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GRINCH Prototype test 2015
Running the DAQ
The computer to be used is: sbs2
- log in sbs2 with user adaq
- ask Carlos or Peibo for the password. Otherwise, ask Mark Jones or Dasuni
can chck more details at:
Guide to the Function Generator
Rule No.1: Do not trust the readings. Always check the pulse with a scope. Also make sure you autoset the scope before using it--- an idea from a pro.
When inputting parameters, make sure you press the button A or B to select a channel before entering numbers. The correct sequence would be for example, HIV(high voltage)---A(channel A)---5---V.
Guide to the PMT HV Control
The HV is through the rpi3 in slot 0 channels 0 and 1. To start the HV gui for sbs1: cd slowc; ./hvs rpi3 If the HV server is not running on rpi3 then: ssh rpi3 -l pi ./start_hv (password is rutaB%314)
For Peibo's project, to see the desired voltage please refer to HV section(HV Map).