetry
385219 05/16/12 02:28 spot++ spot++ for run 6148
385216 05/16/12 02:24 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42100
385215 05/16/12 02:24 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
385210 05/16/12 02:20 spot++ spot++ for run 6146
385207 05/16/12 02:15 R. Michaels [target] status -- good
385199 05/16/12 01:39 jmaxwell [Target] Ramp Up Done, Polarizing Top
385195 05/16/12 01:13 Chao LHRS to 2.3422GeV, RHRS to 2.2017GeV
385194 05/16/12 01:13 R. Michaels status of Hall A
385193 05/16/12 00:22 Chao Ramping up HRS magnet
385192 05/16/12 00:17 jmaxwell [Target] Starting to Ramp up Magnet
385191 05/15/12 23:11 slifer Modified Runplan
385190 05/15/12 22:40 pzhu MCC news for beam
385189 05/15/12 21:22 pzhu [target]magnet ramped down
385188 05/15/12 20:42 Jack (Techs) Magnets are at zero
385187 05/15/12 19:51 pzhu [target]TE results for bottom cell
385186 05/15/12 18:53 Zhihong Ye Water is all over the floor underground in the hall ways. Part of flloor inside the hall is also wet
385185 05/15/12 18:40 T. Badman [Target] status update
385184 05/15/12 18:11 Yi Wang MRPC 6.4kV run194, normal run
385183 05/15/12 18:08 Jixie Moller preliminary result @ 05/15/2012
385182 05/15/12 17:54 Jixie moller: Bleed through polarization
385181 05/15/12 17:47 Yi Wang MRPC 6.4kV normal run
385180 05/15/12 17:32 Zhihong Ye Target: target alarm, LHe flow stoped, ramping down magnet
385179 05/15/12 17:27 Zhihong Ye No Beam: Nearby lightning strike has taken SL to restricted
385178 05/15/12 17:19 Jixie Moller HV off
385177 05/15/12 17:19 Jixie Finish moller. Recovering beam for production
385176 05/15/12 16:09 Higinbotham Beam Energy Using Bdl from Mapper
385175 05/15/12 15:58 X. Zheng Day Shift Summary
385174 05/15/12 15:43 Jixie beam polarization, more statistics
385172 05/15/12 15:19 J Mulholland [Target] target insulating vacuum looks a little higher than usual
385171 05/15/12 15:15 A. Camsonne MRPC run 191 6.8 KV 60 nA during Moller
385170 05/15/12 15:13 A. Camsonne MRPC run 193 6.8 KV 6 nA
385169 05/15/12 14:47 X. Zheng Beam IHWP changed from IN to OUT
385168 05/15/12 14:46 adaq IHWP status is OUT
385166 05/15/12 13:55 Jixie beam is back!
385165 05/15/12 13:07 Jixie preliminary beam polarization
385162 05/15/12 11:57 asym_auto asymmetry
385161 05/15/12 11:51 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
385160 05/15/12 11:35 J Mulholland [target] Magnet current missing event fragment
385159 05/15/12 11:06 J. Butler (T Septum
385158 05/15/12 10:46 X. Zheng Left HRS set to 2.3422 GeV/c and both Septa set to 100A
385157 05/15/12 10:46 Jixie Start to do moller measurement
385156 05/15/12 10:35 J Mulholland [Target] Target Moved to home position for Moller run
385155 05/15/12 10:33 Yi Wang MRPC DAQ, 6.6kV, with scaler
385154 05/15/12 08:10 J Mulholland [Target] Beginning of run screen cap
385153 05/15/12 08:05 A. Camsonne Problem with Left septum supply power line
385152 05/15/12 08:05 Chao Owl Shift Summary
385151 05/15/12 08:04 J Mulholland [Target] Stopping polarization. Controlled access till Moller measurement
385150 05/15/12 07:49 Chao Access to reset septa
385149 05/15/12 07:47 jie [target] top cell polarization reaches 85.5 % without beam
385148 05/15/12 07:05 adaq IHWP status is IN
385146 05/15/12 07:01 Chao Left septa tripped
385145 05/15/12 06:42 jmaxwell [Target] Access Summary
385144 05/15/12 06:37 jie [target] polarizing the top cell
385143 05/15/12 05:58 Chao Controlled access to investigate the target problem
385142 05/15/12 05:56 jmaxwell [Target] Called for Access
385141 05/15/12 05:35 Chao Status update: James will be here to investigate the target problem
385140 05/15/12 05:25 jie [target] have a problem to polarize the top cell
385139 05/15/12 04:45 jie [target] move target to top cell
385135 05/15/12 04:44 Chao Bleed through test: 0.0008
385131 05/15/12 04:36 jie [target] move target to dummy.
385123 05/15/12 04:24 jie [target] move target to carbon
385116 05/15/12 04:05 jie [target] move target to home
385113 05/15/12 03:58 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42093
385112 05/15/12 03:57 spot++ spot++ for run 24744
385111 05/15/12 03:56 spot++ spot++ for run 6140
385107 05/15/12 03:44 jie [target] bottom target polarization in last 2 hours
385093 05/15/12 03:00 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42090
385092 05/15/12 02:59 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42089
385091 05/15/12 02:59 spot++ spot++ for run 6137
385090 05/15/12 02:58 spot++ spot++ for run 24742
385081 05/15/12 01:56 spot++ spot++ for run 6135
385080 05/15/12 01:54 Chao Beam is back
385076 05/15/12 00:24 Chao No beam
385075 05/15/12 00:06 asym_auto asymmetry
385074 05/14/12 23:57 Zhihong Ye Swing shfit summary
385070 05/14/12 23:34 T. Badman [Target] was using the wrong CC
385069 05/14/12 23:33 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
385068 05/14/12 23:27 T. Badman [Target] polarization not doing so hot
385060 05/14/12 23:19 adaq IHWP status is OUT
385052 05/14/12 22:27 asym_auto asymmetry
385045 05/14/12 22:00 pzhu reduced fast raster to 1.5x1.5
385038 05/14/12 21:31 pzhu slow raster size
385029 05/14/12 21:19 pzhu spot in NH3 target
385025 05/14/12 21:05 T. Badman [Target] target polarized to 65%
385024 05/14/12 20:32 pzhu slow raster size calibration
385023 05/14/12 20:11 T. Badman [Target] moved to NH3 bottom, polarizing positive
385019 05/14/12 20:06 pzhu centered beam position in carbon target
384995 05/14/12 19:36 Zhihong Ye Left Septum is ready. Asked Software-On- Call to incease the limit to 970A
384994 05/14/12 19:35 pzhu centered beam in carbon hole
384964 05/14/12 18:52 Zhihong Ye L-HRS Momentum set to 2.82GeV/c
384923 05/14/12 18:08 Yi Wang MRPC 6.8KV - Run 188, Scanning rate, long run
384922 05/14/12 18:04 Zhihong Ye Late Entry: Beam back on 5pm and we are checking BPM right now
384917 05/14/12 17:56 T. Badman [Target] late entry: moved target to C12
384916 05/14/12 17:56 Zhihong Ye Played with the setting values and now the digits show green
384914 05/14/12 17:54 Yi Wang MRPC 6.4KV - Run 187 with scaler , Current=660n A
384910 05/14/12 17:47 Zhihong Ye R-VDC HVs show red-color digits but values look normal
384900 05/14/12 16:40 A. Camsonne MRPC run during tune run 186
384897 05/14/12 15:58 higgins Successfuly ran the Hall A magnet mapper
384896 05/14/12 15:55 X. Zheng Day shift summary
384895 05/14/12 15:43 A. Camsonne MRPC DAQ scaler added
384894 05/14/12 15:37 mhuang Re: target offset
384892 05/14/12 15:24 J Mulholland [Target] Moved Target to Home
384891 05/14/12 15:13 X. Zheng Septa control screen
384890 05/14/12 15:12 X. Zheng Hall A Tools Screen
384889 05/14/12 15:09 X. Zheng Both HRS set to 2.2017 GeV/c
384888 05/14/12 15:01 J Mulholland [Target] NMR could use tuning next time there is an access
384887 05/14/12 14:51 J Mulholland [Target] taking new baselines for both top and bottom
384886 05/14/12 14:47 pzhu bcm status
384885 05/14/12 14:45 J Mulholland [target] Target field up. I = 121.819A and B=5T
384878 05/14/12 13:44 Galinski re: checklist
384877 05/14/12 13:40 Galinski Check List Complete
384876 05/14/12 13:32 J Mulholland [target] Magnet ramping up to 5T
384875 05/14/12 12:17 Kalyan 3rd arm position change for 3.3 GeV , 5T run
384874 05/14/12 12:13 asym_auto asymmetry
384873 05/14/12 12:01 asym_auto asymmetry
384872 05/14/12 11:24 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
384871 05/14/12 11:23 jmaxwell [Target] Anneal Done
384870 05/14/12 11:10 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
384869 05/14/12 10:38 carlin [target] rebooted poltarg2p2 and verified GPIB
384868 05/14/12 10:13 jmaxwell [Target] Move to Anneal
384867 05/14/12 10:05 J Mulholland [Target] magnet ramped down.
384866 05/14/12 09:24 X. Zheng Both Septa ramped down
384865 05/14/12 09:01 J Mulholland [target] ramping down magnet
384864 05/14/12 09:00 J Mulholland [Target] Mover was unresponsive-- reset of target computer restored communications
384863 05/14/12 08:14 X. Zheng Going to restricted access.
