updated May 26, 2017
PREX-II To-Do List
Here is a list of things to do to get ready for
a PREX run.
For CREX, see the CREX todo list.
I. Radiation Shielding
-- Responsible: Kent, Ciprian, Rakitha, Robin
-- Water-cooled tungsten plug
-- Need full design of external shielding. status: nearly complete, need review
II. Vacuum / coupling to HRS
-- Kent, Bob, Rakitha
-- Design of vacuum box and sieve
-- Q1 Collimator -- Prelim. design by Nickie Saylor
III. Septum
-- Will need new coils. Can re-use iron. status: coils purchased for PREX, but need another set for C-REX
-- Will run 3-coil config, to accomodate C-REX.
-- Develop tuning procedure. Seamus
IV. Compton Polarimeter
-- Laser Polarization: Kent
-- Laser and photon detector basically ready: Dave
-- Manpower revitalized
-- Upgrades of counting DAQ and E-det
-- The upgrades of the counting DAQ and E-det are not needed for PREX.
V. Moller Polarimeter
-- Restore the high-field Moller: Jim Napolitano
-- Electron optics systematics (Geant and data disagree on acceptance): Jim
-- Cryogenics upgrade. status: new magnet and cryo upgrade purchased
-- Custom FADC DAQ needs more work
VI. Parity DAQ
-- Restore the DAQ : Bob and Tyler
-- Use Qweak ADCs with HAPPEX ADCs as a backup.
VII. Detectors
-- Quartz detectors. Use Dustin's design.
-- Linearity studies to improve the limits.
-- GEMs foreseen.
XIII. SAM (Lumi)
-- Redesign : Dustin status: done, installed
IX. Targets
-- Silviu is responsible, with target group.
-- Order isotopically pure Lead. status: 10 foils procured
-- Order diamond foils status: 30 foils purchased
-- PREX and CREX to share one target chamber and run back-to-back.
X. Raster Sync
-- Agilent function generators procured and incorporated.
-- Commissioning Tests : Bob