09 April 2010 Meeting Summary

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1. Detectors a. Scintillators: beta problem cut out those small contaminants (Huan)

b. Cerenkov: SPE: proper cuts (remove pedestal and main electron peak) - check stability (Xinhu) main peak : stability check over time (Huan)

c. Preshower/Shower E/p location: check the "outliers" (Xinhu) relative width: proper plot to check the width and again check the "outliers" (Xinhu)

d. NaI: Finished. Write a paper (Xinhu)

e. VDC: multi-track events (Yoomin) need a final number for 2 track events for 3 track events, use same efficiency found from 2 track events

2. Efficiencies, background rejection a. Cerenkov efficiency vs momentum (Huan) b. Preshower/Shower cut efficiency (Huan) c. NaI cut efficiency (Xinhu) d. pion rejection vs momentum settings (Huan) e. rejection of low energy electrons (using NaI data + simulation) -> estimating reduction factor (Xinhu)

3. Beamline a. BCM: quick, last check on comparison of various BCM readings -> systematic error on the incident charge (Xinhu) b. beam raster effect (Yoomin)

4. good electron cuts a. Cerenkov cut -> currently at 240, but seems a little low. (Huan)

b. Preshower/Shower cut -> check again for various momentum settings. May use different graphical cuts for different momentum settings (Huan)

c. NaI cut - for low energy momentum settings (Xinhu) related to simulation, too. Box cuts (1,2 or 3)

d. Q3 exit pipe cut -> maybe put into as a standard cut for low energy momentum settings (Huan)

5. Acceptance a. Simulation i. Remove physics as much as possible (overlap region etc) (Huan) ii. extended target simulation for H and He acceptance (Yoomin) iii. Comparison of focal plane variables (Huan) iv. Comparison of target variables (Huan) v. Need separate simulations for each momentum settings due to multiple scatterings (Huan/Xinhu/Yoomin)

b. NaI acceptance needs to be taken account in the simulation

6. Optics: finished

7. Beam energy, spectrometer momentum calibration: effect on R_L using a model and analysis program (Yoomin) or use Mathematic or similar to get first derivative on every parameters

8. Comprehensive check with elastic cross sections (C and H elastic) - an idea on systematic error (Yoomin)

9. Radiative Corrections (Everybody) a. compatibility check for the new C++ code compared with old fortran code (Huan)

10. interpolation, LT separation,integration, a. New separation code for LT separation - compatibility check with old fortran code (Huan)