384862 05/14/12 08:11 X. Zheng Beam IHWP Change to IN
384861 05/14/12 08:04 adaq IHWP status is IN
384859 05/14/12 07:54 Chao Owl Shift Summary
384857 05/14/12 07:35 M. Cummings [target] starting TE
384854 05/14/12 07:27 M. Cummings [target] polarization over last 2 hours
384844 05/14/12 06:37 M. Cummings [target] encoder position reading incorrectly
384836 05/14/12 06:06 spot++ spot++ for run 6096
384832 05/14/12 05:47 M. Cummings [target] a few more restarts seems to have fixed the problem
384831 05/14/12 05:38 M. Cummings [target] PDP freeze, error upon restart
384830 05/14/12 05:08 M. Cummings [target] moved to NH3 bottom, starting polarization
384827 05/14/12 04:49 Chao LHRS to 0.9190GeV
384826 05/14/12 04:49 M. Cummings [target] moved to home
384824 05/14/12 04:42 Chao Slow raster size 1.4Vx1.4V
384822 05/14/12 04:40 M. Cummings [target] moved to C12-40
384817 05/14/12 04:15 M. Cummings [target] moved to dummy
384813 05/14/12 04:06 M. Cummings [target] moved to C12-40
384811 05/14/12 03:58 Chao LHRS to 1.0157GeV
384810 05/14/12 03:57 Yi Wang MRPC 6.6KV - Run 182 with small scintillator , Current=1970n A
384809 05/14/12 03:56 adaq IHWP status is OUT
384805 05/14/12 03:44 M. Cummings [target] moved to home
384802 05/14/12 03:35 M. Cummings [target] moved to C12-40
384799 05/14/12 03:26 M. Cummings [target] moved to dummy
384796 05/14/12 03:22 M. Cummings [target] polarization over last 3.5 hours
384790 05/14/12 02:08 Chao RHRS to 1.0157GeV
384786 05/14/12 02:01 Chao LHRS to 1.0157GeV
384785 05/14/12 01:58 Yi Wang MRPC 7KV - Run 180 with small scintillator , Current=3500n A
384781 05/14/12 01:30 spot++ spot++ for run 6083
384780 05/14/12 01:28 Chao Correction: P0=1.1040GeV
384779 05/14/12 01:27 Chao LHRS to 1.1040GeV
384777 05/14/12 01:25 Yi Wang MRPC 5.3KV - Run 179 with small scintillator , Current=410n A
384771 05/14/12 00:51 Yi Wang MRPC 5.5KV - Run 178 with small scintillator , Current=420n A
384766 05/14/12 00:39 Yi Wang MRPC 6.8KV - Run 177 with small scintillator , Current=1700n A
384765 05/14/12 00:38 jmaxwell [Target] Polarization Decay
384762 05/14/12 00:16 jmaxwell [Target] Screenshots Look Good from Here
384761 05/14/12 00:15 pzhu Re:BCM problem
384760 05/14/12 00:11 M. Cummings [target]Start of shift, PDP screenshot
384757 05/13/12 23:57 T. Badman Swing Shift Summary
384755 05/13/12 23:56 jie [target] did not find the screenshot in target elog for Camera Grabs
384749 05/13/12 23:41 hyao TS1 for thirdarm dead at 23:20.
384746 05/13/12 23:26 Yi Wang MRPC 6.8KV - Run 176 small scintillator use CF , I=1700nA
384740 05/13/12 22:58 jie [target] PDP is frozen, restart PDP, add offset -150000
384739 05/13/12 22:55 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42041
384738 05/13/12 22:55 spot++ spot++ for run 24723
384737 05/13/12 22:54 spot++ spot++ for run 6076
384732 05/13/12 22:21 A. Camsonne BCM channel B stuck at 65535
384724 05/13/12 21:32 hyao TS1 for thirdarm dead again.
384719 05/13/12 21:05 jie [target] polarization in last 2 hours
384718 05/13/12 21:05 Yi Wang MRPC 6.8KV - Run 174 with small scintillator , Current=1600n A
384716 05/13/12 20:55 Yi Wang MRPC 5.7KV - Run 174 with small scintillator , Current=560n A
384714 05/13/12 20:45 A. Camsonne MRPC run 173 HV MRPC 5.9 KV
384711 05/13/12 20:18 jie [target] target polarization in last 1.5 hours
384703 05/13/12 19:40 T. Badman Moving RHRS to 1.104GeV/c
384700 05/13/12 19:24 hyao Reboot bbts1
384695 05/13/12 18:51 jie [target] PDP is frozen, restart
384692 05/13/12 18:41 jmaxwell [Target] Anneal Plot
384687 05/13/12 18:01 T. Badman status update
384686 05/13/12 17:56 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42037
384685 05/13/12 17:55 spot++ spot++ for run 24720
384684 05/13/12 17:55 spot++ spot++ for run 6063
384680 05/13/12 17:50 adaq IHWP status is OUT
384678 05/13/12 17:48 jie [target] top cell polarization 87.9%.jump polarization when beam on target.
384677 05/13/12 17:41 jmaxwell [Target] Top Pol at 85%
384676 05/13/12 17:25 jmaxwell [Target] PDP freeze
384675 05/13/12 17:23 jmaxwell [Target] Cup Resistors Not Reading
384674 05/13/12 16:29 jmaxwell [Target] Anneal Done
384673 05/13/12 16:01 Chao Day Shift Summary
384672 05/13/12 15:54 A. Camsonne MRPC efficiency scintillator
384668 05/13/12 15:34 Chao Status update
384666 05/13/12 15:22 pzhu tungsten calorimeter calibration
384665 05/13/12 15:16 A. Camsonne Reset Left Septum power supply controller
384664 05/13/12 15:03 jmaxwell [Target] Starting Anneal
384658 05/13/12 14:57 pzhu [target]move to NH3 bottom
384653 05/13/12 14:46 Chao LHRS to 2.2279 for packing fraction on bottom cell
384645 05/13/12 14:01 spot++ spot++ for run 6059
384644 05/13/12 13:55 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42026
384643 05/13/12 13:53 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42033
384639 05/13/12 13:01 adaq IHWP status is IN
384635 05/13/12 12:56 Chao Septa strip chart
384634 05/13/12 12:49 Chao Septa is back, both arms to 1.1745GeV
384633 05/13/12 12:40 Chao Left Septa tripped
384632 05/13/12 12:10 pzhu [target]move to NH3 top
384629 05/13/12 12:08 spot++ spot++ for run 6058
384628 05/13/12 12:08 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42031
384627 05/13/12 12:06 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42030
384626 05/13/12 12:06 spot++ spot++ for run 6057
384623 05/13/12 11:59 pzhu [target]move to dummy
384620 05/13/12 11:49 mhuang 6056 is dilution on home(empty) -- correction
384617 05/13/12 11:46 pzhu [target]move to carbon
384614 05/13/12 11:40 spot++ spot++ for run 6056
384613 05/13/12 11:40 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42029
384610 05/13/12 11:35 pzhu [target]move to home
384606 05/13/12 11:20 pzhu [target]frequency readout back
384605 05/13/12 11:14 pzhu [target]frequency readout froze
384601 05/13/12 10:29 pzhu [target]move to top cell
384591 05/13/12 09:23 Chao It is because down stream BCM is broken
384590 05/13/12 08:52 mhuang Start from 6044/24707/42018
384589 05/13/12 08:48 pzhu downstream BCM is broken
384584 05/13/12 08:37 Chao Beam current - 40nA?
