Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for January 13 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
385787 01/31/13 17:23 A. Camsonne VDC cosmics run 24825
385786 01/31/13 17:08 A. Camsonne HRS DAQ running on adaq1
385785 01/30/13 17:17 Kalyan ComptonDAQ: FADC(v2) Pulse Integral Mode
385784 01/30/13 17:06 Kalyan ComptonDAQ: Pulse in FADC RAW MODE for run 1863
385783 01/30/13 16:36 A. Camsonne VDC cosmics run 24825
385782 01/30/13 16:31 A. Camsonne CODA configurations for VDC
385781 01/30/13 16:15 A. Camsonne VDC cosmics run 24823
385780 01/30/13 13:36 A. Camsonne Right HRS network router moved
385779 01/30/13 13:32 A. Camsonne Move Compton TS CPU to Right HRS ROC1
385778 01/29/13 14:23 A. Camsonne ROC1 disconnected after 24000 events
385777 01/29/13 12:47 A. Camsonne Right HRS cosmics run 24804
385776 01/28/13 16:15 rob, camsonn Signals from Compton e-detector thick plane
385775 01/26/13 11:44 A. Camsonne Basic data taking and replay for Right Arm
385774 01/25/13 16:58 A. Camsonne Right HRS coda configuration running
385773 01/25/13 14:10 A. Camsonne 2 Hall A VME VXS crate delivered
385772 01/23/13 16:48 rob response to source with new PS
385771 01/23/13 16:39 rob Compton e-detector power supply changed
385770 01/23/13 15:44 rob Compton e-detector: response to Sr source from three thick planes
385769 01/23/13 15:40 rob Compton e-detector: response to Sr source from three thick planes
385768 01/23/13 15:12 Kalyan CODA errors on adaq1 for Compton DevDAQ
385767 01/22/13 10:17 A. Camsonne Changing permission on /adaql1 to adaq
385766 01/18/13 17:28 A. Camsonne Pulser prescale value
385765 01/18/13 17:15 A. Camsonne Right arm current fastbus modules
385764 01/18/13 16:31 A. Camsonne DVCS LED pulser in TS crate
385763 01/18/13 16:26 A. Camsonne ROC1 hostname switched to hallavme17 ( temporarly ? )
385762 01/18/13 14:57 A. Camsonne Borrowed NIM/ECL converter from BigBite cabinet
385761 01/18/13 10:40 A. Camsonne Right HRS msql dump
385760 01/17/13 10:11 R. Michaels HVS (HV control) for srcdaq
385759 01/11/13 17:03 A. Camsonne ROC1 portserver
385758 01/11/13 13:49 A. Camsonne Right arm port server
385757 01/08/13 11:44 Jack(Techs) Right Bogies outer module #2 mis-wiring
385756 01/07/13 16:20 R. Michaels ComptonDAQ with random pulser
385755 01/04/13 15:28 R. Michaels TDC data in integral mode
385754 01/04/13 14:04 R. Michaels FADC tests, part II
385753 01/04/13 09:44 V. Sulkosky Right VDC Database Updated
385752 01/03/13 15:52 R. Michaels livetime of FADC in pulse integral mode
385751 01/03/13 15:36 R. Michaels FADC tests, part I
385750 01/02/13 16:14 R. Michaels fadc pulse integal vs threshold