APEX EC Meetings

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APEX EC Meetings are currently held every other Monday at 1pm Eastern.

BlueJeans: [1]

Next meeting

June 12, 2018

June 4, 2018

Agenda TBD

Agendas (with brief minutes, in some cases) for past meetings

May 21, 2018

  • News & Coordination
    • update on scheduling (Bogdan)
      • See schedule update.
      • Installation (best effort basis) currently planned to start Jan for spring 2019 run
    • CIPANP talk: Seamus is going and will give talk.
    • update on remote collaboration meeting
  • Summary of APEX Background Radiation study (Juan Carlos). slides
  • Discussion of APEX Run Preparations (EC discussion)
    • Instrumentation and software preparations:
      • Tohoku group is leading SciFi preparations
      • Software for online analysis, time calibration, optics tuning should be updated; high-occupancy VDC reconstruction should be revisited starting from Seamus's studies
      • Seamus and Bogdan will discuss and report in more depth at next-to-next meeting.
    • Keen need to recruit students
      • one APEX PhD student could lead preparations for the run, if recruited soon. Alternately a handful of experienced students can work on more could do much of the preparation

April 30, 2018

  • News (all)
  • Schedule Update? (Bogdan)
  • Memo summarizing ERR responses and updates [draft is attached—thanks to Rouven and Bogdan—with significant additions needed] (Natalia)
  • Collaboration meeting plans (Natalia)
  • APEX paper progress (Vardan)

April 16, 2018

  • General News
  • News from JLab: APEX installation schedule and remaining work, progress last two weeks
  • Memo to P. Rossi with updated configuration
  • Scheduling Collaboration Meeting (I will send a doodle)
  • APEX paper
  • Organizing the collaboration

April 2, 2018

  • News
  • Status of APEX paper (Vardan)
  • Collaboration meeting (remote) in summer?
  • AOB