384579 05/13/12 08:25 adaq IHWP status is OUT
384575 05/13/12 08:11 slifer Owl Shift Summary
384574 05/13/12 08:10 slifer septa currents
384570 05/13/12 07:59 R. Zielinski [Target] Poor Bottom Cup Performance
384567 05/13/12 07:52 slifer complete p0=1.3292 GeV/c
384564 05/13/12 07:49 R. Zielinski [Target] Move to HOME for dilution
384562 05/13/12 07:48 T. Badman LHRS run 6048 junk
384549 05/13/12 06:21 slifer bleedthru
384543 05/13/12 05:02 R. Zielinski [Target] Polarized Bottom Cup to + 78.8%
384542 05/13/12 04:20 adaq IHWP status is IN
384539 05/13/12 03:59 R. Zielinski [Target] Moving to bottom NH3 Cup
384536 05/13/12 03:48 R. Zielinski [Target] Polarization dropping much faster now
384535 05/13/12 03:44 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42019
384534 05/13/12 03:44 spot++ spot++ for run 24709
384533 05/13/12 03:42 spot++ spot++ for run 6045
384532 05/13/12 03:08 R. Zielinski [Target] Had to re-enter Calibration Constant in PDP
384531 05/13/12 03:02 R. Zielinski [Target] PDP reboot- error message inside
384530 05/13/12 02:56 slifer Local Dump Temps
384529 05/13/12 02:49 R. Zielinski Rebooted Third Arm TS
384523 05/13/12 01:54 slifer septa currents for p=1.3292
384521 05/13/12 01:18 T. Badman RHRS run 24707 junk
384519 05/13/12 01:09 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42018
384518 05/13/12 01:08 R. Zielinski [Target] PDP Screen-grab
384514 05/13/12 00:50 slifer dilution complete. start ramp to 1.3292
384510 05/13/12 00:45 R. Zielinski [Target] Moved to Dummy
384509 05/13/12 00:43 slifer hall a tools
384505 05/13/12 00:41 spot++ spot++ for run 6040
384499 05/13/12 00:33 R. Zielinski [Target] Moved to C12_40
384494 05/13/12 00:27 slifer completed 1.4140
384490 05/13/12 00:22 R. Zielinski [Target] Moved target to Home
384489 05/13/12 00:17 adaq IHWP status is OUT
384484 05/13/12 00:15 Yi Wang MRPC 5.9KV - Run 1601with small scintillator narrow side facing MRPC, Current=600n A
384483 05/13/12 00:08 Chao Swing Shift Summary
384482 05/12/12 23:59 spot++ spot++ for run 6040
384481 05/12/12 23:56 Chao Helicity gated scaler stopped working on 3rd arm
384479 05/12/12 23:52 Yi Wang MRPC 6.1KV - Run 160 with small scintillator narrow side facing MRPC, Current=750n A
384471 05/12/12 23:23 Yi Wang MRPC 6.3KV - Run 159 with small scintillator narrow side facing MRPC, Current=890n A
384468 05/12/12 22:51 Yi Wang MRPC 6.5KV - Run 158 with small scintillator narrow side facing MRPC, Current=1.05micro A
384460 05/12/12 22:16 Yi Wang MRPC 6.7KV - Run 156 with small scintillator narrow side facing MRPC, Current=1.4micro A
384459 05/12/12 22:15 Yi Wang MRPC 6.6KV - Run 157 with small scintillator narrow side facing MRPC, Current=1.2micro A
384458 05/12/12 22:13 Yi Wang MRPC 6.6KV - Run 157 with small scintillator narrow side facing MRPC, Current=1.2micro A
384457 05/12/12 21:40 Yi Wang MRPC 6.7KV - Run 155 with small scintillator narrow side facing MRPC, Current=1.4micro A
384456 05/12/12 21:38 Yi Wang MRPC 6.8 KV - Run 155 with small scintillator narrow side facing MRPC, Current=1.4micro A
384455 05/12/12 21:33 D. Keller [Target] pol top
384454 05/12/12 21:23 Chao Back to Production
384453 05/12/12 21:22 Chao LHRS back to 1.414GeV
384449 05/12/12 21:11 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42009
384448 05/12/12 21:10 spot++ spot++ for run 6036
384443 05/12/12 20:54 D. Keller [Target] Anneal
384442 05/12/12 20:37 Chao Beam Permit
384440 05/12/12 20:17 A. Camsonne Power cycled beamline HV crate
384439 05/12/12 20:15 adaq IHWP status is IN
384438 05/12/12 20:15 adaq IHWP status is IN
384437 05/12/12 18:59 Chao Packing fraction runs to compare the Top cell and Bottom cell
384435 05/12/12 18:27 Chao Status update
384431 05/12/12 18:04 pzhu tungsten calorimeter calibration
384430 05/12/12 18:00 Yuncheng Han Microwave stopped, Move target from Bottom to Top NH3, and Enable Man Mode of run valve control
384429 05/12/12 17:56 Chao 6033 and 6034 are packing fraction run on LHRS
384421 05/12/12 17:37 Chao LHRS to 2.2279GeV for packing fraction
384416 05/12/12 17:30 Yi Wang MRPC 7.2 KV - Run 154 with small scintillator, Current=3.6micro A
384414 05/12/12 17:11 Chao Run 6031 and 6032 are at 1.414GeV
384413 05/12/12 16:55 Yi Wang MRPC 7.0 KV - Run 153 with small scintillator
384409 05/12/12 16:13 adaq IHWP status is OUT
384404 05/12/12 15:59 M. Cummings Day Shift Summary
384403 05/12/12 15:42 spot++ spot++ for run 6031
384402 05/12/12 15:42 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42005
384398 05/12/12 15:29 jie [target] bottom cell polarization ~69%, without beam
384397 05/12/12 15:28 M. Cummings Starting production for p=1.414
384395 05/12/12 15:15 M. Cummings Septum magnet settings for p=1.414
384394 05/12/12 15:14 M. Cummings LHRS dipole set to p=1.414
384393 05/12/12 15:12 M. Cummings Finished with dilution runs
384392 05/12/12 15:12 jie [target] move target to bottom
384387 05/12/12 15:02 jie [target] move target to dummy
384382 05/12/12 14:53 jie [target] move target to carbon
384377 05/12/12 14:42 M. Cummings Setting RHRS dipole to p=1.4140
384376 05/12/12 14:42 jie [target] move target to home
384375 05/12/12 14:40 M. Cummings Finished production for p=1.5043, starting dilution runs
384371 05/12/12 14:37 jie [target] bottom polarization in last 2 hours
384370 05/12/12 14:31 jmaxwell target pdp error
384369 05/12/12 13:43 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42001
384368 05/12/12 13:40 A. Camsonne MRPC run 151
384361 05/12/12 13:25 A. Camsonne MRPC run 150
384360 05/12/12 12:42 spot_3 spot_3 for run 42000
384359 05/12/12 12:42 A. Camsonne MRPC 6.8 KV - Run 149
384358 05/12/12 12:41 jie [target] bottom cell polarization in last 1 hour
384351 05/12/12 12:34 A. Camsonne MRPC 6.6 KV - Run 148
384350 05/12/12 12:17 M. Cummings Bleedthrough Check
384349 05/12/12 11:35 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41999
384348 05/12/12 11:33 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41998
384347 05/12/12 11:31 M. Cummings End of run 6023
384342 05/12/12 11:28 adaq IHWP status is IN
384341 05/12/12 11:28 adaq IHWP status is IN
384338 05/12/12 11:27 spot++ spot++ for run 6024
384337 05/12/12 11:25 D. Keller [Target] bot polarization
384334 05/12/12 11:22 M. Cummings Bottom cell is polarized, back to production
384332 05/12/12 11:16 Kalyan Local beam dump temperature
384331 05/12/12 11:08 jie [target] move target to bottom, polarizing the target
384328 05/12/12 10:11 jie [target] have problem with PDP again
384327 05/12/12 10:02 A. Camsonne MRPC long run 147 - HV set to 6300 V
384320 05/12/12 09:55 jie [target] restart PDP again
384319 05/12/12 09:54 A. Camsonne MRPC long run 146
384318 05/12/12 09:44 folts beam dump temps
384317 05/12/12 09:36 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41996
384316 05/12/12 09:30 A. Camsonne Beamline HV
384315 05/12/12 09:15 M. Cummings HVgui alarm for hatsv5:2003
384308 05/12/12 08:20 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41995
384307 05/12/12 08:19 spot++ spot++ for run 6021
384299 05/12/12 07:56 slifer Owl Shift Summary
384298 05/12/12 07:54 Markowitz [Target] screenshot
384297 05/12/12 07:52 mhuang End of run 6019
384296 05/12/12 07:51 mhuang End of run 6019
384295 05/12/12 07:45 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41992
384294 05/12/12 07:43 spot++ spot++ for run 6020
384293 05/12/12 07:33 slifer Completed dilution
384292 05/12/12 07:30 mhuang spot of fewer events band on NH3 top target
384289 05/12/12 07:24 Markowitz Half wave plate OUT
384288 05/12/12 07:24 adaq IHWP status is OUT
384284 05/12/12 07:20 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41987
384283 05/12/12 07:20 spot++ spot++ for run 6015
384282 05/12/12 07:19 Markowitz [Target] move to dummy target
384281 05/12/12 07:19 mhuang spot_L & spot_3 on carbon target
384278 05/12/12 07:13 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41991
384277 05/12/12 07:11 spot++ spot++ for run 6019
384274 05/12/12 07:07 Markowitz [Target] to 12C-40
384271 05/12/12 07:04 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41990
384265 05/12/12 06:56 spot++ spot++ for run 6017
384264 05/12/12 06:51 A. Camsonne MRPC long run 145
384263 05/12/12 06:51 slifer dilution runs for 1.6003
384262 05/12/12 06:50 slifer completed 1.6003
384259 05/12/12 06:46 Markowitz [Target] moving to empty for dilution runs
384256 05/12/12 06:42 A. Camsonne MRPC long run 144
384255 05/12/12 06:22 Markowitz [Target] Fifth PDP freeze
384254 05/12/12 05:59 mhuang Re: We can still get some information from 3rd arm rate
384253 05/12/12 05:56 mhuang Slow raster size reduced
384246 05/12/12 05:38 Markowitz [Target] PDP freezes fourth time
384245 05/12/12 05:15 slifer offset
384244 05/12/12 05:10 Markowitz [Target] Added offset to target position GUI
384239 05/12/12 04:56 Markowitz A third target PDP freeze?
384236 05/12/12 04:47 Chao We can still get some information from 3rd arm rate
384235 05/12/12 04:40 pzhu reason for the hotspot before
384234 05/12/12 04:34 slifer hall A tools
384227 05/12/12 04:16 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41978
384226 05/12/12 04:16 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41977
384223 05/12/12 04:14 spot++ spot++ for run 6011
384222 05/12/12 04:13 adaq IHWP status is IN
384218 05/12/12 04:12 slifer spot seems to indicate scraping
384217 05/12/12 04:07 spot++ spot++ for run 6008
384216 05/12/12 04:05 spot++ spot++ for run 6010
384215 05/12/12 04:03 spot++ spot++ for run 6006
384214 05/12/12 04:02 spot++ spot++ for run 6000
384213 05/12/12 04:00 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41985
384212 05/12/12 03:56 spot++ spot++ for run 24686
384211 05/12/12 03:55 slifer bleedthru/slit
384210 05/12/12 03:54 spot++ spot++ for run 6012
384209 05/12/12 03:29 slifer Raised beam current
384202 05/12/12 03:08 Markowitz [Target] Another PDP freeze
384201 05/12/12 03:07 mhuang End of run 24681
384200 05/12/12 03:01 mhuang Right V1 efficiency spike
384183 05/12/12 01:16 slifer Changed spectrometer settings to 1.6003
384182 05/12/12 01:07 Markowitz [Target] back to top
384181 05/12/12 01:04 Markowitz [Target] going home
384174 05/12/12 00:20 Markowitz [Target] PDP frozen again
384172 05/12/12 00:13 Sarah Swing Shift Summary
384169 05/12/12 00:05 Sarah The IHWP is now OUT!
384168 05/12/12 00:05 adaq IHWP status is OUT
384163 05/11/12 23:52 Sarah Going to 65 nA
384162 05/11/12 23:44 M. Yurov [target] Polarization 1.5hrs
384149 05/11/12 23:03 V. Sulkosky Ion Chamber for Local Dump
384137 05/11/12 22:17 M. Yurov [target] PDP restarted
384136 05/11/12 22:13 V. Sulkosky 3rd Arm Rates 10x at 100 nA
384135 05/11/12 22:09 M. Yurov [target] Restarting PDP
384132 05/11/12 22:03 Sarah Raised beam current
384130 05/11/12 22:00 V. Sulkosky Scaler rates Runs 6002/24677
384129 05/11/12 21:47 V. Sulkosky Hall A Partial Survey
384128 05/11/12 21:43 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41972
384126 05/11/12 21:33 Sarah Hall A General Tools Screen
384124 05/11/12 21:25 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
384123 05/11/12 21:16 V. Sulkosky L and R-HRS Set for 1.7025 GeV/c
384120 05/11/12 21:01 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
384117 05/11/12 20:53 Sarah Changed spectrometer settings to 1.7025
384116 05/11/12 20:52 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
384112 05/11/12 20:42 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
384105 05/11/12 20:26 M. Yurov [target] Polarization 1.5hrs
384104 05/11/12 20:23 V. Sulkosky Run 41970 HWP OUT to IN
384101 05/11/12 20:08 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41971
384100 05/11/12 20:07 spot++ spot++ for run 5997
384096 05/11/12 20:01 Sarah The IHWP is now IN!
384093 05/11/12 20:01 adaq IHWP status is IN
384092 05/11/12 20:01 adaq IHWP status is IN
384091 05/11/12 19:54 V. Sulkosky Runs 5992-5994 Junk
384076 05/11/12 19:15 V. Sulkosky Runs 5987-5991 DAQ Test Runs
384071 05/11/12 19:00 M. Yurov [target] Polarized top cup
384066 05/11/12 18:52 M. Yurov [target] Anneal done
384065 05/11/12 18:47 pzhu tungsten calorimeter calibration for 75nA
384052 05/11/12 17:12 Kalyan Re: Errors Seen in 3rd Arm Crate
384051 05/11/12 16:56 M. Yurov [target] Starting anneal
384041 05/11/12 16:43 V. Sulkosky Errors Seen in 3rd Arm Crate
384034 05/11/12 16:22 V. Sulkosky Plot of PR1 vs PR2 Out of Range
384023 05/11/12 16:04 averett Day Shift Summary
384021 05/11/12 15:57 averett Day Shift Summary
384020 05/11/12 15:45 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41960
384007 05/11/12 15:16 jie [target] bottom target polarization is dropping very quickly
384003 05/11/12 13:53 jie [target] move target to bottom cell
383998 05/11/12 13:43 jie [target] move target to home
383993 05/11/12 13:33 jie [target] move target to carbon
383986 05/11/12 13:14 jie [target] move target to dummy
383981 05/11/12 13:05 jie [target] move target to carbon
383976 05/11/12 12:58 jie [target] move target to home
383966 05/11/12 12:19 jie [target] polarization in last 2 hours
383946 05/11/12 10:59 jie [target] polarization during last 1 hours
383938 05/11/12 10:22 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41954
383936 05/11/12 10:10 averett Hall A tool screen
383931 05/11/12 09:52 jie correction for PDP, looks fine
383930 05/11/12 09:42 jie [target] polarization number is not the same as that showed in plots (PDP)
383929 05/11/12 09:41 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41953
383928 05/11/12 09:41 spot++ spot++ for run 5965
383925 05/11/12 08:33 jie [target]flow not stable
383922 05/11/12 08:06 Markowitz Shift Summary
383921 05/11/12 07:55 R. Michaels [target] snapshot
383918 05/11/12 07:46 Markowitz tools screenshot
383881 05/11/12 04:02 R. Michaels reboot of bbts1 for 3rd arm
383877 05/11/12 03:53 adaq IHWP status is OUT
383873 05/11/12 03:44 Markowitz Hall A tools
383869 05/11/12 03:40 spoth++ spoth++ for run 5954
383864 05/11/12 03:37 spot++ spot++ for run 5954
383853 05/11/12 02:22 R. Michaels [target] move to top cell
383848 05/11/12 02:12 adaq [Target] gone home
383847 05/11/12 02:12 R. Michaels pingpong: avoid /adaql2/data3
383842 05/11/12 02:05 adaq [Target] move to 12C-40
383837 05/11/12 01:58 Markowitz that should be LHRS not LHS...
383836 05/11/12 01:50 Markowitz Set LHS to 2.0497
383831 05/11/12 01:40 R. Michaels [target] moved to empty cross
383826 05/11/12 01:35 adaq [Target] move to 12C-40
383821 05/11/12 01:22 R. Michaels [target] move to home
383817 05/11/12 01:11 A. Camsonne MRPC gas bottle swapped
383816 05/11/12 01:01 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41944
383810 05/11/12 00:53 adaq half wave plate is IN
383807 05/11/12 00:53 adaq IHWP status is IN
383806 05/11/12 00:53 adaq IHWP status is IN
383801 05/11/12 00:36 M. Yurov [target] polarized top cup
383800 05/11/12 00:29 M. Yurov [target] Polarizing Top cup
383799 05/11/12 00:08 Sarah Swing Shift Summary
383797 05/11/12 00:05 mhuang Optics run summary 2.2GeV 5T 90deg
383795 05/10/12 23:59 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
383794 05/10/12 23:59 Markowitz changed HRS setting
383791 05/10/12 23:52 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
383790 05/10/12 23:49 M. Yurov [target] Filled up the nose
383781 05/10/12 23:14 Chao Sieve is OUT
383780 05/10/12 23:09 mhuang Acceptance after cut on C12 elastic of delta scan data
383779 05/10/12 23:02 V. Sulkosky HRS's Set to 2.251 GeV/c
383776 05/10/12 22:00 V. Sulkosky Scaler Rates 5940 and 24627
383775 05/10/12 21:51 V. Sulkosky LHRS Momentum to 2.299 GeV/c
383773 05/10/12 21:42 mhuang Left sieve pattern
383769 05/10/12 21:17 V. Sulkosky Scaler rates runs 5939/24626
383767 05/10/12 21:08 Jixie Change Left P0 to 2.183, 3%
383765 05/10/12 21:05 Sarah Dropping to 50 nA because target temperature too high
383758 05/10/12 20:07 V. Sulkosky Runs 24622 and 5934 Energy Drifted by 0.5 MeV
383757 05/10/12 20:03 M. Yurov [target]Runing with no LHe. Top/Bot temps
383750 05/10/12 19:55 Sarah The IHWP is now OUT!
383748 05/10/12 19:54 adaq IHWP status is OUT
383744 05/10/12 19:45 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41942
383743 05/10/12 19:44 spot++ spot++ for run 5935
383741 05/10/12 19:28 Sarah Beam Energy Wandering
383736 05/10/12 19:14 Sarah Hall A General Tools Screen
383731 05/10/12 18:59 jmaxwell [Target] Updated Magnet Ramp Procedure
383730 05/10/12 18:58 V. Sulkosky Scaler rates 24621/5933
383725 05/10/12 18:27 spot++ spot++ for run 24620
383724 05/10/12 18:25 spot++ spot++ for run 5932
383723 05/10/12 18:20 V. Sulkosky Slow and Fast Rasters both On.
383722 05/10/12 18:16 V. Sulkosky Scaler Rates 24620 and 5932
383715 05/10/12 17:44 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
383708 05/10/12 17:14 carlin [target] Magnet status now in EPICS
383707 05/10/12 17:01 V. Sulkosky Scaler Rates during 24617/5929
383700 05/10/12 16:45 V. Sulkosky MCC Adjusting Laser Phase Runs 24616/5928
383695 05/10/12 16:38 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
383692 05/10/12 16:27 V. Sulkosky Scaler rates. LHe is Out.
383685 05/10/12 16:07 ejensen Unstable beam
383684 05/10/12 16:07 ejensen Scaler rates. LHe is in.
383682 05/10/12 15:54 averett Day Shift Summary
383680 05/10/12 15:51 averett R septum in regulation mode
383675 05/10/12 15:25 averett access finished, beam permit
383673 05/10/12 15:10 averett Hall A tools screen
383672 05/10/12 15:08 pzhu center beam position
383671 05/10/12 15:07 averett access for target
383670 05/10/12 15:05 kamyers [Target] brief excursion of magnet flow
383667 05/10/12 14:55 Jixie Draining LHe from the target nose, Start optics
383665 05/10/12 14:47 kamyers [Target] offset for C12: -150,000
383644 05/10/12 14:09 kamyers [Target] Added offset of -30000
383627 05/10/12 12:55 kamyers [Target] (Late entry) target moved to carbon
383626 05/10/12 12:55 jpierce [Target] Try magnet in driven mode.
383622 05/10/12 12:53 spot_3 spot_3 for run 41924
383621 05/10/12 12:50 pzhu harp scan finished
383619 05/10/12 12:48 averett update
383609 05/10/12 12:34 kamyers [Target] and again...
383603 05/10/12 12:22 kamyers [Target] magnet current dropped 0.5 A
383598 05/10/12 12:14 spoth++ spoth++
383589 05/10/12 11:39 kamyers [Target] magnet current dropped 0.5 A
383588 05/10/12 11:39 kamyers [Target] magnet current dropped 0.5 A
383577 05/10/12 10:48 Jixie Late Entry: Pengjia is doing harp scan
383572 05/10/12 10:37 adaq IHWP status is IN
383571 05/10/12 10:37 adaq IHWP status is IN
383568 05/10/12 10:05 adaq IHWP status is OUT
383567 05/10/12 10:05 adaq IHWP status is OUT
383566 05/10/12 09:33 averett Beam tuning
383565 05/10/12 09:23 kamyers [Target] target current amd field readback zero - but it's ok
383564 05/10/12 09:17 kamyers [Target] target now home
383563 05/10/12 09:12 kamyers [Target] target monitor mode
383562 05/10/12 08:57 averett Hall to Power Permit
383561 05/10/12 08:57 Jixie Sieve is in
383560 05/10/12 08:44 jpierce [Target] TEs are done
383559 05/10/12 08:42 jpierce [Target] Bottom TE better formating
383558 05/10/12 08:42 jpierce [Target] Bottom TE
383557 05/10/12 08:27 averett HRS momentum change
383556 05/10/12 08:25 jpierce [Target] Top TE
383555 05/10/12 08:23 M. Cummings Owl Shift Summary
383554 05/10/12 05:20 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet Ramped Up, TE Started
383553 05/10/12 04:40 jmaxwell [Target] Move to Top, Baselines
383552 05/10/12 04:03 adaq IHWP status is IN
383550 05/10/12 03:51 not in mcc
383549 05/10/12 03:30 M. Cummings Yves suggestion: lower beam current when moving beam position
383548 05/10/12 03:27 jmaxwell [Target] Attempting to Ramp Up Magnet
383547 05/10/12 03:02 yxzhao [target]refill is finished
383546 05/10/12 02:56 yxzhao [target] magnet temperature in the last 40 mins
383545 05/10/12 02:44 jmaxwell Plans for Returning after Quench
383544 05/10/12 01:59 spoth++ spoth++ for run 5910
383543 05/10/12 01:36 pzhu some epics variables during target magnet quench
383542 05/10/12 01:19 jmaxwell [Target] Work on Quench Recovery
383541 05/10/12 01:18 pzhu some epics variables before target magnet quench
383540 05/10/12 01:04 M. Yurov [target] target magnet quench
383539 05/10/12 00:33 pzhu beam position and ion chamber before target magnet quench
383538 05/10/12 00:28 M. Cummings Called for escorted access for magnet quench
383537 05/10/12 00:10 Sarah Swing Shift Summary
383528 05/09/12 23:59 pzhu harp status
383523 05/09/12 23:35 Sarah Starting the BPM calibration plan
383521 05/09/12 23:21 Sarah The IHWP is now OUT!
383520 05/09/12 23:20 adaq IHWP status is OUT
383518 05/09/12 23:01 M. Yurov [target] Target magnet ramped up. No TE
383515 05/09/12 22:50 V. Sulkosky Tested Local Dump Camera Light
383514 05/09/12 22:35 Sarah The Hall is in Beam Permit
383513 05/09/12 22:32 V. Sulkosky Right P0 = 2.0942 GeV/c
383508 05/09/12 22:07 V. Sulkosky Right Q2 and Q3 Cycled
383505 05/09/12 21:47 M. Yurov [target] Ramping target magnet up
383504 05/09/12 21:44 Jack(Techs) Local dump camera!
383503 05/09/12 21:39 Jack(Techs) Target camera
383502 05/09/12 21:29 V. Sulkosky HRS Magnets Set
383501 05/09/12 21:29 Sarah Requested to go to Controlled Access
383500 05/09/12 20:08 mhuang sieve out
383495 05/09/12 19:00 V. Sulkosky Septum Magents Ramped Down
383494 05/09/12 18:59 M. Yurov [target] Ramping target magnet back down
383493 05/09/12 18:49 V. Sulkosky Left Dipole NMR Locking
383492 05/09/12 18:45 Jack(Techs) Right Septum operation
383491 05/09/12 18:41 V. Sulkosky Septum Magnets Set
383490 05/09/12 18:27 jpierce [Target] Bypass valve disabled!
383489 05/09/12 18:21 jpierce [Target] magnet level, cold cathode gauge
383488 05/09/12 18:20 jmaxwell [Target] Material Changed, Ramping Up
383487 05/09/12 18:19 V. Sulkosky Runs: 5905/24594 Comics
383486 05/09/12 17:36 pzhu ion chamber during 5-8
383483 05/09/12 17:21 V. Sulkosky Left and Right Quads Cycled
383482 05/09/12 17:19 Jixie Optics plan for 2.254GeV with 5.01T at 90 degrees target field
383480 05/09/12 15:54 Galinski Checklist complete
383478 05/09/12 12:43 musson BPM Receiver Tests
383472 05/09/12 12:19 averett Hall A in restricted acess
383471 05/09/12 12:09 jmaxwell [Target] Moved to Home, Back Filled
383470 05/09/12 11:44 pzhu 50nA simulated signal to BPM A and B
383469 05/09/12 11:38 pzhu 50nA simulated signal to BPMA and B
383468 05/09/12 11:13 Kalyan 3rd arm position change for 2.2 GeV, 5T
383467 05/09/12 10:19 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet Ramped Down, Leads Locked
383466 05/09/12 08:33 Chao Owl Shift Summary
383465 05/09/12 08:31 Chao Septa is off
383462 05/09/12 08:13 jie [target] target polarization in last 8 hours
383459 05/09/12 08:11 jie [target] move target to bottom, polarization 61.0% with beam
383454 05/09/12 07:54 Chao LHRS is 0.9914GeV for this run
383453 05/09/12 07:54 Chao LHRS is 0.9914GeV for this run
383452 05/09/12 07:53 jie [target] move target to dummy
383448 05/09/12 07:48 jie [target] move target to carbon
383445 05/09/12 07:48 Chao Set HRS to 0.9914GeV
383440 05/09/12 07:22 jie [target]move target to home
383437 05/09/12 07:17 jie [target] move target to carbon
383434 05/09/12 07:09 jie [target] move target to dummy
383425 05/09/12 06:27 adaq IHWP status is IN
383408 05/09/12 04:48 Chao LHRS to 1.0547GeV
383394 05/09/12 03:06 jie [target] polarization for last 4 hours
383387 05/09/12 02:38 jie [target] bottom cell polarization is 69.5% without beam.
383386 05/09/12 02:26 jie [target] move target to bottom cell
383383 05/09/12 02:20 pzhu BPM resolution in 3 time period
383380 05/09/12 02:16 jie [target] move target to dummy
383375 05/09/12 02:08 adaq IHWP status is OUT
383373 05/09/12 02:08 adaq IHWP status is OUT
383371 05/09/12 02:01 jie [target] move target to carbon
383363 05/09/12 01:43 Chao LHRS to 1.1220GeV
383361 05/09/12 01:41 spoth++ spoth++
383360 05/09/12 01:39 spoth++ spoth++
383357 05/09/12 01:33 Chao RHRS to 1.0547GeV
383354 05/09/12 01:27 jie [target] move target to home position
383349 05/09/12 01:16 jie [target]move target to carbon
383344 05/09/12 01:09 jie [target] move to dummy target
383333 05/09/12 00:07 Sarah Swing Shift Summary
383330 05/08/12 23:45 jpchen target: charts
383329 05/08/12 23:44 jpchen target: cryo screen
383326 05/08/12 23:43 jpchen polarization for last 8 hours
383320 05/08/12 22:56 Sarah Left Arm Momentum Change from 1.2698 to 1.1937
383310 05/08/12 22:11 Sarah The IHWP is now IN!
383309 05/08/12 22:10 adaq IHWP status is IN
383307 05/08/12 22:10 adaq IHWP status is IN
383295 05/08/12 21:16 Sarah Hall A General Tools Screen
383294 05/08/12 21:14 spot++ spot++ for run 5867
383287 05/08/12 20:32 jpchen target: polarzied to over 70%, beam on again
383286 05/08/12 20:21 jpchen target: move to bottom cell
383283 05/08/12 20:06 R. Zielinski No Start of Run for 5865
383281 05/08/12 19:59 jpchen target: moved to home (empty)
383278 05/08/12 19:51 jpchen target: moved to 12C-40
383276 05/08/12 19:44 Sarah Changed momentum settings on both left and right arms
383270 05/08/12 19:23 jpchen target: moved to dummy/cross
383265 05/08/12 19:12 jpchen target: move to 12C-40
383261 05/08/12 19:02 jpchen target: moved to home (empty) position
383247 05/08/12 17:09 Sarah The IHWP is now OUT!
383246 05/08/12 17:08 adaq IHWP status is OUT
383244 05/08/12 17:08 adaq IHWP status is OUT
383234 05/08/12 16:00 X. Zheng Day shift summary
383233 05/08/12 15:50 X. Zheng Left momentum snap shot
383232 05/08/12 15:45 X. Zheng Change Left HRS to 1.3509 GeV/c
383224 05/08/12 14:42 spot++ spot++ for run 5853
383220 05/08/12 14:20 jmaxwell [Target] Access for uWaves
383219 05/08/12 14:18 pzhu BPM worse than yesterday
383218 05/08/12 14:07 X. Zheng Septum stripcharts
383217 05/08/12 14:05 X. Zheng Septum control snap shot
383216 05/08/12 14:04 X. Zheng Right arm is set!
383215 05/08/12 12:57 Higinbotham Noon Mapper Update
383212 05/08/12 12:22 adaq IHWP status is IN
383210 05/08/12 12:22 adaq IHWP status is IN
383204 05/08/12 11:58 Markowitz [Target] move to top cell
383203 05/08/12 11:55 Jixie CH2 optics data of right arm center hole
383202 05/08/12 11:50 Jixie Set right septum to 608.8A,to match left arm
383201 05/08/12 11:47 Jixie Sieve is out
383200 05/08/12 11:33 Markowitz [Target] go home
383195 05/08/12 11:08 Markowitz [Target] move to CH2-hole
383190 05/08/12 10:52 Jixie, MIN Start optics
383187 05/08/12 10:48 Jixie Cycle both arms, Set both P0=2.251
383185 05/08/12 10:25 Markowitz [Target] moved to 12C-40
383184 05/08/12 10:08 Higinbotham Mapper still down
383179 05/08/12 10:00 Markoiwtz [Target] closed run valve
383178 05/08/12 09:42 X. Zheng Right arm dipole has reached the elastic momentum and stable
383171 05/08/12 08:04 Chao Owl Shift Summary
383170 05/08/12 07:51 Chao Start to set RHRS to 2.228GeV
383164 05/08/12 07:14 adaq IHWP status is OUT
383160 05/08/12 07:11 Reimer [Target] controls screen shot
383159 05/08/12 07:10 Reimer [Target] Screen shot
383144 05/08/12 05:29 Reimer [Target] Top Cell
383138 05/08/12 05:21 Reimere [Target] home
383133 05/08/12 05:16 Reimer [Target] C12-40
383130 05/08/12 05:09 Chao LHRS to 1.4684GeV
383125 05/08/12 04:54 Reimer [Target] Empty Cross
383120 05/08/12 04:48 Reimer [Target] C12-40
383115 05/08/12 04:34 Reimer [Target] home
383105 05/08/12 03:40 Chao LHRS to 1.5961GeV
383099 05/08/12 03:08 adaq IHWP status is IN
383097 05/08/12 03:07 pzhu BPM status summary
383094 05/08/12 03:03 pzhu BPM gain linearity
383093 05/08/12 02:55 Chao RHRS to 1.2698
383090 05/08/12 02:28 spoth++ spoth++
383089 05/08/12 02:17 spoth++ spoth++
383088 05/08/12 02:05 spoth++ spoth++
383087 05/08/12 02:03 pzhu BPM resolution looks better
383086 05/08/12 01:58 pzhu BPM resolution now
383085 05/08/12 01:58 Reimer [Target] moved to top
383080 05/08/12 01:35 Reimer [Target] moved to empty cross
383075 05/08/12 01:29 Reimer [Target] C12-40
383068 05/08/12 01:18 Chao Move LHRS to 1.7348GeV
383067 05/08/12 01:13 Reimer [Target] Home
383056 05/08/12 00:48 Reimer [Target] separator flow
383055 05/08/12 00:39 pzhu bpm status
383054 05/08/12 00:36 Reimer [Target] screen
383053 05/08/12 00:36 pzhu bpm status
383048 05/08/12 00:16 Sarah Swing Shift Summary
383043 05/07/12 23:58 mhuang restart coda in 24522; bpm setting not ready for 5817,24523
383035 05/07/12 23:36 Sarah Beam back in the hall
383034 05/07/12 22:43 pzhu 50nA simulated signal
383033 05/07/12 22:42 spoth++ spoth++
383032 05/07/12 22:36 pzhu 50nA simulated
383031 05/07/12 22:30 spoth++ spoth++
383030 05/07/12 22:06 pzhu RF is on for picture before
383029 05/07/12 22:05 Sarah The IHWP is now OUT!
383028 05/07/12 22:04 adaq IHWP status is OUT
383026 05/07/12 22:01 pzhu noise from receiver itself
383025 05/07/12 21:55 pzhu simulated signal for bpmB
383024 05/07/12 21:50 jmaxwell [Target] Move to Top
383023 05/07/12 21:49 jmaxwell [Target] Anneal Done, Filling Fridge
383022 05/07/12 21:42 Sarah Hall A General Tools Screen
383021 05/07/12 20:52 jmaxwell [Target] Start Anneal
382994 05/07/12 18:26 mhuang target of 5809/24514 is NH3 top
382987 05/07/12 18:02 Sarah Beam is back
382986 05/07/12 17:36 Sarah Beam down for a few minutes
382985 05/07/12 17:34 Sarah Right Arm Momentum Change from 1.4684 to 1.3509
382984 05/07/12 17:31 mhuang Correction of p0 in comments: LHRS is 1.8857, RHRS 1.4684
382976 05/07/12 16:52 Higinbotham Energy Measurement: ARC Mapper Problem
382966 05/07/12 16:06 X. Zheng Day shift summary
382961 05/07/12 15:47 jpchen target: polarization for 8.5 hours
382960 05/07/12 15:45 jpchen target: charts
382959 05/07/12 15:43 jpchen target: cryo screen
382954 05/07/12 15:35 jpchen polarization for last 4.5 hours
382945 05/07/12 14:40 A. Camsonne MRPC long run 127 HV to 5800 V
382926 05/07/12 12:57 adaq IHWP status is IN
382909 05/07/12 11:17 X. Zheng Beam back!
382908 05/07/12 11:16 spot++ spot++ for run 5792
382905 05/07/12 10:02 X. Zheng Beam off for an hour
382898 05/07/12 09:19 pzhu bpm situation
382883 05/07/12 07:49 pzhu owl shift summary
382882 05/07/12 07:30 pzhu C100 problem caused not beam
382867 05/07/12 06:42 adaq IHWP status is OUT
382866 05/07/12 06:42 adaq IHWP status is OUT
382863 05/07/12 06:32 Reimer [Target] Screen
382860 05/07/12 06:09 spot++ spot++ for run 24487
382859 05/07/12 06:08 spot++ spot++ for run 5782
382854 05/07/12 05:36 pzhu no beam because of IOC for hallA
382853 05/07/12 05:25 pzhu bleedthrough
382852 05/07/12 05:22 Reimer [Target] Bottom
382846 05/07/12 03:50 Reimer [Target] Empty Cross
382843 05/07/12 03:42 Reimer [Target] C12-40
382840 05/07/12 03:26 Reimer [Target] Home
382837 05/07/12 03:02 Reimer [Target] f19115 more normal
382832 05/07/12 02:39 Reimer [Target] flow and pressure
382827 05/07/12 02:35 adaq IHWP status is IN
382825 05/07/12 02:33 Reimer [Target] Flow f19115
382808 05/07/12 00:39 Reimer [Target] Screen Shot
382803 05/07/12 00:07 Sarah Swing Shift Summary
382786 05/06/12 22:37 A. Camsonne MRPC run 126 threshold at 5 mV on scintillators
382785 05/06/12 22:36 Sarah Hall A General Tools Screen
382779 05/06/12 22:15 jmaxwell [Target] Poor Polarization
382766 05/06/12 21:02 Sarah An Estimate of Where We Are
382745 05/06/12 19:06 Sarah CODA crashed during the start of this run
382742 05/06/12 19:04 Sarah This is the end of run entry for Run 5756
382737 05/06/12 18:39 Sarah Strip chart of unstable beam
382736 05/06/12 18:36 Sarah Beam a little unstable while MCC attempts to bring up Hall C
382722 05/06/12 17:19 Sarah This run is actually a production run
382721 05/06/12 17:17 Sarah This run is actually a production run
382716 05/06/12 17:13 A. Camsonne Long run MRPC during production data Run 125
382715 05/06/12 17:03 spot++ spot++ for run 5752
382714 05/06/12 16:57 spot++ spot++ for run 5752
382713 05/06/12 16:57 jmaxwell [Target] Anneal Done, Polarized Top Positive
382710 05/06/12 16:06 Sarah The IHWP is now OUT!
382709 05/06/12 16:05 adaq IHWP status is OUT
382707 05/06/12 16:01 R. Zielinski Day Shift Summary
382706 05/06/12 15:41 A. Camsonne MRPC run 122 started
382705 05/06/12 15:36 A. Camsonne MRPC check
382704 05/06/12 15:30 jmaxwell [Target] Anneal Done
382700 05/06/12 15:03 pzhu tungsten calorimeter calibration
382697 05/06/12 14:43 jmaxwell [Target] Moved to Anneal Position
382675 05/06/12 12:58 M. Yurov [target] Polarization for 5hrs
382674 05/06/12 12:51 M. Yurov [target] Target magnet current adjustment
382668 05/06/12 12:30 M. Yurov [target] Target magnet did it again
382640 05/06/12 10:25 M. Yurov [target] target magnet current message
382616 05/06/12 08:10 R. Zielinski IHWP1 is now IN and we control it for now!
382613 05/06/12 08:08 T. NN Badman Owl shift summary
382612 05/06/12 08:07 adaq IHWP status is IN
382596 05/06/12 06:45 Reimer [Target] Screen shot
382591 05/06/12 06:18 Reimer [Target] Frequency readback back
382588 05/06/12 06:14 Reimer [Target] no Frequency readout
382587 05/06/12 05:53 Reimer [Target] Back to polarized target
382582 05/06/12 05:37 Reimer [Target] Moved to empty cross
382579 05/06/12 05:28 Reimer [Target] C12-40
382576 05/06/12 05:12 Reimer [Target] Moved to Home
382575 05/06/12 05:10 T. Badman Moving RHRS to p=1.5961GeV/c
382540 05/06/12 02:19 spot++ spot++ for run 5713
382529 05/06/12 00:20 Reimer [Target] Screen shot
382528 05/06/12 00:19 T. Badman Hall A Tools
382527 05/06/12 00:08 Sarah Swing Shift Summary
382526 05/05/12 23:44 mhuang End of run 5710
382525 05/05/12 23:39 mhuang [Target] polarization in the last 4 hours
382514 05/05/12 22:48 mhuang End of run 24420
382513 05/05/12 22:47 mhuang End of run 24419
382504 05/05/12 21:59 Gao L-arm VDC wires spectra
382496 05/05/12 21:36 Sarah New momentum setting for left arm
382494 05/05/12 21:34 mhuang End of run 24414
382477 05/05/12 20:17 Sarah IHWP1 is now out!
382476 05/05/12 20:17 adaq IHWP status is OUT
382472 05/05/12 20:14 mhuang [Target] Polarization in the last hour
382456 05/05/12 18:56 mhuang [Target] PDP snapshot, top cell 75.5% polarization now
382455 05/05/12 18:46 spot++ spot++ for run 24408
382454 05/05/12 18:46 spot++ spot++ for run 5696
382449 05/05/12 18:34 mhuang [Target] Moved to NH3 top, start polarizing
382448 05/05/12 18:33 spot++ spot++ for run 5695
382445 05/05/12 18:30 spot++ spot++ for run 5693
382438 05/05/12 18:20 mhuang [Target] Moved to C12 cell
382431 05/05/12 18:03 mhuang [Target] Moved to C12_hole to center beam
382430 05/05/12 17:46 Sarah Beam Permit
382428 05/05/12 17:30 Sarah Sweep Done; Hall in Controlled Access
382427 05/05/12 16:37 folts Hall status/checklist
382426 05/05/12 16:33 mhuang [Target] ramping up the target magnet
382425 05/05/12 16:28 Sarah Hall Sweep in Progress
382424 05/05/12 16:20 Sarah Going to Beam Permit Soon
382423 05/05/12 13:38 M. Cummings update: status of BigBite power supply
382422 05/05/12 13:05 Chao Check 3rd arm electronics
382419 05/05/12 11:09 hyao Check electronics for a1n 12GeV gas cherenkov
382416 05/05/12 08:40 pzhu updated Left arm happex and fastbus bpm calibration constant
382415 05/05/12 08:30 spoth++ spoth++ for run 5615
382414 05/05/12 08:30 spoth++ spoth++ for run 5616
382413 05/05/12 08:30 spoth++ spoth++ for run 5617
382412 05/05/12 08:29 spoth++ spoth++ for run 5514
382411 05/05/12 08:29 spoth++ spoth++ for run 5586
382410 05/05/12 08:29 spoth++ spoth++ for run 5587
382409 05/05/12 08:26 pzhu wrong spoth++ picture
382408 05/05/12 08:26 M. Cummings update: Jack is checking things out in the hall
382407 05/05/12 08:21 spoth++ spoth++ for run 5587
382406 05/05/12 08:20 spoth++ spoth++ for run 5586
382405 05/05/12 08:19 spoth++ spoth++ for run 5514
382404 05/05/12 08:19 spoth++ spoth++ for run 5617
382403 05/05/12 08:18 spoth++ spoth++ for run 5616
382402 05/05/12 08:18 spoth++ spoth++ for run 5615
382285 05/05/12 01:07 D. Keller Status Report
382284 05/05/12 00:53 jmaxwell [Target] "Ice Ball" on Target Platform is Normal
382283 05/05/12 00:47 A. Camsonne [ techs ] Water leak on BigBite power supply
382282 05/05/12 00:26 D. Keller [Target] Magnet ramped down
382281 05/05/12 00:08 Sarah Swing Shift Summary
382280 05/04/12 23:18 Sarah Photos of water in Hall A
382279 05/04/12 22:59 bhovik ramping down target magnet
382278 05/04/12 22:51 D. Keller Major SCR water leak
382277 05/04/12 22:30 Sarah Water in the Hall; Broken Water Line
382276 05/04/12 21:16 Sarah Septum magnets have tripped
382271 05/04/12 21:03 Sarah Fast Raster Size Changed to 1.5 mm by 1.5 mm (late entry)
382251 05/04/12 19:11 D. Keller [Target] Magnet trix
382250 05/04/12 19:10 jmaxwell Target?
382249 05/04/12 19:01 bhovik Target
382244 05/04/12 18:18 bhovik Target
382239 05/04/12 17:53 mhuang Re: Effect on left septum field -- makeup plots
382238 05/04/12 17:50 bhovik Target
382233 05/04/12 17:40 bhovik Target
382226 05/04/12 17:25 bhovik Target
382224 05/04/12 17:24 spot++ spot++ for run 5647
382220 05/04/12 17:17 bhovik Target
382217 05/04/12 16:26 nmuangma Day shift summary
382205 05/04/12 15:48 Jixie Moller measurement results
382202 05/04/12 15:02 nmuangma HV for Moller is off.
382201 05/04/12 14:56 Jixie Finished moller measurement. Recover beam for production
382200 05/04/12 14:53 Jixie Pb at Wien=-60.2
382199 05/04/12 14:51 Jixie Pb @ wien=-60.2
382198 05/04/12 14:50 Jixie spin dance result
382197 05/04/12 14:42 nmuangma start bleed Through Measurement & Finish Moller Measurement
382196 05/04/12 13:46 nmuangma correction HWP IN
382195 05/04/12 13:45 nmuangma HWP "OUT"
382194 05/04/12 13:44 adaq IHWP status is IN
382192 05/04/12 13:33 Jixie Pb @ wien=20, changing to FINAL angle -60.2
382191 05/04/12 13:03 Jixie reboot moller coda (old daq)
382190 05/04/12 12:48 Jixie Pb @ wien=-20, moving to Wien=+20
382189 05/04/12 12:17 Jixie Pb with Wien=-70, changing to wien=-20
382188 05/04/12 11:40 Jixie Pb for Wien=-60.85, changing wien to -75
382187 05/04/12 11:09 nmuangma HWP [passive] in
382186 05/04/12 10:58 nmuangma spin dance start at 10:42 (Moller study)
382185 05/04/12 10:38 nmuangma HWP OUT
382184 05/04/12 10:37 adaq IHWP status is OUT
382182 05/04/12 10:31 nmuangma HV setting for Moler Enable at Eb = 2.254 GeV
382181 05/04/12 10:26 A. Camsonne My cell phone
382180 05/04/12 10:12 Jixie Rebooted moller daq crate, mpc problems solved
382179 05/04/12 09:46 Jixie errors on moller polorimeter control
382178 05/04/12 09:39 nmuangma FOUND: unknow cell phone
382177 05/04/12 09:22 M. Cummings [Target] moved to home
382167 05/04/12 08:19 M. Cummings [Target] moved to top NH3 cell
382166 05/04/12 08:04 R. Zielinski Owl Shift Summary
382159 05/04/12 07:30 M. Yurov [target] Polarization for 4 hrs
382138 05/04/12 05:36 M. Yurov [target] Polarization for 2 hrs
382128 05/04/12 04:49 adaq IHWP status is IN
382120 05/04/12 04:29 M. Yurov [target] Polarization update with bean on
382119 05/04/12 04:17 spot++ spot++ for run 5630
382116 05/04/12 04:14 M. Yurov [target] Polarization screen shot
382115 05/04/12 03:58 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet PS Trouble
382114 05/04/12 03:54 M. Yurov [target] Magnet is at 121.78A
382113 05/04/12 03:23 M. Yurov [target] Target magnet
382105 05/04/12 02:44 R. Zielinski Dipole set to 2.279 instead of 2.2279 for the following runs
382103 05/04/12 02:41 M. Yurov [target] moved target
382097 05/04/12 02:22 spot++ spot++ for run 5623
382093 05/04/12 02:15 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
382088 05/04/12 02:06 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
382083 05/04/12 01:58 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
382076 05/04/12 01:44 M. Yurov [target] LHe in the nose, moved target
382075 05/04/12 01:42 mhuang Optics run summary 2.2GeV 5T 0deg
382060 05/04/12 01:01 Chao Sieve is OUT
382059 05/04/12 00:45 R. Zielinski Hall C changing IHWP to OUT
382058 05/04/12 00:45 adaq IHWP status is OUT
382056 05/04/12 00:44 pzhu slow raster size
382055 05/04/12 00:43 R. Zielinski SIEVE IS OUT
382054 05/04/12 00:43 R. Zielinski SIEVE IS OUT
382053 05/04/12 00:37 spot++ spot++ for run 5605
382052 05/04/12 00:25 R. Zielinski Called for Escortetd Access to remove sieve slits
382048 05/04/12 00:13 pzhu beam hit the beam pipe
382047 05/04/12 00:13 mhuang Effect on left septum field
382045 05/04/12 00:05 Sarah Swing Shift Summary
382032 05/03/12 23:35 bhovik Target
382027 05/03/12 23:26 bhovik Target
382025 05/03/12 23:21 spot++ spot++ for run 5601
382023 05/03/12 23:09 Sarah Hall A Tools Screen
382021 05/03/12 23:05 spot++ spot++ for run 5599
382017 05/03/12 22:28 A. Camsonne MRPC HV on 6 KV
382013 05/03/12 21:57 Chao Move LHRS (Late Entry)
382001 05/03/12 20:22 adaq IHWP status is IN
381999 05/03/12 20:22 Sarah The IHWP is IN
381997 05/03/12 20:10 mhuang Moved LHRS to 2.319, dp=-3%
381994 05/03/12 19:54 bhovik Target
381982 05/03/12 19:00 Jixie Left HRS moved to 1%
381981 05/03/12 18:59 Jixie Septa regulation is enabled
381978 05/03/12 18:50 Jixie, Min, Finish pointing, start delta scan
381971 05/03/12 18:17 Jixie, Chao, Center hole of CH2 data
381966 05/03/12 17:59 bhovik Target
381965 05/03/12 17:57 Jixie Start pointing, take data with CH2
381964 05/03/12 17:56 Jixie LHe is already drained out
381952 05/03/12 17:08 Jixie, Chao draining LHe, optics started
381944 05/03/12 16:52 spot++ spot++ for run 5576
381941 05/03/12 16:46 spot++ spot++ for run 5575
381934 05/03/12 16:33 spot++ spot++ for run 5572
381931 05/03/12 16:17 Sarah Dipole cryo valve check
381930 05/03/12 16:00 Chao Day shift summary
381929 05/03/12 15:38 Chao Escorted access to check the left dipole valve
381928 05/03/12 13:26 Chao Status update
381927 05/03/12 13:17 Chao LHRS to 2.2510 GeV RHRS to 1.7348GeV
381926 05/03/12 12:56 Chao New right septa current limit: 800A
381925 05/03/12 12:32 Chao Escorted access to reset septa
381924 05/03/12 12:27 adaq left septa tripped, "serial status" fault
381923 05/03/12 12:07 Chao No beam for a while
381922 05/03/12 11:55 Chao Set LHRS momentum to 2.161GeV RHRS momentum to 2.000GeV
381917 05/03/12 11:05 Chao Set right septa to 900A
381911 05/03/12 10:36 nmuangma [Target] move C12-hole
381910 05/03/12 10:36 spot++ spot++ for run 5566
381909 05/03/12 10:36 spot++ spot++ for run 5567
381907 05/03/12 10:33 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381903 05/03/12 10:25 nmuangma [Target] move to C12-40
381902 05/03/12 10:18 Chao Left septa to 725.40A for centering beam
381901 05/03/12 10:16 pzhu owl shift summary
381866 05/03/12 09:19 pzhu MCC still trying to tune beam back
381860 05/03/12 08:53 pzhu no beam for a while
381859 05/03/12 08:44 pzhu BPMB receiver
381858 05/03/12 08:34 pzhu no beam for a while
381857 05/03/12 08:26 Chao Status update
381824 05/03/12 07:37 adaq IHWP status is OUT
381823 05/03/12 07:37 adaq IHWP status is OUT
381742 05/03/12 05:14 pzhu harp 1HA1H05A getting worse
381630 05/03/12 02:03 pzhu different BPM reading in different current
381618 05/03/12 01:46 pzhu harp works good
381611 05/03/12 01:37 pzhu different BPM value for different current
381586 05/03/12 01:00 pzhu new setting for BPMB
381571 05/03/12 00:27 A. Camsonne MRPC work - RF signal
381568 05/02/12 23:56 Sarah Swing Shift Summary
381567 05/02/12 23:45 Sarah Slow raster is off
381566 05/02/12 23:43 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381565 05/02/12 23:43 K. Saenboonr [Target] Target moved to Home
381564 05/02/12 23:33 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381563 05/02/12 23:23 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381562 05/02/12 23:21 V. Sulkosky Septum Magnets for Tuning
381561 05/02/12 23:13 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381560 05/02/12 23:03 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381559 05/02/12 22:53 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381558 05/02/12 22:53 jmaxwell [Target] TEs
381557 05/02/12 22:49 Jack(Techs) Right Septum status
381556 05/02/12 22:43 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381555 05/02/12 22:33 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381554 05/02/12 22:23 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381553 05/02/12 22:16 V. Sulkosky Cycled Q2 and Q3 to 1400 A
381552 05/02/12 22:13 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381551 05/02/12 22:03 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381550 05/02/12 22:02 Sarah Hall in Controlled Access (late entry)
381549 05/02/12 21:53 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381548 05/02/12 21:50 V. Sulkosky S2m HVs tuned On (Late Entry)
381547 05/02/12 21:43 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381546 05/02/12 21:38 jmaxwell [Target] Move to Top
381545 05/02/12 21:33 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381544 05/02/12 21:23 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381543 05/02/12 21:13 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381542 05/02/12 21:03 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381541 05/02/12 20:53 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381540 05/02/12 20:50 Sarah Hall Sweep in Progress
381539 05/02/12 20:43 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381534 05/02/12 20:33 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381533 05/02/12 20:23 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381532 05/02/12 20:14 Sarah Requested Hall Go To Controlled Access
381531 05/02/12 20:13 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381530 05/02/12 20:05 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381529 05/02/12 19:53 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381528 05/02/12 19:43 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381527 05/02/12 19:38 Sarah Hall Status
381526 05/02/12 18:11 Jixie optics plan for 2.254GeV with 5T and 0 deg target field
381525 05/02/12 18:11 Jixie optics plan for 2.254GeV with 5T and 0 deg target field
381524 05/02/12 17:39 pking Cross-post from HClog: Changed the fanout of the BMOD FFB pause signals
381522 05/02/12 17:23 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381518 05/02/12 17:13 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381514 05/02/12 17:03 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381513 05/02/12 16:53 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet Ramped Up, New Controls
381512 05/02/12 16:53 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381511 05/02/12 16:48 jmaxwell [Target] Moved to Bottom
381510 05/02/12 16:47 adaq IHWP status is IN
381508 05/02/12 16:45 adaq IHWP status is OUT
381506 05/02/12 16:43 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381505 05/02/12 16:33 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381504 05/02/12 16:23 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381503 05/02/12 16:13 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381502 05/02/12 16:11 jpchen Sieve Slits IN.
381501 05/02/12 16:11 jpchen FZ1/FZ2 PS locked out
381500 05/02/12 16:09 jpchen Day shift summary.
381499 05/02/12 16:03 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381498 05/02/12 16:01 J. Butler(te Check List
381497 05/02/12 15:53 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381496 05/02/12 15:32 jmaxwell [Target] Ramping Up Magnet
381495 05/02/12 15:10 jpchen Hall A accesse activities and status update
381494 05/02/12 15:03 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381493 05/02/12 14:53 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381492 05/02/12 14:43 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381491 05/02/12 12:22 jpchen chicane change completed
381490 05/02/12 11:23 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381489 05/02/12 11:13 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381488 05/02/12 11:03 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381487 05/02/12 10:53 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381476 05/02/12 10:43 septum_auto Wrong septum current, please check!
381423 05/02/12 10:08 jpchen Right Q2/Q3 current 0 now.
381398 05/02/12 09:51 jpchen Status and plan for the day.
381392 05/02/12 09:48 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet Leads Locked
381325 05/02/12 08:15 M. Yurov [target] Target magnet is at 0A
381324 05/02/12 08:03 Chao Owl shift summary
381323 05/02/12 08:03 Chao Hall is now in restricted access
381322 05/02/12 07:16 Chao Hall is in power permit
381321 05/02/12 07:11 M. Yurov [target] haTD9180 alarm level change
381320 05/02/12 07:10 Chao Septa power supply is off
381319 05/02/12 07:04 Chao Beam is off for beam study
381318 05/02/12 07:04 M. Yurov [target] Ramping target magnet down
381311 05/02/12 06:34 jie two empty histogram for onlineGUI replay
381310 05/02/12 06:27 Chao Bleed through test : 0.4%
381305 05/02/12 06:19 Chao IHWP is flipped to IN at 05:40
381304 05/02/12 06:11 jie a empty histogram in onlineGUI after replay
381290 05/02/12 05:22 M. Yurov [target] Polarization screenshot
381275 05/02/12 03:36 Chao Beam down for 10 minutes
381268 05/02/12 03:07 M. Yurov Polarization screen shot
381257 05/02/12 02:11 adaq IHWP status is OUT
381245 05/02/12 01:35 asym_auto asymmetry
381240 05/02/12 01:00 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
381229 05/02/12 00:01 kamyers Swing shift summary
381198 05/01/12 21:08 spot++ spot++ for run 5414
381193 05/01/12 20:41 D. Keller [Target] bot pol screen grab
381192 05/01/12 20:36 kamyers Bleedthru: ~0.01%
381189 05/01/12 20:20 K. Saenboonr [Target] Target moved to NH3-Bottom
381185 05/01/12 19:49 K. Saenboonr [Target] Target moved to dummy
381180 05/01/12 19:22 K. Saenboonr [Target] Target moved to C12-40
381169 05/01/12 18:33 brads Restarted auto-snapshot logging
381164 05/01/12 17:56 K. Saenboonr [Target] Target update
381161 05/01/12 17:51 kamyers IHWP now IN
381159 05/01/12 17:50 adaq IHWP status is IN
381158 05/01/12 17:50 adaq IHWP status is IN
381140 05/01/12 15:59 mhuang Day shift summary
381137 05/01/12 15:51 jie [target]target polarization for last 1.5 hours
381136 05/01/12 15:50 jie [target] target polarization for last 1.5 hours
381135 05/01/12 15:31 mhuang Beam away
381128 05/01/12 14:35 jie [target] target polarization for last 2 hours
381123 05/01/12 14:32 jmaxwell [Target] Rebooted poltarac2
381122 05/01/12 14:18 jie [target] strip chart for target
381121 05/01/12 14:16 jie [target] an problem about the alarm sound
381112 05/01/12 13:30 asym_auto asymmetry
381099 05/01/12 12:33 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
381083 05/01/12 11:13 mhuang Flip target polarization to -77%
381082 05/01/12 11:11 jie [target] bottom target polarization flipped to be negative, -75.8%
381081 05/01/12 09:54 mhuang Beam trip to around 10am
381078 05/01/12 09:37 mhuang Beam trip ~ 15 minutes
381061 05/01/12 08:20 Chao No beam for a while
381060 05/01/12 08:19 jie [target] target polarization 2hrs
381057 05/01/12 08:03 Chao Owl shift summary
381056 05/01/12 07:58 M. Yurov [target] Microwave freq
381049 05/01/12 07:31 spot++ spot++ for run 5383
381032 05/01/12 06:22 adaq IHWP status is OUT
381024 05/01/12 05:50 T. Badman runs 24153 and 24154 junk
381014 05/01/12 05:32 spot++ spot++ for run 5377
381013 05/01/12 05:20 Chao Hall A general Tools
381008 05/01/12 05:03 M. Yurov [target]Polarization increased by 2%
381001 05/01/12 04:34 Chao Unstable beam
380990 05/01/12 03:48 M. Yurov [target] Polarization 4hrs
380977 05/01/12 02:34 Chao IHWP is still IN
380975 05/01/12 02:29 adaq IHWP status is
380974 05/01/12 02:29 adaq IHWP status is
380972 05/01/12 02:28 M. Yurov [target] Polarization for 2.5hrs
380955 05/01/12 01:08 asym_auto asymmetry
380950 05/01/12 00:47 adaq IHWP status is IN
380943 05/01/12 00:24 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
380941 05/01/12 00:23 ran dp vs phi afer s2 switched off